º chapter fifteen º

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The week was midway there, and Wednesday breezed over. Sunset actually spent most of the day with Twilight. Both girls found it nice to not keep any secrets from eachother. According to Twilight, the only thing that Sunset ever talks about is Rainbow Dash. Twilight had learned to accept the fact that they were a couple, and she couldn't, and shouldn't, stop that.

It was gym class, fifth and final period of the day. Sunset and Dash had it together.

"Let's have a race. When we get out there, two laps around the field," Dash smirked. She pulled her skort down after realising it was folded at the top, so everyone could see everything, which made her face turn a little red...

Sunset smirked back. "Ok... but the field is huge!"

"Are you forfeiting?!" Rainbow scoffed, causing Sunset to chuckle.

    "No, no... just... Okay let's go!" she laughed. The pair jogged down to the field, and when they got there they set down their bottles. They then stood at the starting lines, and began racing around the field, much to the other student's amusement, and curiosity.

      Rainbow Dash turned out to be significantly faster than Sunset, but that didn't stop her from trying. By the end, she was so out of breathe she couldn't stand up.

     "Hehe! I win!" Rainbow yelled. She helped Sunset up and kissed the top of her hand while doing so. Sunset blushed. She'd been blushing a lot lately, more than usual.

     "I love you Rainbow Dash. Really, I do," Sunset smiled. She'd never believed those words would leave her personal thoughts. This time, Rainbow was the one blushing.

     "Awww... I love you too!" she grinned, letting her girlfriend embrace her in one of her warm hugs.

     "Barf!" one of the students, Trixie Lulamoon, yelled. The duo laughed and joined the group for their lesson.

     One the lesson was over, the school day was too. Sunset and Rainbow Dash made their usual trip back home, and continued their usual schedule, until Sunset had a thought. The pair were sitting together on the couch when Sunset suddenly paused the show, forcing a groan out of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh come on! Really?" Rainbow complained.

Sunset shook her head and laughed, "Yes really. Get up. Let's go out."

Dash glanced at the girl in a confusing way, but didn't ask questions and she stood up and grabbed her trainers.

"So, I was thinking... we go on a little walk, through the woods. Nothing too exciting, but—" Sunset began as the girls hovered in the doorway.

"No, that'd be awesome. Let's go!" Rainbow smiled.

And so the pair went off. Even though it was breaching on summer, the nights were still cold. It was still afternoon so the sun was still high, but they brought jackets just in case.

They came to the conclusion that they wouldn't follow the path and just walk anywhere. Maybe they would end up lost, but it wouldn't matter to them, because they were together.

The sticks and branches beneath them cracked upon every step. They walked slowly.

"So, what's been on your mind lately?" Sunset asked, even though her own mind was drifting.

"You, obviously..." Rainbow smirked. Sunset nudged her playfully.

"I mean like, are you still... y'know, upset about your parents? About Twilight and the texts?" Sunset glanced at Dash who had been kicking a stone across the ground for a while now.

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