Dancers Pt. 2 - Park Jisung & Kim Doyoung

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"Woah, damn hon, your lips do be looking plump, though," Jaeda winks at me cheekily.

I shy away, thinking back to my Doyoung. We headed in together like we said, but kept a respectable distance for our privacy's sake.

I felt a shift in Jisung's behaviour today, and during a five-minute break, he tried to talk to me. However, he didn't even manage to end his sentence, "Look, Y/N, I'd like to just say tha-" because I cut him off, disregarding it.

"I'm sure you had your reasons, but I'm afraid I'm no longer interested in acting scared of you. I appreciate your hard work, and I swear I'll only give that back in return. But we don't have to fake being friends. I'm only sorry it took this long for me to realise that."

I step away before he could stop me. And because of this, the awkwardness almost stopped, and we both focused on nailing our choreo and perfecting our timings.

Lunch hour is up now, and I gladly wipe my sweaty forehead with my blue towel. We silently make our way to the busy canteen, where almost every group is there, sitting and chatting among themselves. As trainees, we're placed towards the end of the room, surrounding the bigger stars. NCT – along with Jisung and Doyoung – is right near the food, so they're a safe distance from us.

"So, hon, how was practice?" Jaeda asks me warmly, already munching on her tuna baguette.

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

"What, no more whining about Mr. Park's unfair ways of teaching?" She teases so I slap her arm lightly.

"Guys, sorry to disturb, but do you know why the company's chairman wanted to talk to us?" Kimberly frowns, staring between the two of us. We both shake our heads. Did he? That's curious, I also wonder why.

*Third POV*

The shy Jisung hangs his head down low, pouting at his food.

"What's wrong, Sungie?" Chenle worries about his best friend.

Jisung sadly shrugs. "I failed, again. It was somehow even worse, and we talked this time! What am I supposed to do?"

He had a clear plan in his head. He even wrote down the speech he was going to say, detailing his shyness and also how sorry he was for acting like an ice-cold jerk. He was also going to ask her to become friends, and maybe go out to the park or do something together outside of the stressing environment that is SM's studios. He had checked carefully to remember the whole thing, but she had had enough of him...

The 127 members hear this, and all smile pitifully. They have been brought up to speed about this during their morning practice, and some from last night when Haechan told his roommate Johnny about the problem.

Doyoung sincerely says, "I'm sorry, buddy."

"Hey, where were you last night? I forgot to ask you," Taeyong wonders as he sets his tray down across from his best friend.

"Ah, I had a date and it went deep into the night." Doyoung's face turned a gentle crimson colour when he remembered the sweet kisses he placed along Y/N's soft skin.

"Ewwwwwww," Haechan retorts from further down the table, pulling a disgusted face. Doyoung rolls his eyes as his brothers laugh around him.

"Not like that, you heathen," He bites back, knowing Hyuck is out to annoy him.

"At least one of us has luck with love!" Johnny quips, nudging Doyoung.

"Thanks, it was honestly an amazing night. I couldn't have dreamed it better," he announces.

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