Babies - Jungwoo

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My little boy tugs at my dress and I smile warmly at him. His features show curiosity, his big doe eyes wide, mouth hanging a little open, his tiny eyebrows raised. His brown hair, which I had just finished combing through with my fingers, fluffied up.

"Yes, darling?"

"Mummy, how are babies born?"

I chuckle, ruffling my 7-year-old's hair to make it fluffier. "With love."

He giggles and thanks me, skipping into his primary school.  As his warm hand leaves mine, I can’t help but awe at how much he has grown. I swear just yesterday he was crying to be milked. How time flies when you’re in love, right?

I shake my head, still amused by his random question, wondering why he'd want to know that.


As I pick him up from school that afternoon, I ask, "So, who's the special person?"

"Sorry mama?" he eyes me curiously, looking cute as he licks his vanilla ice cream.

"Who do you want to have babies with?"

He gets flustered and red, and giggles, "This little girl in my class. She's so cute, she's my best friend! We love each other and are married!" he says excitedly, causing me to awe again. How many times can my son make me go “aww” in a day? The answer is a million times.

"Awww my boy is all grown up," I tease, pinching his cheekies and then driving us home.

The next day, I drop him off again and this time he runs straight into the school playground. I watch him do that, wondering why he had no time to say goodbye.

And then I see why: the little girl! His cute, small girlfriend is waiting for him, and as soon as she sees him, she runs to embrace him.

Awwww, they're hugging so tightly! I can't stop gushing over this little love display. Kids in love is the best thing.  

When I’m fiddling inside my bag, searching for the keys I swear I had just placed in there a moment earlier, an irritated voice stops me. 

"Excuse me, miss?"

I stop in my tracks and smile at a woman. "Hello, can I help?"

“Is that little boy who’s holding my baby girl yours?” She asks, her finger pointing towards the small pair of excited kids.

I nod eagerly – I am proud of who he is. That little ball of sunshine is adored by all. Sure, he can be loud sometimes, and completely random, but he never fails to leave a long-lasting impression on others.

“Then can you tell me why you think it's a good idea for your kid to go around asking little girls for babies?" she interrogates me, her eyes drilling holes in mine, and her voice is laced with annoyance.

Taken aback, I stammer. So, she's the mother of my son’s little girlfriend...and the handsome man by her side must be the father. He's smiling at me, a shy smile, almost apologetic for his wife's lack of manners or enthusiasm for love. 

"Well, that's not what happened. Plus, I don't see why letting him act lovey dovey with his best friend is so wrong...they love each other. What's wrong with love?" I look between the pair standing in front of me, feeling a little bit cornered by her.

"They're SEVEN. And they don't know anything about love. They're too young. I hope you teach him some manners and leave my baby girl alone."

She tries to stomp away in her big, fancy heels but I stop her. "How about you learn to let your kid be happy and young and carefree? Don't tell me how to raise my kid as if I am clueless. Their love is pure and absolutely adorable. So, no, I won’t tell him anything of the sorts as long as he’s happy and she is happy; I won’t get in the way, and neither should you. They're innocent and are doing absolutely nothing wrong."

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