Fixing It

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"I called in for a reason, Donatello. Your fever went down. That's good."

"H-How's Mikey."

"He's sleeping. His fever dropped as well."

"What about Leo and Raph?"



"Helping. Come on, lay back down."


"Get some rest."

"Thanks for doing this."

"Yeah yeah. I'll be back in an hour to check on you."



As soon as we took Donnie's temp, I didn't even have to do anything else. I could tell he had what Mikey had. I had to split the soup in two and after I handed it off, Raph suited up human and walked with April and I. We dropped her off and I gave her instructions to ensure that she doesn't get this then Raph walked me home so I could inform mom of the situation. Then we went back and started cleaning. I got places that were down low and cleaned and disinfected all of Donnie's computers and keyboards. I also disinfected the handles of the metal weapons and completely cleaned all other weapons. I cleaned out the fridge, made breakfast for Splinter, Raph and Leo, broth for Donnie and Mikey. We were almost done. They were getting the few places left on the second floor.


I need a second to sit down.

Crossing over to the couch, I sat down and fell back against it.

"So exhausted."

I wish I could sleep. But I can't with Donnie down now.


"Yes, Raph?"

"You said you wanted our sheets?"

"Yes. Put them in the laundry room I brought back ups from my time out earlier. You and Leo and Splinter all should go get rest."

"What about you?"

"I got to do the laundry. And if I fall asleep I won't get up."


"And I hate to ask you this question but when was the last time that you all washed your clothes?"

"Uh, your definition or mine."


"It's been a couple of months."

"I see. I need you and Leo to strip and put your clothes into the room as well. If Splinter can then him too."


"Thank you."

"What about Mikey and Donnie?"

"We'll have to get them after they are well."

"Got it. Be right back. Close your eyes when I tell you to. Got it?"

"I've heard this line before. Right before I got stabbed."

"Why the hell would I stab you?"

"You wouldn't. Look, if I close my eyes for longer than a minute I will pass out. You all have five minutes. I'll be in the kitchen finishing up dishes."

"Should be enough time. I'll let them know."

"Thanks. Timer starts now."


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