Chapter 19

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How is that two people, not including Kiki, manage to find out about something upsetting to me all in one weekend? I mean, my parents not providing for me properly isn't something I like to talk about. People in my situation defy their parents and simply get a job. They would think I'm dumb for listening to my parents and choosing to suffer. They'd be right. I am dumb. What am I doing not providing for myself? How would my parents ever know?

Shy handing me one thousand dollars was crazy. Aela was right. He definitely didn't act like I'm a golddigger. He took action and rectified the problem. He's a good man. That's why, I'm not taking his money. Before we left the house, I said I had to use the bathroom and placed his money in his cabinet drawer. I'm not taking a dime from this man. It's fine if he wants to take me out on a date, and hopefully, I'll be able to take him out in the future too. But, I'm not taking cold hard cash from him.

Shy's a very successful video game developer and that's something that he's earned on his own. I'm not taking a dime simply because I'm his girlfriend. I'm not entitled to his success. I refuse such behavior.

Tomorrow, I'm going to look for a job and become self-sufficient. I was mortified when I burned the chicken I was cooking, but maybe this happened for a good reason. Maybe, this was an eye opener for me. I've been too complacent with how things have been these past few months. That's not good. If my parents don't want to support me one hundred percent, that's fine. I can get along on my own just fine.

I've even started re-thinking what I want to do for a living. Do I really want to work in law? When I sit and think about it, I definitely don't get excited about it. A reassessment is definitely in order.

Following Shy into the restaurant, I slide into the booth and smile up at an older waitress as she hands us menus. I'm secretly happy Shy took us to a Japanese place. Now I can have some serious Ramen. I really want a chicken Shoyu Ramen bowl. Yummy, yummy, yummy! Happy my mind.

"Did you hear 'bout the harvest festival?" Shy asks.

His stormy gray eyes are staring at me from over the menu he's holding. How am I with a Satan rating man? Satans are very rare. One hardly ever sees a Satan out in the wild. They're mainly in magazines or made up in my mind. But Shy is one hundred percent, Satan. He makes my heart race. I wonder if he knows I'm always nervous around him.

"Mhm." I almost forget to answer him.

"Are you going?"

"Mmyymm," I shrug. Am I going? No. I can't afford to do anything but walk around the festival. That's not fun. Plus, I'm not sure if my parents would even come if I invite them. My mom hasn't bothered to call me the entire time I've been here. Maybe I should call her.

"You don't know? Well, I'm going. And since you're my girlfriend, you better come with me."

"Demanding much?" I roll my eyes at him and laugh.

"Oh, I'm very demanding. You'll learn over time just how demanding I am," his brow cocks.

My eyes grow at this bold statement. What the heck does that mean? Is he serious or is he teasing me? I can't tell because his nose is in the menu. For once, his eyes are not on me.

"Do your parents know? Are they coming?"

"Shy, I don't know. What's with all the questions?"

"I think you should call and invite them if they don't know. Everyone's parents will be there."

"Is that so?" I cross my arms and watch him nod. "Will yours?"

"Nah. They don't come to that shit."

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