Thief Of Hearts - Wong Yukhei

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Dancing your heart away, the club's music booms through your heart. Drunken and mad at your ex, it is a toxic mix, dangerous. You are letting loose, your body dress hugging you tightly. Your killer heels are digging at you but you couldn't give a damn. You feel sexy and hot, and right now that is your ideal dream.

You soon spot a gorgeous man staring you down, his top button undone, exposing his collarbones. His jaw edge-cutting, with beautiful plump lips and thick eyebrows that captured his mature vibe. Eyes alluring, hair slicked back.

His dark orbs eye you up and down slowly, taking in all your features, one by one; this makes your knees weak and wobbly, and your downstairs friend flames up.

You find your legs make their way to his private couch, ignoring the way his intimidating hot friends stare at you.

"Hey beautiful, come here often?" He purrs lazily, biting his thicc lip. He takes a sip of his alcoholic drink and you notice his collection of rings on his long fingers.

The drink getting into your blood, you slur, "Pretty much every weekend...This is like my second home.."

You fall on his lap, and his bulging arms catch you swiftly.

He lifts some hair away from your face, smirking like a smug king.

"So, what should I call you, sexy?" His dark eyes pierce yours.

"Call me Y/N, stranger," you say before you can't control youreelf any longer and go in for his big, soft, plump lips.

Flashforwards to 3am, you two stumble your way through your dark studio, going at each other like there's no tomorrow. Clothes are being thrown on every corner of the room, underwear thrown around like they're nothing. The bed sheets entangle themselves, as do limbs. That night, you had the exercise of your life and felt so pleasured.

The next morning, you wake up to a cold, empty bed. After a few minutes of getting ready to get up, you notice that half the clothes have gone.

Huh, he's that type. The one night stands guy. You sigh, your headache strengthening.

It's okay, though. You were only looking for some fun, even if deep down you want more from the sexy, alluring stranger from the club.

Dang, you didn't even catch his name...

Next Saturday
You are currently lazing around and wonder whether it's worth going to the club. In your pyjamas, you are in front of the mirror. You have been going to the club for ages, almost like a ritual: every Saturday at 11 o'clock you enter with yet another exquisite but too short of a tight dress.

But this time, you have some work left over to do...sadly.

You text your girls you can't make it this week, and finally settle down in your living room with a cup of warm hot chocolate and your laptop.

At midnight, you're still furiously typing away at your essay. Why did I pick philosophy as my major again??

Then, out of the blue, you hear a sound in the darkness, almost like someone is fumbling blindly. You realise it's coming from the direction of your front door. What the hell?

Carefully making your way to the door, you pick up a pan that you find lying around. The rattling sound becomes clearer. someone trying to break in? Into your apartment? Oh my God.

As you get ready to swing your pan - only previous experience of this was by watching movies or flipping half-burnt pancakes - you inhale sharply.

The wind is then knocked out of you and you stumble backward. The door finally opened, light entering your darkened hallway, revealing a guy waltzing in...wait, the bar guy? Your last weekend's flirty, hot, dazzling one night stand?
You see surprise flash as his eyebrows knit up, almost like he wasn't expecting you there.

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