News for You

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"Yo, Casey! What's up, Man?"

"What up, Mikey. Hey Raph. Where's Donnie?"

"Leo's sick. Donnie's doing his hourly check stuff."


"I'm back."

"How's he doin, Don?"

"Well, Raph, he has a pretty high fever, nausea, cough. But his fever did go down. So he's getting better."

"Good, bro. We were worried."

"He'll pull through, Mikey. Casey, what did you need?"

"I need a background check done on a girl. A new coworker of April's."

"On it. Name?"

"Her name is, uh, Vanilla?"

"Are you serious, Casey."


"Uh, alright. Come on."

"Wait, hold up."

"Raph, don't start."

"But her name is Vanilla."

Raph started cracking up laughing, but the rest of us just glared at him.


When Mikey won't even laugh, you know it's wrong.

"Come along, Casey. Let's see what I can find out. Last name?"


"Okay. Let's see."

Normally, when Donnie types in a name, a bunch of people appear. This time it was one. A young looking woman with black hair, dyed blue tips and red eyes appeared on screen.

"Yup. That would be her. She no longer has blue in her hair, though. Just black.
"She looks bad ass."

"Raphael. Language."

"Right, Sensei."

That rat never misses a beat. I didn't even know he was around.

"Raphael, Michelangelo, dojo now."

"Hai, sensei."

"Let's see. Born three years after April, same month. So she's a few years older than us. Age 26. Part albinism. Explains the red eyes. Her father named her. Wow. Uh... her parents got divorced when she was ten, wow, sounds like an emotional... event. She was admitted to a mental institution for seeing monsters a month before she turned 18, so during her senior year. Wow nine years ... they have the scetches here."

Donnie clicked on the pictures and there, on screen we both saw an exact picture of Leonardo and Donatello.

"Whoa. She saw you two and she thought she was going crazy?"

"Seems to be the situation."

"Man. That sucks."

"The reports from the psych ward say that she just kept drawing stuff. She never saw the so call monsters again."

"Well fuck."

"She spent a lot of time in the kitchen her last six months there. Made a food that helped almost everyone feel better if sick or upset."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah. Not like a miracle food, but more of a comfort food. She knew how to make people feel... happy. It says here she even helped a guy named-"

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