Chapter 1 and actually its 34

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‚What shall I do? I cannot transform into Sailor Moon, otherwise he would know?!'

The cascade of flames quickly came closer to them.

‚But if don't do anything we will both die.'

There was no other way. She just had to do it. Never in her young life she had thought to share this intimate moment of the transformation into her super heroine alter ego with HIM! She blushed but was fairly aware of what she was going to do next. Usagi raised her right hand up and yelled the familiar magic words like never before.

„Moon Prism Power...Make...Up!"

He could not believe what he saw after the girl with the funny hairstyle cried out her strange order. His eyes went wide open, he was utterly stunned.

,Whats is going on here?

Odango Atama?

Sailor Moon?!'

Everything happened too quickly for him to grasp properly. Before he even got a chance to react to anything SHE grabbed his arm and shouted

„Sailor Tele Teleport!"

'What for God sake was this order for?'

He felt a warm, pink light which surrounded him and all of a sudden the darkness and the heat disappeared.

The flames Zoisite sent down to the elevator hit their target a millisecond after the blonde heroine and Mamoru managed to escape by her teleporting facilities. A huge explosion occurred immediately afterwards. While the flames of destruction pushed up the elevator shaft, the blonde general of the Dark Kingdom grinned devilishly and murmured to himself

„I will let Queen Beryl know that Mamoru died by an accident."

By laughing out loud the last bit of the sentence, Zoisite dissolved into the darkness.

Mamoru opened his eyes and tried to look around. He still seemed to float. An opaque pink fog prevented him to see properly. After a couple of seconds the light was gone and by hitting the ground with his knees gently, his vision became clear.

Obviously he was outsight of the Starlight Tower...and she was next to him.


He still could not believe what he witnessed in the elevator a moment ago. He was completely shocked.

'What did just happen?!'

"It is over, don t worry. You are save."

With a quiet stammering voice she continued to explain

„Well, ahem, you see...I...I didn't have any other chance to get us both out there"

She still kneeled slightly crouched and waved over to him insecurely.

He could do nothing else but gapped at her. Usagi, little clumsy Odango Atama, just transformed in front of his eyes into the pretty guardian Sailor Moon. Head of the Sailor team, rescuer of the whole world. He was left in absolute disbelief. Totally out of his mind and by taking a deep breath, he stood up and finally found his voice

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