Blame Game

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When I woke up the next morning I found my clothes the cleanest they've ever been and folded at the foot of my bed.

Once dressed, I made my way down to the main level and found Splinter and Raph both meditating.

Raph was actually meditating. Both of them looked put together.

"Good Morning, Leonardo."

"Good Morning, Master Splinter. Morning Raph."


"How are Donnie and Mikey doing, Sensei?"

"They are doing fine. Both their fevers dropped to Normal as of this morning. Vanilla promised to come back and wash Donatello's and Mikey's things after work."

"She's a mother fucking miracle woman all on her own, Leo."

"Wait, she went to work after all she did yesterday?"

"A young woman has to make a living, Leonardo. She's no exception."

"We have to check on them though, and she said no solids until later. So if Mikey begs for pizza, we gotta say no."

"Duh, Raph. How long has she been awake?"

"To be honest bro, she seems pretty tired. She was out of here for four days. Then Mikey got sick so she was up all night and then all day taking care of Donnie and Mikey. Along with helping us clean and doing laundry. Then she was, again, up all night. So she's been up two days already, going on three."

"Thanks for breaking that down. Raph."

"She also made breakfast for us. It's in the kitchen."

"Really? That was kind of her to do."

"Everything that she's done for this fucking family is kind. She's been nothing but kind. Even after realizing that you and Donnie were the mutants that put her in the loony bin."

"Calm yourself, Raphael."

"Right, Sensei."

"Why are you bringing this up, Raph?"

Raph suddenly stood up and I could see the fire in his eyes as he glared at me.

"Why did we have to fuck up another person's life. First April and Casey. Now it's her. Who's next?"

"If it wasn't for Vanilla, our brothers would be dead, man."

"And she would have helped, even if she didn't know us. But who was the stubborn ass who decided he was well enough to go out when he wasn't. It could have been so much worse. To top it all off, you made her-!"

"Raphael, enough. Sit down and meditate."

"Sorry Sensei."

He sat back down, but he didn't start meditating. Instead he just stared at rhe floor in front of him.

"Leonardo, come with me."

Oh shit. Am I in trouble? Why am I in trouble? This is so not fair.

Splinter lead me away from the dojo and into the kitchen before he spun around to face me. I couldn't read his facials, so I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"I do not mean to pester, my son, but I am curious."

"About what?"

"Donatello informed me of a situation with you involving Vanilla."


"He told me that you were showing interest in Vanilla and that was why you were being so negative."

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