Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Man you guys rock, I can't believe my story is getting this much attention! I can't thank you guys enough, you really are awesome. Please enjoy chapter three of "Politics in the Mist".

aruto was speechless as he looked at his soon to be wife. She was incredibly beautiful, truly breathtaking, perfect curves, auburn hair, amazing green eyes, and a walk that just screamed sexy. "Wow…," He stuttered.
Mei smiled, happy to see him completely under her spell already, "Thanks, you're pretty cute yourself," she wasn't kidding, the whisker marks were very exotic, and he had a very muscular frame for someone his age.
Naruto shook his head and brought himself out of his stupor and brought up the flowers, "Sorry, these are for you, it's very nice to meet you… this is gonna sound kinda stupid, but how do I greet you, do we shake hands, hug, what? I'm not really used to this kinda thing."
Mei brought the flowers to her face and smelled them, they had a fantastic aroma. She gave a small laugh at Naruto's question, "I think a hug would be the best choice, a handshake is far too formal,"
Naruto smiled and walked up to the woman, who quickly enveloped him in a hug, pressing his face in her cleavage for added effect. The blonde blushed heavily and his friends laughed behind him, Anko was the first to speak, "Wow gaki, if your face got any redder you'd match the Mizukages hair, by the way is that colored, or do the curtains match the drapes?"
Everyone's jaw hit the floor, only Anko would ask the Mizukage a question like that. Mei just smirked, "Sorry, that's for me to know, and Naruto to find out,"
Naruto nearly passed out after hearing that, Anko just laughed, "I think you and I will get along just fine,"
All of Naruto's friends began to to ask questions of their own, but only Sasuke's managed to get through, "You know you're marrying the dead last of the academy don't you?"
"Sasuke!" Kakashi snapped.
Mei just smirked, "funny, it seems he's wearing a chunin vest and you're not, seems like you've been surpassed by my soon to be husband if you ask me."
Kiba fell on the ground laughing, "dude, she so just told you. Hot and funny, lucky you huh Naruto?"
They were all about to try and start asking questions again but they were cut off by Naruto, "Look, I know you guys want to get to know Mei, but I really need to take her to see the old lady, and I'd like to at least try to get to know her a bit on the way, so did you guys mind?"
They all got the idea and nodded, Naruto looked back at Mei and offered her his arm, "Shall we head out," Naruto asked "Thank you Iruka-sensei for the teaching me how to be polite towards a woman" Naruto thought. Mei smiled and took his arm and they began to walk to the Hokage's office.
Naruto decided to get the biggest question on his mind taken care of first, "So you know about the fox already," Mei nodded, "do you...ya know... are you,"
Mei stopped him with her hand, "Naruto, I don't hate you, heck I've just met you. If anything I already have a great impression of you, after all you had that many people cared enough to support you with all this."
Naruto smiled "talk about a feeling a weight lefties of your shoulder. Oh yeah, pervy sage didn't try anything on you did he?"
Mei shook her head, "no, he was actually pretty nice, even gave me a some scrolls for you,"
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "why'd he give them to you?"
"Just because you have a scroll doesn't mean you can use it, we have to have someone who knows something about that element, sealing, or one of the toads for the toads scrolls, to teach how to understand what's inside. I'm the only one who can get those scrolls into the Mist and find you teachers without them confiscating the scrolls. By the way, Jiraiya mentioned something about your father, but I had heard you were an orphan, care to explain?" Mei asked him.
Naruto nodded, "we're almost to the homages office, we should probably wait till we get there before I explain it."
Reluctantly, Mei agreed, as much as her curiosity was peaked, she supposed she could wait a bit longer.
Sasuke was busy at the training grounds, destroying trees with fireballs and grumbling to himself. He was beyond angry, how dare that damn woman imply he was weak, did she know who he was? It was insulting being looked down on like that, let alone around the others.
He continued to grumbled when Kakashi walked up to him, "Care to explain what that whole thing back there was all about?" Kakashi asked in his usual nonchalant tone.
Sasuke scoffed, "humph, I was just giving her the facts, she's marrying the dead last isn't she?"
Kakashi didn't look up from his 'Icha Icha', "that's funny, didn't he save your life twice during the chunin exam?"
Sasuke scowled, "so what if he did, who cares? He just abbonedoned us the moment he got any good. All if the sudden he gets all these friends and now he's just leaving, you said it yourself, he's lower than trash now. Forget him, who needs him? I don't, I don't need anyone!" Sasuke screamed.
Kakashi looked up from his book, "he's not trash Sasuke, he didn't choose to leave, he's doing it for the village...wait a minute this is about you isn't it. You don't want to admit you're gonna miss him."
"No I'm not, he's just gotten to big of a head," Sasuke snapped.
Kakashi sighed, "Sasuke, why do you think it's not ok to miss him? Naruto told me you were only he felt he could relate to growing up, and something tells me you feel the same. He's been your rival for years now, you saved his life in the Wave, and he saved your from Gaara. What, did seeing Itachi again just magically turn back to pain in the ass we met on the first day?"
"SHUT UP! You want me to say it, fine! I'm gonna miss Naruto! Are you happy now?" Sasuke screamed.
"Yup, that all I needed, see ya later," Kakashi said looking back down at his book.
Sasuke just stood there dumbfounded, "Bastard tricked me," he muttered.
Tsunade had the Uchiha on her mind as well, she was in the middle reading all of the classified documents she needed to be filled in on now that she was Hokage and she had just began to read up on some of the secrets of the Uchiha clan, and she was shocked as she began to read the file on the massacre. She was snapped out of her reading when someone knocked on her door, she put the scroll away and yelled, "come in."
Naruto walked in, his arm hooked with Mei's, "Hey Baa-chan, how's it going?"
Mei looked shocked, "you call the legendary Sannin, Pervy Sage, and Baa-chan? You must have a death wish."
Tsunade had a tick mark on her forehead, "I believe he does."
Naruto gave his classic foxy grin and scratched the back of his head, "how else would you know it was me? Anyway, I brought Mei here to fill her in on everything she doesn't know yet. We should probably start with my dad she's pretty curious about that."
Mei nodded, "yes, I really would like to know what's going on with the Naruto's father"
Tsunade's face got serious, "you can't repeat what I'm about to tell you to anyone, it would put you, Naruto, and many others in danger."
Mei couldn't possibly have been more curious, "alright, will you please just tell me already?"
Naruto looked at Mei, "My father was 'The Yellow Flash', Minato Namikaze."
Mei was immediately silent, completely shocked, "wow...well that would explain why you were chosen to contain the Kyuubi, and I'm guessing Iwa is who you don't want to find out."
Naruto spoke up once again, "what about the Akatsuki, how much do you know about them?"
"Only what was in the scroll Jiraiya gave me," Mei told him.
Tsunade frowned, "almost forgot about them. That reminds me, Naruto, we need to get you training again. The old perv told he wanted you to start with wind scrolls that he gave Mei, so I'm going to have Asuma start training you with wind chakra."
"Makes sense, when do we start?" He asked.
"In about a week, we wanted to give you a little time to rest, also Asuma want to track down a chakra blade strong enough to contain demon chakra, he was planning on teaching you some wind style kinjutsu." Tsunade replied.
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "chakra blade, is that like the one that Kisame guy used?"
Mei decided to awnsure that one, "yes, but they don't usually look like that, Samehada is unique, they usually just look like normal metal, you can only tell the difference when you channel chakra in it. Is Kisame the only Mist ninja you've ever met?"
Naruto shook his head, "no I meet one the other swordsman, Zabuza, and his apprentice Haku, she had some kind of ice bloodline."
"You met Zabuza, is he still alive?" Mei asked.
"No they're both dead, to bad, once they stopped trying to kill us they were kinda nice," Naruto told her, "we marked their graves with his sword."
Mei smiled, "problem solved Tsunade-San, I can send someone to revive the blade and Naruto can use that, it's a chakra blade, and a blade that will made can definitely contain the Kyuubi's chakra."
Naruto raised an eyebrow again, "you really think I'm worthy to wield one of the seven great blades, I'm not even sure I could lift it?"
Mei laughed, "trust me Naruto-kun, I'm sure you'll be able to use it quite well."
Naruto blushed at the new suffix, "thanks Mei-chan."
Tsunade nodded, "sounds good, well get everything ready, you just keep yourself in shape."
"Also Naruto-kun, I've got something to teach you as well." Mei told him
"What's that?" He asked.
"We'll Naruto-kun, I think I'm pretty safe in guessing you're a virgin, and I am too, I think we should get used to being intimate with one another before the honeymoon. We won't being going all the way until the wedding night, but I will be teaching you few fun things leading up to that," Said Mei.
Naruto had a small trickle of blood coming for his nose. He nodded with a very big blush on his face, causing Mei to laugh, she could tell this was gonna be fun.
Mei and Naruto returned from the tower to find that everyone of Naruto's had waited so that they could properly meet her. They all questioned the young Mizukage, Ino asked how she kept herself looking so good, Kiba asked if she was a dog or cat person, Lee asked how bright her flames of youth were, and plenty of other questions.
Asuma's question was the first one that was actually relevant, "so, what is it that makes you kage-level?"
Mei smirked, she was hoping someone would ask that, "I've got two bloodlines, lava release and boil release, both of which I mastered."
Everyone looked in awe, to have mastered two bloodlines was quite impressive. Sakura spoke up next, "no offense, but doesn't that mean you've peaked?"
Mei smirked, "you'd think but no, I've mastered everything known about my bloodlines, but that doesn't mean I can't expand on them."
Naruto looked at the clock and then back at his friends, "this has been fun and all, but we need to go to the new apartment Baachan set up for us for the month," They all nodded and waved goodbye.
"I can't believe see looks that good without dieting," Ino whined.
"I'm just glad she's a dog person," said Kiba.
The new apartment was nice, not extravagant but nice. Naruto changed into a orange pair of shorts and black shirt, he decided to ask Mei about the sleeping arrangements, she was changing in the bathroom, "Mei, who's gonna sleep where tonight?"
Mei walked out and Naruto's jaw hit the floor, she was wearing a blue nightgown showing off plenty of her figure, mainly her long legs and ample chest, "we're going to sleep in the same bed silly." She said with a smile.
Naruto blushed but nodded and went to lay down in the master bedroom. Mei laid down next to him and laughed, "don't you like sleeping next to me?"
"Of course I do it's just...look I've never even kissed a girl, so this is kinda new to me," Naruto told her.
Mei gave a playful pout, "oh no, well don't you worry, I'll give you plenty of affection, you'll get used to it real fast," she said planting a kiss on his cheek and lying down on her pillow. Naruto was shocked, but smiled soon, this marriage thing was starting to have it's perks...

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