Chapter 6

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A sliver of light finds an opportunity in the gap between the purple curtains hanging from the window and slices through the room like a laser beam, zeroing in on my closed eyes. More powerful than a nudge, it drags me from my dream with its heat. It drags me...from him.

Ever since last night, I haven't stopped replaying what happened. His gray stare was like the molten ray currently torturing me. It was penetrating. I couldn't stop replaying his nearness in my mind. So much so, I apparently dreamt of him. It's maddening.

I blame Kiki for what happened. Not that anything really happened except for a man whispering in my ear. But, I've never experienced anything like it before. It scrambled my brain. Lord help me for when I'm kissed for the first time. Although what he did and the way he did it, felt almost more intimate than any kiss ever could. This is what scares me.

What if this were true? What if this man, in particular, possesses a certain power that rivals or prevails over any kiss? To add to it, what if no man could ever make my heart stop like he had? My lips curl into a half smile. I've been watching too much anime. It's something I tend to do. Romanticize everything. I guess it's safe to say, I live in a fantasy world sometimes.

Maybe it's because I can control what happens in my fantasies and dreams, making the story whatever I want it to be. It's why I love to write. I'm not any good at it, but it doesn't matter because it's my own art. Art I certainly don't choose to share with anyone. My stories are romantic and far too embarrassing to share. Too embarrassing because I put too many of my own desires into them. I would hate for anyone to see any part of myself in the heroine who is always me. Not even Kiki's read any of my stories. But, she's not a big reader anyway.

Throwing the blankets off of me and dragging my bum out of bed, I dismiss any further thought of Satan whose name is Shy. A shy Satan.

"Hilarious," I whisper with a snicker.

It's the weekend, and while there's homework to be done, I should really go out and find a job. It would be nice to have some spending money and something to do other than homework and laying around. Knowing Kiki, she'll be off on her own a bunch. Being an artist, she's always meeting art friends and attending gallery openings, museums and workshops. I'll definitely need to keep myself busy.

I could search local internet listings, but I'd rather take a walk around town and see what I can see. Maybe there'll be a coffee shop hiring or some sort of waitress job that'll be merciful on me once I tell them I've never worked anywhere other than a law office. Although, I'm not sure I could balance a tray of food if my life depended on it. So maybe not a waitress? Yikes. Not sure that'll go over well. Maybe I should have taken a McDonald's job when I was fifteen to get my feet wet. Instead, my mom recruited me to her office.

Pulling one of my white blouses out of my small closet, I sniff it and breathe a sigh of relief. Kiki hasn't gotten to it. Of course she hasn't. It's white. Kiki only wears black, duh. Heh. My ultimate defense in clothing against Kiki is to wear any color other than black. Finding my blue jean skirt, I pull it out and then cheer when I also find my pink Vans. This is a cute outfit, right? Wait. Does the blue jean skirt match with the pink Vans? Can I wear pink and blue or does it look like baby colors? Damn it. Where the hell is Kiki? Glancing at the clock, I groan. It's already nine in the morning. How the hell did I sleep past seven? I usually never sleep this late. Annoying.

Grabbing all of my things, I head to the bathroom. I'm not gonna lie, I'll be forever grateful me and Kiki have a larger private room on campus. I  keep referring to our place as our room, but it's more like a small studio apartment with its own bathroom and living space. Most freshman, if any at all, don't have a place like ours. You have to have money, and it's usually seniors who have the luxury we do thus helping to disguise our freshman status.

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