The Win - Lee Taeyong

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NCT 127 were on the stage, waiting for the crowd to stop screaming.

You were one of those who couldn't stop... your boyfriend Taeyong and his members looked so good. Too good.

They were there to announce the winner of the best new female category, for which you were nominated.

Each member looked exquisite, jackets and suits on point as well as hairstyles that you just knew would be the talk of tomorrow on Twitter. The spotlight looked great on them. Their skins were glowing; in one word, they were perfection.

Wondering who was going to be the speaker, your question was answered by Jaehyun stepping forwards into the microphone.

"Hello everyone! We're NCT 127 and we're here to announce the nominees of the category of Best New Female Artist!" He starts reading off the list, and each fandom starts clapping every time they hear their fave being announced. As your name left his lips, your hesrt skipped a beat.

"...And the winner... is.." Jaehyun stopped, reading.

You saw Mark, who was behind Jaehyun and was reading over his shoulder, and his eyes lit up. Slowly all of them clapped excitedly, whispering amongst themselves. Your eyebrows furrowed, this feels like good news...right?

After a few moments of anticipation, Jae continued, "...Y/N!"

You gasped and the tears you were holding back escaped. Spotlights landed on you, and your friends around you all surrounded you, giving you hugs and congratulating you.

You walked up quite unsteadily, your dress shining brightly due to the lights. Cameras rolled, every pair of eyes on you. As you were making your way around tables, other artists smiled at you and tried to get ahold of your hands.

You reached the stage and each member hugged you, Ty last.

Jae handed you the award and you completely lost it, everyone clapping. Tears leapt out of your eyes and you silently thanked your makeup artist for giving you waterproof makeup.

You couldn't believe it. What a year it had been. From starting your career as a soloist to your album selling by the thousands within the first few your boyfriend Taeyong supporting you throughout and fans finding out and being kind and supportive about it...

And maybe it was the fact that you were crying so uglily, or the fact that your dress fitted you perfectly, or the fact that his love for you only grew as his pride increased of your win, but... Taeyong, having stared at you deeply, caressed your cheek before pulling you for one of your deepest and most beautiful and soulful kiss of your relationship of 8 months. The entirety of his feelings for you, his love and pride as well as happiness just exploded in the manner of a kiss.
A kiss that shaped everything about that night for you two. And was caught on camera, millions watching. Which you were later scolded for by your mother.

The boys started cheering, the applause lengthened and you didn't hold back either.

"Congratulations, my love. You deserve it wholly," he whispers as his lips depart yours. Your smile, from ear to ear, would not disappear for what seemed like forever after that moment.

Because right there and then, you had it all.

The perfect fans. The perfect win. The perfect dress. The perfect career. The perfect friends and supporters. And most importantly, the most perfect, most healthiest relationship.


If only this were true...🥺🥺

Don't forget to stay safe y'all, self isolate and be careful! x

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Don't be a silent reader!


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