Unrequited - Nakamoto Yuta (& Na Jaemin)

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Mark, Taeil, Jungwoo, Yuta and Jaehyun sat in various places around their shared living room. The other four boys, Doyoung, Taeyong, Johnny and Haechan had just left to go upstairs to their shared dorms. It was quite late into the night, but these five continued to chat about what lay ahead of them. What with their repackaging of "NEOZONE", they were all fatigued and excited at the same time.

The manager that shared a room with Mark has just walked in, carrying a sleeping figure in his arms. This rose the boys' interest as they all craned their necks up with curious eyes.

"Hey, everyone, can I just lay her here somewhere? She's had drilling practices all week and tonight it has taken a toll on her. I just need to go find some place for her to rest for the night, she doesn't have the energy to get to her place downtown."

"Sure thing, Manager," Mark nodded and stood up, giving his couch for the tired dancer.

"I'll be back, take care of her meanwhile!" The tall, handsome manager shouted behind him as he closed the front door.

The boys sat frozen and watched the sleeping girl, not knowing whether they should head into their respective rooms or stay with her in case she wakes up.

Yuta, however, soon made his mind up. To him, from the moment he saw her, his eyes sparkled. Something felt right, like a missing puzzle piece has been found in his soul.

He remained focused on her as he made his way to her side of the couch, a blanket in his arms. Slowly and gently, he placed the soft purple blanket onto her, making sure she's comfortable and warm. He felt a need to protect her all of a sudden, and disliked the idea of her spending the night in a room she had no recollection of.

"I can take care of her, you guys head off to bed, alright?" Yuta mumbled, his eyes tracing her features and taking mental notes of her breath-taking beauty.

The boys didn't really know how to respond. They know Yuta is a man who feels deeply, and he can be very affectionate however not with literal strangers. This, to them, felt very uncharacteristic of him.

Taeil didn't want to question anything so he made his way to his and Yuta's room in very tiny steps.

Jungwoo and Jaehyun followed after bidding good-night, deciding they can question Yuta tomorrow when the rest of the group are there, too.

Mark stood glued to the floor, wondering what Yuta wanted to do. "Hyung?" In a small voice, he asked.

"Mhmm?" came his reply. Yuta didn't even bother to look back at Mark. His attention was on her and her only.

"Um...what are you planning to do?" Mark continued to fiddle with his hoodie.

"Ahh...I dislike her spending the night alone in some random room the Manager will give her. I'd rather her stay here, in a comfortable space, protected by me."

By 'you'? Mark thought, but didn't dare ask. He doesn't really want to seem inconsiderate.

"Will she sleep on the couch, then? You don't have any spare beds in your room, hyung. You're sharing it with Taeil..." Mark tried to come up with solutions, understanding what Yuta felt.

"Is it crazy that I'd let her share a bed with me? Just to sleep, of course. I just... don't want to sleep on the couch, but also don't want her to sleep here either."

Before Mark could offer himself to sleep on the couch, and for her to share the room with their Manager, Yuta decided to follow his gut.

"Wait –" Mark was about to point out, 'What if she wakes up suddenly and screams? She doesn't know us!' but Yuta already carried her to his room.

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