Chapter 3: Something to sort. (Part 1)

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Chapter 3: Something to sort. (Part 1)

Three days passed and the Heroes had become as capable as mid-rank adventurers. For a normal person, it would have taken years of continuous effort to reach this point. If they wanted, they could easily leave the palace and make a living outside. We had also been having lessons on the history of the continent. Lessons which were heavily weighted around Elsbeth and painted demonkind in an unfavourable manner. Of course I made it my duty to 'fix' some explanations and explain some events in more detail, much to the annoyance of certain people. The Heroes had certainly learnt a lot so far but there was still one thing they had not done yet.

In the usual courtyard we trained in, three large cages had been set up on one end. Knight Captain Rafhound stood next to them with other knights and magicians on standby. On a side note, since my little demonstration of strength I had been exempt from the harsher combat training. Instead I stood at the sidelines and read books from the library as I watched the Heroes train. I had been offered numerous times to come inside but I quickly recognised it at as a ploy to separate me from them. It wasn't only that, I had been offered 'special' lessons in magic away from the Heroes and even a house in the town outside the palace if I ever felt 'stifled' by life here. They couldn't do much directly to keep me from the Heroes, so I stuck to them as much as I could.

Back to topic however, the Heroes and I stood in the middle of the courtyard attentive towards the Knight Captain.

"Today you will taste your first real combat. Although you have sparred with each other and the knights, now you will fight real monsters." He gestured to the cages, "Inside are five horned wolves including their alpha. They are common in areas uninhabited and one of the most staple monsters. Don't underestimate their strength, it is easy for the pack to surround you. In that situation alone, even a knight may have trouble."

Gary raised his hand while looking at the cages with a mixture of apprehension and excitement, "Just what are monsters anyway? Are they like mutated animals?"

"No, monsters are unlike humans or anima-," the Knight Captain began.

"Excuse me, may I explain?" I said raising my own hand, "The Heroes may understand easier coming from me."

The Captain frowned but nodded his consent, "Go ahead."

"Monsters are unlike humans, animals or 'demons'. They are fundamentally different existences and are made from rampant mana combined with properties of this world. They only have three basic instincts, survive, grow and multiply. Unlike normal creatures they don't breed, they consume mana from living beings and this mana is used to create more of them and grow stronger. They come in many species, shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common. Let one out please."

The Knight Captain signalled for the cage to be opened. A single wolf came out. Its fur was dark blue and a small white horn shaped like a jagged dagger protruded from its head. The Heroes clenched their weapons. Each of them had chosen the weapons themselves from the Castle's armoury. Carl had a longsword, Alicia had thick gauntlets, Sayuri had a 'katana', and Gary held a shortsword as well as small staff.

I raised my own staff towards the monster. The staff was unnecessary as I could manipulate mana directly from inside me but for now it did a good job holding me back. A single lance of ice shot forward and pierced the wolf's skull. It crumbled to the ground and from it a cloud of light began to rise, till it finally dispersed in the sky.

"That was the pent up mana in its body. All monsters will release something like this upon death. Additionally its body will dissolve in the next few minutes. If you want something from it, like its horn or such, you need to harvest them quickly." I finished my explanation with a satisfied nod.

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