I Call Witchcraft

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"Leo, here."


"Come on. If you want pizza again, you have to take what she says."

Rolling over, I saw Donatello standing there, a small bowl of chicken broth and a large glass of water in his hands. Father stood next to him, showing no facial expression what so ever.

"Why are you even listening to other people."

"At this point, with how you're healing up, I would believe everything she said. You made a miraculous recovery. She said keep it light and stay well rested."

"Who is this person anyways?"

"Just a psychopath who was taken to a ward after seeing two turtle like creatures land in front of her."

"Raph and Mikey did not."

"It was us this time. Do you not remember her? She helped you when you fell this morning."

"You must be mistaken. April was the one who found me."

"Ha. Vanilla is way more... curvy than April. She doesn't even have a similar tone of voice."


"Sorry, Sensei."

"You must abide to what she told you as well, my son. Go and rest your head."

"Yes, Sensei-oh getting a call. Donnie here. What's good, April?... uh-huh. Okay. I will let them know... I'm trying. I find it hard and you know it... yes... four hours... thank you. Tell her he's doing fine... yeah well when she found him, he looked terrible... no, he doesn't... she did? That's good. I don't want her feeling upset that he forgot... no, I'm sure he would be more grateful if he was feeling well... you did? How did she respond?... well, to be expected, but at least it is now one hundred percent real to her... you can give her mine, but only mine... no, Mikey and Raph, they can be a little overwhelming and... yeah... she wants to... alright. She can if she likes... alright. Well, have a good day. Yeah, later."

"What was that all about, Donatello?"

"April. I'll tell you about it in a minute. Finish up here, sensei?"

"Of course."

He seems to be reacting to this girl in more of a positive manner compared to April.

"Leonardo. Why must you give your brother the cold shoulder?"

"I don't trust her, Sensei."

"Donatello has informed me about her situation. Casey has even said that this woman naturally has no presence. You did nothing wrong if you could not sense her. But that is also not her fault. For some, it becomes rather easy to disappear rather quickly."

"Whoa. Raphael, Mikey! Check this out!"


"No, Leonardo. You must stay in bed."

"But Sensei, I-"

"Please abide by the rules set before you. I will tell you the situation in a moment."

"Hai, sensei."

I'm not one to complain, but I hate just sitting here.

I can't say it's pointless. I mean I didn't listen yesterday and I can't even remember half the day.

I just hate it. I'm twenty five years old, for crying out loud. I should be able to-
"These are very well done."

"They are. I think she drew you, Mikey?"

"Awe, dudes she did a good job. Look at my baby blues."

Baby blues? Why is he saying that all of a sudden. Doesn't sound like Mikey.


Ah! That was sudden.

Mikey came running in followed by the rest of them.

"Look at these, bro. Vanilla made them."


"They are indeed wonderful. I wonder how she will draw the rest of you?"

"How are you Alright with this, sensei?"

"She does not wish to go back to the ward she spent two years in. She will keep our secret for the sake of her own life if not ours."

"How does she explain this then?"

"April says that she claims to draw her dreams."

"And people believe her?"

"I don't know about you, Leo, but when a red eyed pale faced human from the loony bin tells you something, you believe it."

"Newsflash, Raphael, your girlfriend is a six foot nine, alien space warrior who can kick your ass in a thirty seconds flat."

"That's different, man."

"It's the principle. Raphael likes Mona's aggression. There is something mildly uncomfortable about Vanilla's calm demeanor. It's somewhat chilling."

"See? Don gets it."

"I think she's cool. She can be intimidating, though."

"Hell yeah she can."

"Definitely. You would be right, Mikey."

"I am intrigued to meet this woman."

"She might need a couple of days to calm down. We are stuck down here until Leo is better anyways."


That was a woman's voice.

"Hell yeah. She's here."

"Hey Don. Can you get me a copy of this picture?"

"Yeah, Mikey. Come on."

"Might I see this young woman, Donatello?"

"Sure, Sensei. I've got a few pictures of her."


So this woman has ensnared Mikey and Donnie. How though. Mikey, sure. He's simple minded. Donatello, he's only ever fallen in love with his inventions.

Or maybe it has something to do with her behavior. Kind of like April and how she can level with each of us. Except Raph. But April has also never sparked fear into the heart of Raph like this chick has.

I honestly can't remember anything from last night. The last thing I remember is hacking up half a lung and then refusing to miss patrol since my fever went down. Next thing I knew I was in my bed.

Splinter has been with me for most of the day today. Supposedly the girl told Donatello to take care of himself.

When I say it, I'm just being a buzzkill or a worrywart. But when a red eyed girl thing says it, it becomes law. Like what kind of sewer swine is this?

I guess that despite my frustrations I can't overlook the kindness she showed me. To both me and my family.

I just don't fully understand.

"Hey, Leo?"

"What now, Donnie?"

"I... awe, thank you."


"Sorry, Leo. Nelly was just saying something. Anyways, she said that if you drink your broth and water, and you don't feel sick or nauseous, you can eat white rice with your dinner."

"Oh joy."

I hate this woman.

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