Chapter 17

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Wei was paler than ever and didn't even acknowledge his presence. He seemed to be unconscious, and he was terribly cold.

Yunlan wrapped his own jacket around him then tried to warm up Wei's face with his hands.

Wei's head moved slightly. Yunlan pondered on his options. He was in a hospital, after all, he could call for help, but what could they do for him?

Yunlan had seen it happen before, although not to this extent, and he doubted that putting him in the hospital care was what Wei needed the most, and he was sure as hell that it was not what he would have wanted.

He quickly reached his decision. He wasn't one to torment himself for long, once he made up his mind all possible doubts vanished and he set into action.

He wanted to get Wei out of there, help him recover. He didn't like seeing him like that, they would have to talk about it sooner or later, he decided.

Yunlan spent a couple of seconds looking at Wei's pale face, feeling the same interest he had felt since they met.
"Who are you really?" he murmured knowing Wei couldn't hear him.

Yunlan sighed. "We could be friends, if you only stopped pushing me away."
He knew that he himself would have liked that very much.

Setting those thoughts aside, he proceeded to put one arm under Wei's legs and the other behind his shoulders.
With no small effort, he lifted him up.

Yunlan walked as quickly as he could carrying his burden. He hoped not to be noticed but someone saw him and tried asking him what was happening, if he needed help. Yunlan didn't stop to answer, dismissing the matter with a hasty: "Tired!"

He got out of the hospital and looked around for Wei's car. Seeing it parked not far, he walked over then fished the keys out of Wei's jacket pocket.

It was very difficult to do that while holding the man in his arms, but somehow he managed it and placed him on the passenger's seat.

Wei seemed to be sleeping peacefully now and Yunlan started the car.

The drive home would take too long and he wanted to put Wei into bed as soon as possible, so he stopped at the first hotel he saw.

He parked the car and went in to get a room for two, then he went back to take Wei in his arms again and carry him inside.

"He is really tired, it's been a tough day." It was the only thing he could think of when he noticed the owner staring at him.

He already had the key so he carried Wei to their room.

He put him into bed immediately and covered him with the cheap blanket.
Wei moved slightly, his face frowning. Yunlan thought he had to be uncomfortable since he was still wearing his work clothes which not only included his jacket, but also a buttoned-up shirt and a tie.

Yunlan heard him murmur, "DongMei," and vaguely remembered it to be the name of one of his 'friends'.

It still felt so weird to him, but he had reached a compromise. If he had troubles accepting the idea that ghosts really existed, for the moment he could simply accept that Wei believed that they existed.

He sat on the side watching him for a moment, then stood up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, Wei was still sleeping so he moved closer to check his condition.

Yunlan checked his heartbeat and breathing, but they seemed regular enough.

He put a hand on his forehead. He wasn't feverish, on the contrary he was still cold.

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