Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Befor I start this chapter, do guys have any names for some people in the Mist, most of them will have to be OC, since we don't see many of them, the only one I've got so far is Zawabo, and I just like the sound of that. Anyway, lets get started.

he next week went by pretty fast for Naruto. He had been keeping in shape by training with Guy, which was ridiculously hard, but did give him a chance to have him help refine his taijutsu, so it all worked out. He continued to talk with Mei, getting closer with her every day. They discovered they had a very similar past, her with the bloodline purge, and him with the Kyuubi being sealed inside of him. Mei continued to embarrass Naruto when they slept in the same bed, cuddling with him and giving him kisses on the cheek, but Naruto didn't really mind all that much, actually he really enjoyed it. Sakura had done her best to be a better friend to Naruto, she even came to visit him and Mei in their apartment. Sasuke had admitted to himself that he was going to miss his rival, but he still refused to admit it to Naruto, though he did make a better effort to be a little nicer to the blonde, he now asked for spares rather than order them, and he had actually congratulated Naruto and Mei on their so to be wedding. The week was one of the best Naruto could remember.
The day came that Naruto was set to start learning with Asuma, and Mei was currently on her way to Team Guy's training ground to give him Kubikiribōchō, his new swords once wielded by Zabuza. It was still early when the blade came, so Mei new Naruto would be training with Guy, she decided to surprise him and bring him the sword herself. Naruto was panting heavily when she arrived, "Oh...hey...Mei-Chan...what," he panted.
Mei smiled, "The Kubikiribōchō came, I thought I would bring it to you. You start your elemental training today, so you'll probably need it," She unselthed the massive blade and hand it to Naruto," Be careful, you may be strong but you can't properly lift the blade until you channel chakra into it, and you shouldn't do that till Asuma shows you how."
Naruto looked at it wide eyed, it was just as amazing as he remembered it. He could barely lift it, but something felt right about having it in his hands. "Amazing…" he murmured.
Tenten, who had also been training with guy, looked at blade like a child looks at a new toy, "Oh my gosh, the Kubikiribōchō, it's amazing, I can't believe I'm really seeing it in person," She continued to stare and the blade, then at the person holding it and blushed, she had a thing for weapons, which didn't go unnoticed by Mei.
"Naruto we should head out, we have just enough time to get there, and miss Tenten, if you would stop eyeing his 'sword' please," she muttered.
Tenten blushed and nodded, Naruto looked a little confused, but followed. As they were walking he asked, "what's up Mei-chan, we had plenty of time…" Naruto didn't get to finish as Mei slammed her lips into his, Naruto's eyes rolled into the back of his head at his first kiss. When she stopped he slowing got his thoughts to come back to him. "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that about?"
Mei blushed lightly, "Naruto-kun, I'm a rather jealous person, and seeing that little weapon girl eyeing you up, I just felt the need to remind you who you're marrying."
Naruto was confused again, "Mei-chan, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, you're really nice, and funny too...also, I may not be experienced, but you're definitely a good kisser. Why would I do anything to make you mad, you're awesome!"
Mei smiled widely, "Good, I'm glad you think so," She leaned forward and smiled seductively, it had been a good kiss, "if you really feel that way, we have about 15 minutes before we have to see Asuma, that leaves 10 minutes all to ourselves, shall we enjoy them?"
Naruto smiled and nodded, Mei immediately leaned in and they picked up where they left off, when Mei slipped her in her tongue, he nearly passed out…"
Asuma looked up to see Naruto running his way, he was about 5 minutes late and Asuma didn't need to wonder why. Asuma smirked, "Naruto, you have a little of Mei's lipstick on your cheek."
Naruto turned the cooler of a tomato and wiped it off, "oh sorry...can we just get started...and maybe not mention this to anyone?"
Asuma laughed, "I would think you'd be proud of that, but I guess you're just a shy kid, fine I wont tell anyone. I see you brought the sword."
Naruto drew Kubikiribōchō and nodded ,"so what do we do first?"
"First, try channeling chakra into it, as little as you can, I want see how Kubikiribōchō handles the Kyuubi's chakra and it will also show me how much chakra control you have and how long you have before you can fight with your wind chakra properly," Asuma told him.
Naruto started channeling chakra into blade, trying to use as little as possible, the blade bagan glow blue with a slightly red tint. He was trying not to use much chakra but the blade still shook in his hands. He stopped and Asuma began to speak, "well it the chakra just fine, but we're going to have to improve your control quite a bit, luckily with your shadow clones we can cut the time down quite a lot, you'll probably be able to start learning wind jutsu,"
Naruto was excited at that, "awesome, what do I do first?"
"You take a leaf and try to cut it in half with your wind chakra, make as many clones as you can and have them all do the same thing, I'll be keeping an eye on you and give you tips, when were done we'll have you disperse the clones one by one so that you don't pass out from information overload," Asuma told him.
Naruto created as many clones as he could and got started...
Naruto got back to the apartment and fell down on the bed, exhausted. Mei walked in and laughed, "rough day Naruto-kun?"
Naruto sighed, "that was most training I've ever done in one day, even when I trained with perevy sage for the Chunin Exams."
"You're a wind right?" Naruto nodded, "how far have you gotten with the lead cutting exercise?"
"About a third of the way up the leaf, you'd think anyone could teach it, but there's a lot of little trick you have to be a wind user to understand, Asuma-sensei is a really good teacher," Naruto told her.
Mei's eyes got a little wide, "wow in just one day, that's pretty impressive."
Naruto smirked at the praise, "we'll the shadow clones helped, once I dispersed them it got a lot easier. I used as many clones as I could, I lost count when I got up to 300, and I was only half way there."
Mei's eyes got VERY wide at that, "you made that many clones, I knew had large chakra reserves, but wow!"
Naruto laughed loudly, "yeah, between being an Uzumaki and having the Kyuubi's chakra filtered into me, my reserves are pretty big, they make training easier, but chakra control harder, but I learn to use it to my advantage."
Mei smiled, "you train very hard."
Naruto's face got serious, "I have to, I've got to protect everyone important to me, including you, and I can't let my Dad down. He died believing I would be the one bring peace to the world, and I'm going to."
Mei layed down next to him, "I know you will, and I'm glad you think of me as important enough to protect."
He smiled and they shared a brief kiss, they soon drifted off to sleep, resting to get ready for the next day...
Tsunade couldn't believe what she reading, couldn't believe some this insane. The Uchiha massacre was just a cover, a story made up to cover for the Uchiha trying to overthrow the village, even worse, things hadn't gone as planned, the civilians and children were supposed to live, Itachi hadn't intended on killing them, someone had interfered and killed everyone Itachi didn't. Itachi left the village, hoping he would someday be finished by his brother, the one person he could never bring himself to kill, but until that time he was a spy for Jiraya in the Akatsuki. Itachi couldn't do much without being found out, but something was better than nothing. Tsunade sighed and placed the scroll back in the Hokage library in the vault, next to Naruto's new scrolls. She left feeling rather sick to her stomach, the life of a ninja was a hard thing to bare a times.
Naruto woke and smiled at the sight of Mei next to him, he had grown to really enjoy that sight. He gave her gentle kiss on neck to wake her up, which of course she did. "Morning Naruto-kun."
Naruto continued to smile "morning Mei-chan, how are you."
"Pretty good, I've been thinking about who I'm going to have as my bridesmaids, any thought to your groomsmen?" Mei asked.
Naruto frowned, "no not really, I'm gonna ask Sasuke to be my best man, doubt he'll accept."
Mei nodded, "remember you have to pick two from the Leaf and two from the Mist, you can pick the two from the Mist when we get there, we won't be married for a month after."
"Alright, who are gonna be your two from the Leaf?" Naruto asked.
Mei laughed, "I thought about Anko, but they'd never let me do that, still she'll be fun at the reception. I pick Sakura and Hinata, oh and I put Ino in charge of flowers so she doesn't complain."
"Good, I'm gonna go get a shower and find Sasuke before I have to start training, she you in a bit," Naruto said getting out of bed.
"Alright, see you soon" Mei rolled over and fell back asleep.
Sasuke was busy training when Naruto walked up, "hey Sasuke, you got minute?"
"I guess, what do need?" Sasuke asked
Naruto smiled, his tone wasn't his usual one that said 'I'm better than you', "we'll, I was wondering if you'd maybe be willing to be my best man at the wedding?"
Sasuke thought about it, before he would have said no outright, but now, he thought it might not be such a bad idea, he was trying to make an effort not to lose his only real friend, "sure, why not."
Naruto was shocked "alright...great, this means a lot to me. Thank you."
Sasuke smirked, "alright, just don't get all sentimental on me."
"I gotta go, see soon Sasuke," Naruto said, and ran off to the other trying grounds.
A group of four ninjas, all from the Hidden Sound, watched from a distance, they couldn't help but think things were going to get complicated.
A little short, sorry I'm a busy guy. Once again please suggest some names for the Mist ninja, you guys rock and thanks for reading!

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