Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Chapter 31, it's almost over now. Sorry about the cliffhanger, but it was a necessary evil. Hard to believe I only started this about two or so months ago. It actually got a decent following to. Thank you guys for your awesome support with all this, I really couldn't have done it without you. Well I could have it just wouldn't have been any fun. Thanks for reading and please review.

he genin Team Minato was once again together, something Kakashi never would have thought could happen. It was nice, although it would have been better under different circumstances. "Wow, Kakashi-kun look at you. You're all big and grown up, you too Obito. Wow, you've a full Sharingan too, but what's with your other eye?"
Obito just stammered, "'re here. It's really you. sweet Rin-chan."
Rin laughed, "Yeah, but how are you alive, how am I alive? I've been to the afterlife and this isn't it."
Naruto smiled, "We needed your help, I had Sasuke revive you."
Rin looked at him, "Wow, you look just like Minato-sensei, are you related?"
Naruto gave his foxy grin, "Yup, I'm his son!"
Rin nodded, "He said they had a son, if I had been thinking I would have came to visit?"
Naruto was confused, "Wait, what do you mean come to visit?"
Rin giggled, "Well, if I know where you are I can come see you. I can't just randomly find someone, but if I have a general area to look in I can come to this plane and watch. I can't talk or change anything but I can watch. Oh wait, I do remember you, you've been there with Kakashi-kun a few times."
Kakashi looked at her with wide eyes, "You actually came to see me, even after I was the one who killed you?"
Rin shook her head, "You did what a friend asked of you, nothing more. I'm not angry in the least. I didn't come see you much though, most of my time was spent trying to find Obito-kun."
Obito raised an eyebrow, "Looking for me?"
Rin frowned and nodded, "You weren't in paradise, and I know you're too kind to go anywhere else. I kept looking for you here, so did Minato-sensei and Kushina-san. Obito, have you really been the one leading the Akatsuki, doing all of this."
Obito looked like he suddenly remembered who he was, "Yes, I'm going to end the pain in this world. Everyone will have their personal paradise in their head. No more pain, no more death, no more watching everything you care about burn to ash."
Rin gasped, "You really believe that?"
Obito looked down, "It's all I've got left…"
Rin ran up to him, "Obito-kun, who did this to you? This isn't you, this is shell of the boy I fell in love with."
Obito looked up, " mean you…"
She hugged him, "Not until after we became teammates. I started to like you when I saw how kind you were, and the way you never gave up. I saw the bruises Obito-kun, but you still were always worried about others before yourself. When you save my life and I thought you were dead is when I really realized it. Obito-kun, what happened to you."
Obito didn't hug her back, though he wanted to, "Madara happened, he showed a way to end this worlds pain, I felt it was necessary. I still think it might be…"
Rin hugged him tighter, "That's the problem Obito-kun…"
Obito sighed, "I know, you're going to say I'm horrible and that I'm a monster…"
Rin shook her head again, "Not a monster, just not the brightest person around. Obito-kun, you always thought that it was your job to carry the weight of the world for everyone. You only have two hands Obito-kun. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you when you needed it."
Obito finally returned the hug, "Don't you dare say that. This isn't your's mine. What the hell have I done?" He looked around at the devastation, "Good god, what the hell have I done!?"
He collapsed to his knees and Rin held him close, "Just let go Obito-kun, come to paradise with me and sensei."
Obito laughed, "Like I'd be welcome there…"
Rin smacked him, "Obito, you were tricked. You know now what you've done is wrong."
"And that makes it ok, that's going to bring back the thousands I've killed?" He asked.
Rin smiled gently at him, "No, but it does give you a chance to make right what you can."
Obito nodded and stood up, he put his hands together, "I'm sorry, all of you I'm so sorry. I"m going to bring back as many of you as I can. I'm...I'm going to try and join Rin."
Kakashi was about to ask him what he meant, when a black creature took hold of Obito, "Sorry old friend, but if you're going to use that jutsu on anyone it's going to be Madara."
Obito struggled to stay in control, "Zetsu, what the hell are you doing?"
Zetsu started to merge with his body, "I'm Madara's will, I can't let you just give up on his dream."
Naruto was lost, "What the hell do you mean, 'Revive Madara?'"
Zetsu force Obito to smile as their voices synced, "The Rinnegan can control life and death. I made sure to have Madara's body nearby so that he could be resorted if needed. Once Obito uses this jutsu, he'll die and Madara will live again."
Kakashi went ballistic, "But in this state we don't stand a chance against him!"
Zetsu laughed, "Precisely."
Obito started to have green grow coming from his Rinnegan, before a coffin appeared from the ground out of some kind of strange monsters mouth. Obito collapsed with Rin, "I'm sorry...please stop him...I'm going...with Rin."
Sasuke nodded and released the jutsu on Rinn, the two died simultaneously. A man walked out of the coffin, "So I'm finally back, excellent. Zetsu, tell me the status of the Moon eye plan."
Zetsu bowed to his master, "The finally three tailed beasts are before you, they are tired and ready for extraction."
Madara smiled, "Fantastic, we'll begin immediately."
Mei was watching from the outside of circle, "Naruto-kun!"
They watched as Madara activated his Susanoo, the three jinjuriki were too tired to fight back. He started with Gaara, slowly pulling out the one tail.
Temari cuddle into her husband, "No, Shikamaru this can't be happening!"
A got nervous for his brother, "Bee, get the hell out of there!"
It was too late, Madara finished with Gaara and moved on to Bee. He grabbed the body with little fight. Bee tried to activate his tailed beast transformation, but he was just too exhausted. The Gedo statue took in the eight tails, leaving Bee in critical condition.
Madara turned to Naruto, who had almost no chakra from having to retrieve Rin, "I understand your mother survived this, I'm eager to see if you do as well."
Kakashi and Sasuke jumped up to protect him, but were smacked away by Madara. Naruto struggled, but in the end the nine tails was extracted as well.
All nine tailed beast were now in the fully awakened statue. It screamed, much to Madara's joy. He dropped the shield and the other ninja went heal their friends. Madara paid no mind to the them, he simply began the process of sealing the ten tails within him.
Tsunade work tirelessly on Naruto, Sakura on Gaara, and finally Shizune on Bee. They would most likely survive since they had three very capable medics, but they wouldn't be fighting any time soon. Sakura looked at her Hokage, "Lady Tsunade, what are we going to do?"
Tsunade sighed, "I don't know...I really don't know."
Inside the statue, the tailed beasts discussed the same things.
Most of them had given up a long time ago, Kurama hadn't, "You can't be telling me we're just gonna give up like that? We're the great tailed beasts for pete sake!"
The two tails sighed, "Come now brother, this simply isn't a fight we can win anymore."
Kurama growled, "Say's who, you all may have given up, but I haven't!"
The four tails shook his head, "Our sister is right Kurama, there's nothing we can do."
Kurama wasn't having it, "We can resist, we can fight back!"
The five tails spoke up, "That would make it even easier for Madara, he wouldn't be able to absorb as much of our chakra at once doing less damage to his body."
Kurama shouted, "Well there you go, if we give him all of our chakra at once we can kill him!"
The one tails didn't like that, "And ourselves at the same time!"
Kurama nodded, "True, but at least then he wouldn't be able to use our power. We'd die once we were absorbed anyway so what's the difference? I say we give one last fuck you to Madara!"
The tailed beast thought for a second then stood up, no way in hell were they just gonna let someone take their power and live. It was time to settle this once and for all!
Madara chuckled outside as the he began to absorb the beast into his body. Everyone stood watching, completely terrified. Suddenly Madara's laughter stopped, and he began to scream. His body began to convulse and blood came from his mouth. The chakra he was absorbing start coming too fast, "My body...can't take...this!"
Madara started to howl in pain, before long his body was glowing a dark color. They all watched as small explosion of chakra erupted from where he stood. In the blink of an eye Madara was gone. Naruto and the others were all now conscious, looked at the crater where Madara and the statue used to be, "What...but how…"
"Sorry kit, but the final blow had to go to me."
Naruto was shocked, "Kurama, but how, when…"
Kurama laughed, "We sacrificed ourselves to kill Madara...This little message I'm giving you is the last act of my chakra before it fades away."
Naruto couldn't believe, "Wait, what do you mean…" There was no response.
Mei looked at Naruto, "Is it over?"
Naruto had tears in his eyes as he hugged his wife, "Yeah, it's over."
Tune in tomorrow for the epilogue, see you then!

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