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"Thanks for walking me home, Raph."

"Yeah yeah. Thanks for helping us... Again."

"I wouldn't even think twice about helping you guys. I don't like seeing my friends hurt or sick."

"Na, V, I mean, you've done way more than anyone has ever done for us. Not even April has done what you have."

"I'm sure she would if she knew how."

"And thanks for saving Mona."

"Why wouldn't I help save her? She's good for you to have around. You need her. She needs you. Come on. I'm not gonna be the reason that you cry."

"I don't cry in most cases, but if she would have died, a part of me would have died with her."

"Ya know, that is a classic line from every corny romance movie ever. But I believe it. You seem to really adore her."

"I do."

"How did you two end up becoming a thing?"

"I was the one who saw her crash. I was going to get her from the reck when The Foot Clan decided they would take it upon themselves to get her. I saved her right before she was taken into TCRI."

"Was she easy to please?"

"No. I saved her and she didn't trust me at first. I'm technically a mutt in her eyes."

"Because you're human and turtle."

"Right, I'm not an alien, I'm a mutant. But I had to explain everything to her. She... I guess she fell in love with me after she realized that she could depend on me. Apparently She's one of the few female warriors on her planet."

"She tell you why?"

"Yeah, and it's not because-"

"Hey, wait up!"


A woman was running at us. She had silky black skin. A black belly shirt that had long sleeves and then black skinny jeans and no shoes on.

"Whoa, got any friends that look like that?"

"Nope. Unless it's human Mona."

"It better not be. She's suppose to be resting."

We watched the girl run to us and as she did, she stood at the same height as human Raph.


"It is you. Babe, what are you doing out of bed. You are suppose to be resting."

"I was not given the opportunity to say thank you to the young human that helped save me. And so Donatello allowed me this suit. Custom made to fit my body. Tail and all."

"I was right! Leo owes April ten bucks. Mona is black as a human. Boom."

"What, shorty?"

"Oh, dude, I drew a picture of human Mona and then a giant mutant girl turtle. Buster named her Venus. Venus and Mona. It was kind of cool. But I drew her kind of like this. Her pants were blue, though."

"I would like to see these pictures."

"I gave the Venus picture to Leo. I have the Mona picture, though. Hold up."

I put the picture back in my bag right before we went down to help Mikey.

Handing off the drawing, Mona stared at it a moment and then held it up to Raph.

"I swear she has some kind of ability. Mark my words, those drawings that she made for your brothers, they will exist."

"I'm not magic Mona, nor do I have some kind of abilities. I just make educated guesses."

"Mhmm. I know I'm right, Vanilla."

"If that's the case, I want to see this Venus person. She has to live up to your name before I like her, Vanilla."

"I'm not magic, Raph."

"So you say. I still think so. Mark my words, Ms. Morgan, you have something special."

Why is she looking at me like that. Her pupils shrank.

Now I feel super uncomfortable.

"Ya know what, I'm just going to walk the rest of the way alone. Later guys. Have a good morning."

"Are you-"

"Come on, Raphael."

Raph looked at me once before he let Mona pull him away. He seemed worried, but since it's nearly five in the morning, the streets are getting busy with people. I should be fine.

"I'm not magic. I'm just a good guesser. I've always been good with numbers and probability."

I don't understand that. All because I've gotten a few things right. Like the poison and the look of human Mona. It's absolute bull.

It would be cool if I was magic, though. I would fuck up so many peoples' lives. Sounds like a fun thing to do. I'm awful.

My building was a fifteen minute walk alone but when I made it, I saw my mom coming downstairs.

"Mom? Where are you going?"

"They called me in to work today. Apparently Justin Baker, that guy I told you about, had a relapse in recovery. I have to go in and figure out why."

"Oh. Well alright. Be safe. I love you."

"I love you too, honey. Get some rest, will you? You are looking mighty tired."

"I am. But all my friends are doing great now. So I can rest happy for now."

"Why must you care for your friends as if they are your own family."

"It runs in the family, mom. You know this."

"You aren't wrong."

"Who was it, Missy Hansen, the first person in a line of different care takers."

"Yeah. She was a first responder in the civil war. Only one person died under her care."

"And we all have saved lives in one way or another."

"You remember this? I haven't gone through our family tree with you in a long time."

"I remember a lot of things, Mom. Come on, what kind of daughter do you take me for?"

"A daughter I love-what happened to your hand?"

I looked down at my swollen red hand and thrn backup at her and smiled.

"The boys don't have a normal fever limit. Most humans die when they reach a fever of one hundred and eight. Not the case for my friends. In fact, my friends all have a limit of one hundred and fourteen."

"Oh my."

"Yeah, I got minor burns after helping him when his fever was at one hundred and ten."

"Because the body can usually only withstand a temperature up to one hundred and nine. Right."

"Just a pminor burn. I'll be fine. And if you see my friends, don't tell them about this. They don't know what caused it."

"You got it. Now get your butt upstairs. Go to sleep."

"Alright, I'm going, I'm going."

Sleep sounds so nice.

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