I Got Your Back

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"Buster, where's the crayons?"

I was trying to get some coloring time in with the kiddo before he went to bed, but the supplies weren't where I normally kept them.

"Jewel took them away."


"She said I could use them as a weapon."

"Hmm. Never would have thought that. I had a feeling she was on the verge of doing that. Now are you ready for another secret?"


I moved to sit down right across from him at his room table. Then I reached into my backpack and pulled out my own supplies.

"I bought a sixty four pack."

"You did?"

"Yeah. Left the sharpener at home because that is dangerous."

"Right, it's got sharp parts on it."

"Right. So here. I'll take 'em with me and we can plan for next time. Okay?"

"Okay, and I won't tell nobody."

"I hope not. How else will I smuggle crayons in to you?"

Buster giggled at me as I handed the crayons off to him.

"Remember, the timer is set for our play time and then it's bedtime. Did you get all of your things done? Brush your teeth, comb your hair, stuff like that?"

"Yeah. Kendal liked getting to walk around with you and reading with you. He enjoys the time he spends with you. We all do. I'm sure that Jackson was even happy to see you."

"Ha, you know there's a problem if even Jackson is happy to see me."

"Will you sing me a song before you go home? I miss your singing."

"You have to let the other two hear it."

"Okay. I can do that."

"Then I will gladly sing you a song. Now in the hustle and bustle of everything, I only managed to draw one picture."

"What is it?"

I pulled out the picture I had from my back and handed it to him.

And he immediately looked excited.

"It's a turtle human girl thing. Isn't she Pretty?"

"Are you seeing those things again?"

"Na, I just thought that the turtles I saw were males. Why not make a female one."

"She looks weird with hair."

"You think so?"

"Yesh. Maybe a mask like that one turtle guy you drew a picture of." 

"Ah. Okay. We can make it a dome one, instead of one that goes across the face."


"Just watch."


I drew something similar to what Raph wears but made the knotted ends twist into a braid like thing to make it look like hair.

When I slid it back to Buster, he did a little excited dance, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow, she's so pretty. Can we give her something to do?"

"Sure, what?"

"Well her braid seems to be floating around her. We should give her magic."

"Alright. Now what should we call her?"

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