Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10, you guys ready? Like I said earlier, these next three chapters are gonna cover the years between the time skip, but I won't just be making them filler so don't worry about being board. Well lets stop talking about at get to it.

aruto spent his first few day a marriage in pure bliss. His wife couldn't seem to keep her hands off him, and Naruto wasn't complaining. The village loved him, they went from being just okay with him to being fantastic to him overnight. Both Naruto and Mei had taken a few days off to relax for their honeymoon, for which they went to a nearby hot spring resort. Mei walking in the couples spring with nothing but her bikini on and the two of them spending the rest of the day there was a particular highlight. Zawabo and Huyri continued to date, and Mizura even caught the two together one day, but said nothing under threat of death. Of course life started to turn back to normal once the got home... Well almost.
Mei and Naruto stood in the middle of a large clearing, getting ready to summon Gamabunta, "you ready?" Naruto asked.
Mei nodded nervously, "as ready as you can be when you're about to meet a toad the size of mountain."
Naruto laughed nervously, "I'm sure it'll go fine, just watch for his...anger issues."
"Anger issues?" Mei roses an eyebrow.
Naruto decided it was better to show her than tell her, so he went through the hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground. A large amount of smoke filled the clearing, and a booming voice could be heard, "Who the hell summoned me?! Oh, it's the gaki, what do want shrimp, I was about to have some sake?"
Naruto jumped of his head and stood next to Mei, "this is my new wife, I wanted her to sign the contract."
Gamabunta looked at her, "oh yeah, my boy mentioned something about this. So this her huh? Well at least she's cute for a human, what good is she in a fight?"
"I have two bloodlines, Lave and Boil Release, I'm excellent with earth, water and fire style," Mei told him.
Gamabunta nodded, "Sound good, and my son told me you're a Kage. I think it's pretty safe to safe you're strong enough, we just have to make sure you're loyal to us and the gaki."
Mei smiled, "I can promise you, I would never break either of your trust's."
"Alright, just have her sign the contract and practice with the toads, you know the drill," said the toad.
"That's it? You almost killed me, and you just let her join no question," Naruto screamed.
Gamabunta shrugged, "she's a Kage, you're not, deal with it."
He poofed away while Naruto pouted, Mei just smiled and the got to work.
The next three months were rather uneventful. Naruto went on his visits to the Leaf and saw his friends, learn about how they were coming along and all that. Sakura was still learning medical ninjutsu, Lee was healing from his injuries, Shikamaru continued to hate the work of being a chunin, so on and so forth. Yet, everytime he went to the Leaf, he still thought of his old friend Sasuke. From what Tsunade had told him Sasuke was getting them was incredibly valuable, he was doing quite well. Naruto hoped he was finding what he was looking for, and that he would see his old friend again soon.
Naruto returned from his third visit with the Leaf to find that his wife had mission for him. He was very happy to hear that, he hadn't gotten a real mission since he got to the Mist. Naruto smiled and gave his wife a quick kiss, "great, what have you got for me?"
"You and Zawabo will be going on mission to recover Kiba," She began.
"Wait, Kiba's in trouble, why am I just finding out about this now?" Naruto screamed.
Mei laughed, "Not your friend Kiba, the twin blades Kiba. It's one of the 7 deadly swords, we've tracked down the missing-nin who has it and we want you and Zawabo to retrieve it."
Naruto nodded, "Oh ok, who has it?"
Mei pulled out a bingo book, turned to a certain page, and handed it to Naruto, "Raiga Kurosuki, second wielder of Kiba, he's extremely talented with lighting chakra, and has developed his own style that he refers to as, 'Lighting Funerals'. He's seems to have developed some kind of sensory powers we can't quite explain. He didn't have them when he was still in the Mist, but they've made him much more deadly. Normally we would send some jonin to do this, but you and Zawabo are jonin level, and also your wind chakra will make his lighting chakra very vulnerable. It should be a decent challenge, but nothing you can't handle."
"Alright, I'm gonna head home and get packed, what time do I leave tomorrow?" Naruto asked.
"6:00 A.M. don't be late," Mei got a little smile on her face, "I'll be sure to give you a proper send off when I get home tonight." Naruto nodded happily and headed home to prepare for his mission.
Naruto and Zawabo were on their way to a small village just outside the hidden Mist, Raiga was supposed to be staying there with some bandits. Supposedly he was leading them into the Mist with his knowledge of its defenses, and they would raid as much as much as they could. One of the Mist's spy's discovered this and told the Mizukage immediately, the Mist had been trying to retrieve all the seven deadly swords for a while now, and with Kisame having Samehada they would need to retrieve as many of the other blades first before they could go for him.
"I still don't get it, how can someone just developed sensory powers out of bow where?" Naruto asked.
Zawabo shrugged, "I don't know, it does seem kinda impossible. Being a sensor is something you're born with, not something you develop. If we can we should find out how he got them, if it's something we can recreate it would be a major gain for the Mist."
Naruto nodded, it would be nice to have more sensory ninjas, especially since they're so rare. They reached the hotel they were staying at and went inside. Zawabo paid for one two person room that he and Naruto would share. They went up to the room and laid down, they were both tired from all the traveling.
Zawabo went to go and turn if the light, "we'll get up at about 7:00 am tomorrow, alright?"
Naruto yawned, "yeah, sure."
They both laid down and drift off to sleep, they would have a big day tracking down Raiga tomorrow.
Naruto and Zawabo had been looking for Raiga for a couple hours, but hadn't gotten very far. It appeared most of the town was afraid of him, they wouldn't tell them anything. They decided to start asking if anyone had seen any bandits around, which got them much better results. It appeared that, while the town feared Raiga, they hated the bandits and wanted them gone. Raiga would find out if someone turned on them, but bandits weren't very smart, it was perfectly believable that one of them could let something slip, Raiga wouldn't have any proof that they had told anyone anything. They were able to find out that the bandit were staying at an abandoned mine shaft just outside of town.
Naruto and Zawabo were currently on their way to the mine shaft and creating a plan to get Kiba, "We're going to have to take out the bandits first, I'm going to use Great Fire Incineration inside the mine shaft, that should fry or at least immobilize all the bandits, Raiga won't be so easy, I imagine he's staying somewhere else nearby, but he'll definitely come after us after once we kill his men."
Naruto nodded and got in position above the mine shaft, Zawabo made the proper hand signs and shot a massive stream of fire inside. There was some screaming and Zawabo cleared out, several bandits came running out. They waited till everyone had left and went inside, they found some random pillaged items, and sat down and waited for Raiga to arrive.
It had been about two hours and Riaga finally made his way into the cave. He spoke up when he saw Naruto and Zawabo sitting there, "So you're the people who killed my men, and you were even nice enough to stick around. How kind of you."
Naruto stood up, "Raiga Kurosuki, by order of the hidden Mist you are to either give us the Kiba blade and return home for trail, or we kill you on sight and take the swords. Your choice."
Raiga laughed, "Oh I will enjoy this funeral, it will be a truly glorious one. Prepare your self to die."
Raiga reached for his swords and channeled lighting into them, steams lighting shot from the blade, Naruto and Zawabo narrowly missed getting hit. The fight quickly left the mine shaft and the they continued to attempt to land a hit on Raiga, but failed miserably. Raiga would always manage to dodge it, and he continued to attack Naruto and Zawabo, but he almost always ended up hitting them. Naruto couldn't figure out how he was doing it, he must have been using his sensory powers, it was the only way he could do this.
"Zawabo, we've got to figured out how his sensory powers work if we don't he's gonna fry us," said Naruto.
"I know, but what are we supposed to do?" Zawabo yelled back.
Naruto looked back at Raiga and noticed he had a very large hump looking thing on his back, he appeared to mumbling to it, "hey Zawabo, I think he's mumbling to that thing on his back, see if you can separate him from it."
Zawabo nodded, "alright, but how do we hit him, nothing we've done so far has worked."
He was right, if they couldn't hit him how do they separate them? Naruto realized he only had one option, "I'm gonna activate the Kyuubi's chakra and go all out on this guy, make sure I don't do too much damage and get him when once they're separated."
Zawabo went wide eyed, but nodded. Naruto started to channel the Kyuubi's chakra and his appearance and demeanor immediately changed. His eyes were now red with black slits, his whisker marks were more prominent, and teeth were sharper. He went full out on Raiga, and after about 10 minutes he was able to slash the whatever it was off his back. Out of the it came a child, maybe about 12 years old. Thats when Naruto figured it out, Raiga wasn't the sensor, this kid saw that Zawabo had Raiga pinned down, looks like he's wasn't that tough without the kid backing him up. Naruto stopped channeling the Kyuubi's chakra and walked over, they had a lot to figure out.
Raiga ended up killing himself to avoid be captured, the kid who was sensor wouldn't talk to them, he just cried for a while and left. Both Naruto and Zawabo agreed it was best just to let him go, he wouldn't help them if they forced him to come anyway. They retrieved Kiba and went home, it took them about two days to get to the Mist. Naruto was thrilled to be home and the council was ecstatic to how the Kiba blades back. Naruto know had another A ranked mission under his belt, so that was great too, Mei was getting very impressed with her husband. It was an eventual mission to be sure.

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