CCP Boy Pt. 2 - Jung Jaehyun

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*Doyoung's POV*

"Everyone clear on their roles?" I ask the group of boys in front of me, and they all nodded, with varying degrees of seriousness across their faces. And so, our plan stirs to life.

Throughout the week, I keep begging Hayley to go on a date with me. I pester her in every way I could think of – threw her cute sticky notes with "Wanna go on a date with me?", coerced a friend of mine to serenade her (note to self: she hated the attention. Had to abort mission), texted her cute date in the end, I gave up and blatantly asked her out.

We were outside on a bench, waiting for Jaehyun to come over from chemistry.

"Oh, c'mon pretty!" I beg, showing her my puppy face.

"Listen here, you annoying bunny. I am sick of you asking me – your intention may be cute, but the sheer amount of stress and social embarrassment you have given me this past week has been through the roof." She eyes me, digging into my soul.

I gulp and squirm under her stare.

"Okay, listen. I'm sorry about that, but I don't take "no" as answers. So please, just once. One date. I promise you, if you feel it's off, or if it goes so horrendously, I will forever keep my silence afterwards. We'll go back to this Tom and Jerry friendship of ours, and you can also have a maximum of three big favours from me." I give her my best pleading face, hoping with all the good extras, she'll accept my offer. Will she cave in?

"Ugh, fine. You've been trying to hit on me since the start, so let's skip to the end." She goes back to her baguette, whilst I feign being hurt by her words.

"Ouch, my sweet princes-"

"Oh, and stop with the nicknames. You want a date – treat me like any normal human being. No special nicknames or anything," she interrupts.

Dang it. She knows I'm down for anything just for this stupid date. But at least I have it.

Based on what Jaehyun told me, she loves ice cream. So....

"Saturday, 11am, ice cream parlour by Boom Park." I state.

She frowns and eyes me. "What do you mean?"

Rolling my eyes, I answer, "For our date, silly."

Hayley deadpans. Luckily, Jaehyun's slow-ass has finally arrived and they begin a more relaxed conversation. Johnny and Lucas soon follow from their extra practices, all glistening and hot.

It's 11 on the dot when I hear the parlour's bell ringing. A new customer has entered the lovely red-lit place. I turn to face the newcomer, and I am pleasantly surprised – Hayley has cleaned up really nicely, in a casual flowery dress with a black leather jacket thrown over it, and some cream coloured sandals. She let her hair breathe naturally, only holding it in place with a plastic colourful flower crown.

I stand up to greet her, still stunned. "You look – wow..." I gush, speechless.

She blushes, a pink tint covering her soft features. "Ah, thank you Doyoung. I suppose it is our first date after all, so here I am, making an effort." She sits down with a wary sigh.

I have 10 minutes to babble on with Hayley, so I decide to first get us some ice cream since 1) this is an ice cream parlour and 2) I am getting ready for the awkward silence, so I figure eating cool ice cream is a good time consumer.

"What flavour would you like?" I ask her, getting my wallet out.

Her face illuminates and she replies, "Ooh, strawberry please!"

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