Apologising to you - Moon Taeil

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You sigh, entering the nearly-full metro. People push past you, getting in and out, but you don't particularly care. The stinging feel of fresh tears almost overwhelms you, but you've got it covered as you hide behind the dark sunglasses.

It's night-time, so you are ready for the odd glances your way, but it's not like you could care any less.

You've had a shitty day, in fact, the shittiest week so far. Work has given you a full workload, your boss demanding too much of you and still not paying you enough; and even if this were happening normally, at least you could vent off and be calmed down by him, the one who can always relax you no matter what.

But it hasn't been like that - work was too much and dinnertime and bedtime were too lonely. Two of his closest friends, Johnny and Taeyong, have been trying to make you smile a bit more, but you know too well that they're stuck in the middle and neither one wants to pick between you and him.

Him...Moon Taeil...The man who up until a month ago, was the only one who mattered to you. Dare you say it, you even thought of asking the little man to be your husband. Yet, as all great things, it all ended.

Not forever, as you both have too many strong feelings for each other; but for the past two weeks, both of you have been suffocating yourselves in work and giving each other no time to think of one another. You just wish you could take the argument back, and that every insult the two of you threw at each other would be forgotten.

You soon found yourself just around the corner from your house. The house in which he temporarily moved out of, because seeing each other became a burden after the cries and the pain.

As you approach your front porch, you notice two people standing near your door, mumbling among one another. You carefully take your house keys out of your bag, wishing you had brought that damn automatic headlamp that Taeil wanted, just so it could illuminate the strangers' faces.

A sigh of relief washes over you, though, as you recognize the laughter that erupts from the two men.

"What is going on?" You ask Johnny and Haechan, who are patiently waiting for you. They just smile at you mischievously, and something in your stomach tells you they're up to no good.

Well, not your stomach, more like your experience with the pair, which reminds you that when put together, these two are daredevils. You shiver, not wanting to remember their Halloween's antics from last year.

As they continue to silently smile at you, you shake your head deciding you don't actually want to know what they're up to.

As soon as you unlock the front door, Haechan pushes past you and runs into the spacious living-room, jumping on the couch with his shoes on, acting like he's at home. He then looks back at you and Johnny expectantly, and so laughing, you two follow suits.

Johnny searches for the remote as he asks, "So, how was work today?" in a sing-song voice.

You steal a glance at Haechan who stood up to grab himself some popcorn, before replying, "It was awful, thanks for asking."

Johnny nods, reaching for some popcorn when Haechan struts back. "Who are you anyway, my husband?" You ask, eyeing the oddly-behaving pair.

Not like they act any less odd usually.

"And I'm your son then!" Haechan yelps happily, whilst getting his shoes off and placing his heavy feet across your laps. 

Squished between the two, you have no choice but to let them go on. You're too exhausted to fight them, but you also do like their presence in the otherwise empty house.

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