Chapter 23

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My anger overrides the passion Shy has stirred within me. If it weren't for the anger, I would be easily lost in his arms. The sensations he manages to conjure within me is magic. It's something I'll never have again after today. After this moment. Even if I ever did meet someone else and move on, I'll never have this. Placing my hands against his chest, I shove him away leaving me breathless.

My fingers shakily touch my swollen lips. This is the last time I'm going to feel this because I refuse to let Shy take advantage of me.

"Luna, please," his voice husks.

"Let me go, Shy. Open this door."

"I'm not letting you go. I fucking lo...," he stops, a look crossing over his face.

It feels like minutes are dragging by. He's just staring, but so am I. In a breath, he breaks the moment unlocking the door and leaves without looking back.

He left me. Left me standing in the men's room. What just happened? Glancing myself in the mirror, I come to my senses and leave to head to my next class.

I feel like I'm a zombie walking in a daze. Was he about to tell me he loves me? I'll never know because he didn't finish his sentence. What if he had? What would I have done? I'm glad he didn't finish his damn sentence. It would have complicated my already messed up feelings. I start to walk faster.

If I immerse myself in my work, things will be okay. Distraction is what I need. Actually, food is what I need. I'm going to go to lunch with Eric whether Shy likes it or not. I mean, I'll go to lunch if I can find him on campus. Either way, Shy has to learn he can't boss me around. God, I need my best friend.

After two more classes, it's finally time for lunch and I see Kiki first. There must be a look on my face because her expression drops.

"What happened?"

"I met up with Eric in the library and then Shy came, threatened Eric, locked me in the men's bathroom with him and kissed me. My life is hell," I groan.

"Oh my God. I'm gonna have Alex tell Shy to leave you alone."

"Kiki don't. I don't want Alex's relationship to be ruined because of me. It's okay. I can handle him."

"He's never going to give up on you, Luna. He's clearly in love with you."

"I don't know. He was about to say something to me, then he just stopped and left without a word. It was so weird."

Kiki shook her head draping her arm around my shoulders and walked us into the cafeteria straight to the pizza station. She's the only one who knows me, I swear to God.

"Violá. The cure and answer to all your problems," Kiki laughs.

"Hey!" Eric jogs up.

Oh great. Just what I need. Despite my early reasoning of my going to lunch with Eric, actually being faced with it feels a bit different. I mean, didn't he hear Shy? If Shy catches us together, he's going to kill Eric. Isn't Eric afraid? If not, he should be. I shoot my eyes at Kiki.

"Are you Eric Sumner?" Kiki asks.

"I am." He holds out his hand, but drops it after he realizes Kiki isn't going to take it.

"Dude, you're pretty gutsy. You do remember Shy is her ex right?"

"I don't scare easily. Plus, Luna agreed to have lunch with me."

"It's a threesome," Kiki states. "She's having lunch with me too. We're getting pizza."

"That's not the healthiest of choices, you know," Eric admonishes.

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