Breathe Easy

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I need to calm down. I need to find the main reason for my rage. Just breathe, Leonardo.
I've been in the dojo all day. I just wanted to understand why I was acting like this so I was meditating. I have been this whole time. Can I be harsh? Yeah, but not like this. I just keep giving the girl the cold shoulder.
She saved me for crying out loud. Why can't I get past this feeling of hate? Why can't I look at her and be thankful, or happy, or even somewhat respectful. I can't even bring myself to look at her since earlier, how she had no shirt on.
The image of her flashed into my mind and I could feel the heat rush to my face.
"Leonardo? Ya alright, bud?"
Vanilla? How long has she been standing there? Donnie is right. This girl had no presence until she makes herself known.
"Uh, yeah."
"What are you doing?"
"A form of meditation."
"Ah. Can I join you?"
"Sure. Do you know how to meditate?"
"You don't sound too sure."
"Well, I use to meditate to calm my nerves."
"And just think straight?"
"I do that too."
"Come on. I didn't know you could meditate."
"Don't need to be a ninja to meditate. People do it in a ton of different ways for a ton of different reasons."
She walked over and sat right next to me, folding her legs like me without struggle.
"How do you meditate? You don't chant, do you?"
"Not unless I'm struggling."
I watched her close her eyes, her hands lying flat on her knees. She took a deep breath and then started to breathe evenly.
Now I can't focus. She's good. She must not be stressed. Or she's so stressed that she's trying super hard.
She's got a nice face. I mean she has a nice face in general, but, I mean, it's still nice, even when stoic. Why am I explaining this to myself. I know this? I know what I'm talking about.
"Wait a second."
Her jaw just dropped. Did she just fall aslee-
She fell to the side, her head landing on my knee, unfolding herself in the process and then curling up.
"Uh... Sensei?"
Dammit. I can't move now. It's like having a cat. A giant, cuter than cute, less furry, cat.
What am I suppose to do? Am I going to be stuck here until tomorrow or will Raph come looking for me. Let's be real, Leo, when Mona is around, Raph is nearly oblivious to everything that doesn't include her.
"Leo? Where are you?"
Yes, Donnie is on the way.
"Leo, I might have... Awe that is adorable."
"What am I suppose to do, Don?"
"Hold still. I will return."
Jeez, she is adorable. Look her hair in a messy bun and her... everything. Fucking adorable. I wonder why she's able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Not very many people can do that. In fact, most people I know struggle to sleep. Maybe it's a weird thing she goes through.
Hmm? The snap of a camera?
Looking up, I saw Donnie with a blanket and a pillow while Mikey had a camera and Vanilla's new sketchbook in hand. Splinter stood on Donnie's other side, nothing in hand, but I know a curious person when I se one.
"That is so adorable. You are right, Don."
"Agt. You don't want to disturb the precious human resting it's head on your leg.
"Before we help him out, I have to show him this and record it."
"Father, help."
"I am helping by watching."
I hate my family.
"Leo, dude, you looking comfy."
"Shut up, Mikey."
"Before I do that, here, look at these drawings in her sketchbook."
"Uh, okay."
He handed off the sketchbook to me and I opened it. The first picture was a picture of Master Splinter and he was smiling.
"That's a good picture."
"Keep going, it get's better."
I turned the page and saw a picture of Mona, done in gray and black. Then a picture of Mona and Donnie kicking my ass. Then there were pictures of Raph smiling with Mona in his arms. There was a picture of Donnie sitting and staring at a computer monitor, and there was Raph, glaring at something out of view. Each picture had been drawn in the color of their mask. Not colored. Donnie in purple, Mikey in orange and Raph in red.
I wasn't ready to see the next page.
I turned the page and I saw a dark night, a set of royal blue eyes glaring at me.
The next page had the same set of eyes, but they were now attached to a turtle mutant who looked like me. I was glaring at something. But then I flipped the page and saw myself smiling at a Mikey sitting next to me.
"Yeah. I can't believe she found you smiling."
"Not what I meant, Mikey."
"Is it the fact that she has three pictures of you?"
"Curiosity, Leo. She's drawn a few pictures of all of us. She's been told that she's crazy for seeing us and drawing us. It might be her way of coping with it."
"Or maybe she just likes to draw us."
"We are pretty awesome, Mikey. I can get behind that idea. Uh-Oh, an alarm."
"Go and get that Donatello. Mikelangelo, Help me help your brother."
"Hai, Sensei."
"Hold still, Leonardo."
" I am. I don't want to wake her up. Come on."
Master Splinter placed his hand under her head and lifted it slightly.
"Move your leg. Michelangelo, place the pillow under her head when He moves."
All this to keep this girl asleep. I guess it makes sense. I would wake up my brothers or Casey in a heart beat, but if Mona or April are sleeping and they didn't need to be up, I wouldn't get them up.
"There. Now let us go and see what your brother's alert message was."
"But what about our friend here, Sensei?"
"She is fine where she is, Mikelangelo. Trust me."
"Guy, you're going to want to see this."
"Oh boy. Come on, Mikey."
"Right behind you, Leo
I left the dojo first, Mikey and Sensei right behind me. In the main room I saw Donnie, Raph, and Mona all standing there.
"I'm here."
"Glad to see that you escaped. So here is the situation. The report finally went through and April has reported Nelly missing. She's at the Ward right now. Buster is crying."
"I don't get the big deal."
"I do not either. I need some sort of explanation."
"Donnie and I made her crazy, she went to a mental institution and made friends with someone who has three different personalities. One of them is very negative. He is violent. If the third personality takes hold, people will get hurt."
"Oh shit."
"Rapha... Never mind. I give up with this."
"Situation at hand, please."
"She on air about it right now, Donnie?"
"Play it."
"Rodger that."
"His name isn't Rodger. It's Leo."
"I am gonna kick your shell!"
Grabbing Raph and Mikey by their shells, I made them face me.
"Pay attention, you two. Donnie, play."
"Ladies and gentlemen, after nearly twenty four hours, Vanilla Cupcake Morgan, a receptionist here at channel six news, has appeared missing. A formal friend of hers would like to send a message out to the people who took her. Now who am I talking to."
"Hi, I'm Buster."
Oh wow, he actually sounds like a kid. That is weird.
"Hello Buster. What would you like to say to her kidnappers?"
"That I am upset with you. So is Kendal. He's too upset to come out. If You don't give me my friend back soon, I will be forced to let Jackson loose. She was the only one of my friends that Jackson enjoyed bothering. And he does not play nice if you cross him."
"Jackson hard to get along with?"
"Well I hope she's delivered safe and sound. By the way, I have something for you. I got permission to take it from her room by her mom."
"April, what are you doing?"
"She wants Kendal to see it first."
"Okay. Will I be allowed to come back?"
"I assume so. I will tell Kendal to let you back."
The guy closed his eyes and then, when they opened, the guy stood up straight, popped his back and then froze.
"Where am I? I told Buster I can't be out right now."
"Kendal, I told him to let you out."
"Hey, you're April O'Neil. I use to watch you all of the time with... With Nelly."
"Oh, now don't cry. Maybe this will make you happy. But when you are done, you have to let Buster back. Okay?"
"Okay, didn't want to be out anyways."
There are two papers.
Kendel looked over the first one and then flipped to the other one.
"Awe. She remembered."
"Excuse me?"
"I... Nobody ever visits us. So for our birthday every year, she would write me a letter to tell me that she cares and then she would draw a picture for Buster."
"I could never think of anything good for her, though."
"Aw. Well she didn't seem to care. What did she draw?"
"Buster and I like silly things. This picture is an elephant in a top hat and he's drinking tea."
"Ah. Wow. What do want to say to her kidnappers?"
"Nothing. But Nelly, if you see this, be safe. If you die, There's no point in coming back. Jackson might as well win."
Kendel started crying and then lowered his head.
Then he shot up and curled up again, holding the paper close to him.
"You like it, Buster?"
"When is your birthday?"
"In a-a couple of days."
"Well happy birthday."
"Thanks, Lady."
"Buster, come on. It's dinner time."
"Coming Mr. Chester. Have a nice day, Lady."
"You too. This is April O'Neil, Channel Six news. If you have any information on Vanilla Morgan, please call the number below."
"That would be the last of it."
"What are you thinking, Leo?"
"I think that a couple of us need to pay a visit to Buster."

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