29- My Ride

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"How come you came to pick me up, Donnie?"

"Casey couldn't do it and Vern is with April, following a case of some kind."

"Ah. Sorry."

"Na, I wasn't doing much. What's this about talking about killing yourself?"

"I was just upset. You didn't tell Leo, did you?"


"Good. I don't want to stress him out, to say the least. I don't want to stress any of you out. But I guess it's too late for that."

"You are a prime example of how my brother acts. He hides his stress a little better than you, though."

"Yeah well. He's not on a list to collect and do whatever with for helping people heal, both physically and mentally."


"Did he go home and go back to bed? Please tell me he did."

"He did until it was time to train."

"Ah. Good. Did you and Mikey all sleep alright."

"Yeah. I was worried for you, but I knew that you wouldn't want me ruining my own health stressing over you."

"Good lad."

"You look nice by the way. Why? You use to live here."

"I'm meeting with the owner."

"Jewel hates you."

"Not the manager, the owner. The owner does personal research as well as background checks. He knows that Jewel hates me and wanted to personally meet up with me."

"Ah. Makes sense. What are you going to do if you get the job."

"Well, I'll be something like a den mother. I'll have a clutch of people, probably ladies, and I'll watch over them and make sure they do everything they are suppose to. I would like to be Kendal's personal nurse, but I can't. Not trained to be and Mitchel already claimed it."

"Do you think that the foot will try to grab you while you're there?"

"No. Too much crazy there."

"Crazy how?"

"Besides Buster and Jackson? Uh, when I was there, there was a woman there that was an extreme hypochondriac. To the point that if she read a book, she thought she was the main character and she would act that out. Then you have simpler cases. Like a girl would cut, and her mom couldn't handle it so she shoved the young lady in the mental hospital."


"There was another young girl who... let me think... she had post traumatic stress disorder after being molested and treated as a sex toy by her dad. And then by two foster dads. The poor thing. She basically has this inability to stay still. She's very smart. Always has her nose in a book or always building or making something. She kind of reminds me of you."

"Wow, okay. Anyone else?"

"No, none that I can think of. Wait, got one. The girl's roommate. She has ADHD to the max. She can only focus when you give her a skateboard or dancing."

"Ha. Sounds like Mikey. That doesn't seem like a good reason to be at a mental institution."

"She can't function in society. So her parents did what's expected. Hide her from the rest of the world. Her parents, along with the other girl's parents, haven't visited since they've been there."

"What a shame."

"I did spend time with them as well as Buster. I introduced paper wall coloring. If I get the two, I will do it again. They both loved the distraction."

"You really enjoy helping people, don't you?"

"Well yeah. If I can help, why not?"

"And that's the spirit I love to be around."

"Awe. Thanks, D."

"If we wore the suits, do ya think we could visit there?"

"Maybe? But ya gotta be careful. There is a girl there named... what was her name... We called her candy. She only gets female nurses and security because she was... too touchy with the males."

"Never mind."

"They wouldn't place you with her. Or shouldn't. If I would place you anywhere, it would be with that girl who was in foster care. I told you she doesn't like to keep still. She likes to build because it takes a lot of physical movement but it occupies her thoughts so that she doesn't remember what she went through."

"Why her?"

"When she invents and something goes wrong that she can't figure out, she'll look for someone to help or give a second opinion."

"I could be good at that. What are some things that she's done?"

"Last time I talked to her, she was struggling with this thing she called the hoverboard."

"She's trying to make a hoverboard? That's a process. Does she even have the tools to do that?"

"Yes. Don't tell nobody."

"She not suppose to?"


"Who got them for her?"


"You did?"

"Yeah. She's not a violent person. And Becca isn't either. So I knew that they would cause no harm. But they would hide them from the staff as well as Buster and Kendal. Someone who would visit the two every now and again."

"Becca is the girl who has extreme adhd."

"Yeah. Iana is the name of the girl who likes to build things."

"Ah. And she's stuck in there until they want to release her?"

"Basically. I told her if she gets out that she can try and get a hold of me and I would help her any way I could."

"Right. Because she would have nowhere to go."


"We're here. I'll wait for you."

"Thanks, man. I appreciate the ride."


I climbed out and walked to the entrance of the building, and was greeted by a familiar face.


"Chester! Oh my gosh, it's so great to see you!"

"It's great to see you too. Why are you here?"

"I have an interview with the owner here."

"Ah. That explains why he's here. Jewel was panicking. Who just drove you here?"

"My friend, Donnie."

"Friend or boyfriend."

"Friend. He has three brothers and I'm friends with all of them. Though I would love to be in a relationship with one of them."

"Do tell."

"I ain't telling you anything until I see pictures of baby. I'll see you when I get out."

"Got it. Good luck."

"As long as everyone but Jewel put in a good word, I'll be fine."

I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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