Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26, and since I got the most review I've ever gotten in a single chapter I'll tell what I'm thinking for my next fanfic. What if when Jiraiya had given Naruto the summoning contract when Naruto was 8 and taught him how to use it so that when the academy teacher wouldn't train him the toads could? I think it will be awesome! Enough talk of the possible future, time for the present. Here's chapter 26, thanks for reading and please review.

awabo and Huyri were rushing to the border of the Mist to catch an apparent spy that had been seen near there. Whoever it was, was wearing an Akatsuki cloak so they were most likely involved with them. When came to the Akatsuki Huyri never missed a chance to go after them, and Zawabo wasn't about to let his wife go after one of them alone.
Zawabo really wasn't sure about this, "Babe I don't like this. We're going after an S-ranked criminal we know nothing about."
Huryi glared at her husband, "Look, I love and that's all well and good, but you know how I feel about the Akatsuki. If they're even near the Mist I need to kick their ass out now!"
Zawabo motioned for her to stop, "I can see I can't change your mind, but seeing as how we'reing going after this guy shouldn't we have some kind of plan? Just a little something to make sure we don't get ourselves killed."
Huyri was about to respond, but she could sense a chakra signature nearby. She looked over to see a man in cloak near the river with some kind of wooden box, "Is that coffin?"
The man made some hand seals and slammed his hand onto the water causing a shark to appear. He tied the coffin to its tail, "You bring this back to leader-sama, I can sense a pest close to here so I'm gonna take care of it. I'll catch up later." The shark swam away, the coffin following it, "Alright, who decided to take on the tailless-tailed beast?"
Huyri could barely get out the words, "Kisame?"
Kisame was shocked to see his little sister, "Guppy, is that you?"
Huyri gave an involuntary smile at her old nickname, "I thought I told you not to call me that, Fish cake."
Kisame laughed and looked at his sister, he noticed her hand, "Is that wedding ring?"
Huyri brushed the ring slightly and motioned to her husband, "Yeah, this is your brother in law."
Zawabo wasn't really sure how to react to all this, "Wait, this is your big brother?"
Kisame scoffed, "Not a smart one is he? What's your name squirt?"
Zawabo still had no idea what was going on, "Zawabo...I'm sorry are we fighting him or not?"
Kisame roared with laughter at that, "You two fight me? Oh that's great, at least he's funny."
Huyri wasn't laughing, "Kisame, why'd you leave, was it just the thing with the seven swordsman, was that all it took to set you off."
Kisame didn't really know how to answer the question, "I...I, well sorta...there's more to it than that ok!"
Huyri had tears in her eyes, "Then tell me, I've been waiting more than ten years for this and I'm not leaving until I get an answer!"
Kisame looked at the ground and sighed, "I was rewarded for killing my own comrades, people who had done nothing wrong. How fucked up is that? Then I met Leader-sama, he said that he could bring the world into permanent dream, a perfect reality for everyone. No more pain, no more suffering, just good times. I wanted that for you, I wanted to make a world where we could see mom and dad agian, where they weren't killed in the bloodline purge."
Huyri shook her head, "But I didn't want that, I wanted my big brother! It's not the same Kisame. If I lived in some perfect from the start I never would have met Mei, never would have got married to Zawabo, you never would have saved me all those times when we were little. That's what I miss the most Kisame, you were so brave, so strong. You didn't care what anyone thought, as long as those you cared about were happy."
Kisame frowned, "And yet I slaughter some of my own friends…"
Huyri ran up and hugged him, "On the Mizukages orders, who was being controlled by your great Leader-sama. Don't you see he's just using you? You were vulnerable and you bought into his lies."
Kisame didn't hug her back, "I'm not brave Huyri, I'm a coward. I needed this infinite dream, I needed a place where I wasn't so scared of the Mizukage that I killed my own friends. A place where I was strong enough not run for what I had done."
Huyri hugged him closer, "You're human, you make mistakes. You can come back to the Mist with us, you can make amends. I know Mei and Naruto would let you. Please Kisame, I want my son to know his uncle."
Kisame and Zawabo both went wide eyed, "Son!"
Huyri glanced and Zawabo and blushed, "I was gonna tell you today."
Kisame thought for a second, "Alright, for you and my niece or nephew, I'll try. I'm not gonna promise I can do this, but I'll try."
Huyri smiled brightly, "Oh I'm so happy, my whole family is gonna be together again."
Kisame turned to Zawabo, "So brother, tell me about yourself on the way, and why you think you're good enough for my sister."
Zawabo didn't like the sound of that, "Ok, but first I gotta ask, who was in the coffin?"
Kisame scratched his chin, "Something that confused even me…"
Sasuke looked inside the coffin, unable to make sense of what he was seeing, "But how...this isn' can't be."
"Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly," Zetsu joked.
The coffin contained something impossible...the body of Madara Uchiha. "Wait if this is Madara, then who have I been working with all this time, who's the guy behind the mask?"
Black Zetsu growled, "That is none of your concern. You said you could use all of Orochimaru's jutsus, and you're going to use Reanimation to revive Madara for us.
Sasuke couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Wait we're going to reanimated Madara, why?"
Zetsu started to sink into the ground, "We're going against five nations, Madara will be able to even the odds a bit more."
Sasuke was ready to scream, "We have Madara, that still only four people. How are we gonna defeat five nations and 3 tailed beasts?"
Zetsu was getting irritated, "First off, it's only going to be 2 tailed beasts, Gaara can't control his beast. Secondly," He made about 500 clones surround them, "I'm a one man army. I can create as many as 3000 clones that can take multiple hits. With that and two of the most powerful shinobi who ever lived, we have a better chance than you realize."
Sasuke stopped him just before he sank completely, "So what the hell do I call him now?"
Zetsu shrugged, "Just call him Tobi I guess."
Zetsu sank leaving Sasuke absolutely pissed, "Can't anything in my life be simple?!"
Naruto, Mei, and Kisame sat alone in the Mizukages office. Kisame was trying to convince them he could trust them, "You do realize that you've spent most of the past 10 years trying to kill me and the other jinjurikis?"
Kisame tapped his fingers nervously on his chair, "I can't make excuses for my actions. After everything I do all I could do was run, or at least that's how I felt. I was a coward and for that I'm sorry. All I ask is that you give me another chance. If you don't trust me that's fine, keep tabs on me if you want."
Naruto thought for a second, then leaned over to his wife, "I think he's being honest, Kurama can sense when someone's lying. But the final decision is on you."
Mei looked at Kisame, she remember him when they were still little in the academy. She couldn't have got through it without him, "Kisame, because of everything you did for this village when you were still here and because my husband trusts you I'll let you stay. However, I'll be keeping tight tabs on you and I expect intel on the Akatsuki as well."
Kisame smiled "Fair enough, whatever you need I'll get you. I'm just glad to be back,' Some noise came from his back, "I think Samehada is too."
Naruto looked at him, this guy really wanted to turn over a new leaf. He found that most people wanted to be good if you just gave them the chance, "Alright, anything about the Akatsuki we need to know immediately?"
Kisame suddenly got serious, "Yeah, and aren't gonna believe this shit."
Naruto looked at him with curious eyes, "Alright, what is it?"
Kisame shook his head, "In his old base, I had to retrieve and body that had been preserved years ago. It was the body of...Madara Uchiha."
Naruto screamed, "That's impossible, we've been fighting Madara this whole time."
Kisame nodded, "Yeah, and he's the one who's been giving me orders this whole time. I have no idea who the hell the man behind that mask really is. I'm not even sure he knows."
Naruto was confused, "What do you mean?"
Kisame thought for a second, "He's doesn't have any personality. All he thinks about what he calls, 'The Moon Eye Plan', do you know what that is?" Naruto nodded and Kisame continued, "Good, he's never angry, he's never happy. He cracks the occasional joke but even those don't have much emotion behind them. It's like he's dead inside."
Naruto wrote everything down in a file, "Alright, you head out with Huyri. Yo can stay with her until we get everything else all fixed up for you."
Kisame stood up and walked to the door , "Thanks." He opened it and walked out.
Mei leaned back in her chair, "So now we're facing two impossibly strong ninja and we still don't know what Zetsu can do, great."
Naruto was confused again, "What do you mean 2?"
Mei sighed, "Naruto-kun, he must have got Madara so that Sasuke can reanimate him."
Naruto hadn't thought of that, "Damn, your right. I think it's time we need to tell Baachan to pull him out of there, the risk is too big and there's not much info left that he could give us."
Mei agreed, "I'm gonna send a messenger bird to her."
Naruto got up and stretched "Alright, man being a leader is hard. Why did I want this again?"
Mei laughed, "Because you didn't listen when I told you how hard it was. Don't worry sweetie, we'll get Sasuke out and with his help well stop whoever the hell is behind that mask."
Naruto hugged his wife, "What has to happen to a person for them to lose faith that much?"
Mei cuddle into her husband, "I don't know and I'm not sure I want to. Come on, Mizura's watching the kids and they're gonna be awake and hungry soon."
Naruto let her go and took her hand, "A little time with you and the kids, sounds perfect."

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