Chapter 33

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"You should take a leave from work. I can justify it with your boss if necessary," Yunlan said with his eyes on the road. He had quickly retrieved his car and was now driving them to yet another hospital.

Wei's laugh made him turn briefly to look at him, it was a lovely sound.

"You sure you can do that? It's not like you're the chief, although you act like one." Wei's tone was light and playful, and Yunlan smiled despite himself.

"You'll see, I can be very determined."

They reached the hospital where they would meet a young woman brought in in a state of shock. As they entered they were informed that the patient was currently unable to receive visitors, so Yunlan impatiently showed his badge to the nurse demanding to see her as soon as possible.

The nurse seemed to dislike Yunlan's aggressive tone. He slowly turned to Wei as if they had all the time in the world. "Are you a policeman as well? May I see your badge?"

Wei opened his mouth in surprise, unsure of what to say, but Yunlan answered for him.

"He's a... friend," Yunlan quickly said, a bit awkwardly, then he resumed his officer composure and added, "I can't reveal his role in the investigation, but I can vouch for him. It's very important that he comes with me."

Wei gave the nurse a cordial smile and they were taken to see the doctor that visited the young woman.

"She has a few bruises caused by the fall and she was in a state of shock. We gave her a mild sedative, she should be able to talk to you, but keep it brief."

They thanked the doctor and entered the room where a woman in her twenties seemed to be sleeping, but she turned her head towards them when she heard the door opening.

She was very thin, with wild brown hair and a sleepy expression on her face.

"Who... who are you?" Her voice was low and slightly hesitant, but her gaze let them see that there was a proud personality behind it.

Yunlan introduced himself. "Would you tell us what happened to you?"

Wei's eyes turned on him as if he was surprised to hear such a sweet, caring note in his voice. Yunlan kept looking at the girl, waiting for her answer.

"I was... walking when suddenly I... I felt like I was pushed to the back of my mind... unable to control my... my movements. My hands let go of the crutches and I... I fell down... I just fell... I don't understand, I would never let go... my legs..."

There was a tear in her eyes now, and she closed them while her cheeks started to redden. Wei instinctively moved forward murmuring softly Gelan's name, and he took her hand.

"You're not the only one, you know," he told her. "This... condition has affected many people, there are even two men in a coma, but you'll be fine." He smiled at her, and she smiled back, seemingly relieved at his words, and unknowingly soothed by Gelan's motherly embrace.

They didn't stay long. Her eyelids started to close so they let her rest.

They spoke a bit more with her doctor, then walked out in silence. When they reached their car, Yunlan seemed lost in thought. Wei studied him for a moment then he cleared his throat to attract his attention.

"Yunlan, I..."

"I'm sorry," Yunlan spoke at the same time. He seemed uneasy.

"What?" Wei was lost, why would Yunlan apologise to him?

Yunlan ran a hand through his hair, looking very uncomfortable.
"Look, about what I said earlier, I..."

"What are you talking about?" Wei interrupted him, completely unaware of what he was trying to say.

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