We Young - Lee Donghyuck

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It is the Easter holidays and I had planned to go to my uncles’ house. At first, when my boyfriend Haechan heard that, he became pouty and sad because it meant I wasn’t able to spend those two weeks with him instead. So, after a lot of back and forth, my uncles finally agreed to meeting my boyfriend of nine months.

Together we packed and that’s when it hit Haechanie. He was meeting the heads of my family, essentially, since my parents aren’t in the picture. He was meeting the two men who took care of me and acted like my fathers more than my own dad did. It was honestly surprising to see him grow from confident to shaky and full on nervous; it was also adorable. I hold his hands throughout the journey, and speak gently to him in the taxi ride to the mansion of my childhood. He looks tidier than usual, his hair soft and fluffed up, wearing black jeans with a white shirt and a caramel vest jumper. He really is trying to impress them.

“You’ll be completely fine, Haechanie,” I muse, leaning on his shoulder.

But he gulps, disbelieving me. “But what if they don’t like me? If I don’t vibe check with them? This is serious, Y/N, it’s our future together that’s at play! If I don’t dress right, or say the wrong thing by mistake…Aish, it’ll be the end of me…” he keeps mumbling, eyes looking around, a serious look on his otherwise gentle features.

I take a hold of his trembling chin and hush him, making eye contact with him finally. “Haechan, my love. Breathe. The only terrifying thing about my uncles is their visuals. They look intimidating, I’ll admit. But they’re very much the opposite of that, trust me. They’ll love you, less than I do, but that’s the way it should be. They won’t break us up if they see how happy you make me, you dummy,” I tease, kissing his cheek.

He blushes and leans his forehead on mine. “Okay, let’s get it!” He shouts, breaking our moment.

As we open the door to the taxi and pay the driver, the red front door of my uncles’ home is opened instantly. My smile brightens up even more as I see my younger cousin peeking out of the blinds, eyes wide as he recognises me.

My uncles make their way to the taxi, helping us with our luggage. As we enter the echoey, wide, white corridor, I greet them all excitedly.

“Uncle Taeyong! Uncle Jaehyun! And JISUNGGGGGGG!” I hug them all, and tighten my grip onto Jisung.

He screeches and tries to dive from me, but I’m stronger than this little human stick.

As we stop fooling around, I turn to face Haechanie and intertwine our fingers, to which Jisung pulls a disgusted face – until Taeyong glares at him to stop it.

I can practically feel Haechan’s heart over-beating as he says, eyes lowered a bit, “Mr Lee, Mr Jeong…It’s nice to meet you. I’m Donghyuck – but everyone calls me Haechan.” He swallows, and then also waves at Jisung politely.

My uncles take a step forward, arms open;
“Call me Taeyong, son.” The blonde-haired man smiles warmly, embracing my boyfriend. I see his muscles relax under my uncle’s warm embrace.

“And me, Jaehyun.” My other uncle steps forward, his cool navy hair perfectly combed into its place. He also hugs my Haechan, slightly tighter than Tae.

“Th-thank you,” he blushes as they pull away, still awkwardly shifting his body on his feet.

“So, I think a house tour is in place,” Taeyong says as Jae wraps his long arms around his husband’s tiny waist. As he sees that Jae won’t budge any time soon, Tae sighs and speaks up, “Well, since my hubby has decided to become a fulltime koala, I’m just going to go over the basics and then let our wild Jisung show you the rest. Basically, I have simple rules: you’re not to sleep in the same bed as Y/N. Therefore, you will sleep down here, in the very warm living room and actually comfortable couch, whilst she will sleep in her own room, upstairs. Other than that, you have a bathroom down here for yourself, and make yourself comfy. You’ll be here for a while, after all.”

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