Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The last chapter before the wedding, woohoo! I thought about making more, but I just hate to make filler, so after this the wedding will commence, and as for doing two chapters in one day, I had free time, which is rare for me, so I figured I would get this out of the to everyone who has been following and favoriting the story, and a major thank you to everyone who has been reviewing the story and giving me feedback on what I need to work on. Please enjoy chapter 8!

aruto awoke to his first day in the Mist to a messenger knocking on the door, Mei had awoken before him so she answered it. It was a messenger-nin, informing them that the council want to see just how powerful Naruto was. Mei sighed, she had been expecting this, "Sorry Naruto-kun, I know you were hoping to go and find Zawabo and Mizura right away, but they won't stop until you show them what you can do...come to think of it, I don't think I fully know what you can do."
Naruto gave his classic foxy grin, "Well then, come by and watch with the council. After all, you need to know how freaking awesome your husband is."
Mei laughed, "alright then, you get dressed and lets get going, those old pricks don't like to be kept waiting."
Naruto reached the council room, Kubikiribōchō strapped on his back and his soon to be wife by his side, "alright, I heard you guys wanted to see just what I can do, so lets get out to the training grounds so I don't blow the roof of this place."
One of the councilmen sneared, "you seem pretty cocky short stack."
Naruto shot him a grin, "wait do you hold off on calling me cocky until you see what I can do."
They all nodded and went down to the training grounds, "I've got people to go see so lets make this quick," Naruto said and made about a dozen shadow clones.
They all started to mutter about large chakra reserves, and Naruto just kept smirking, "You guys haven't seen anything yet."
The clones began to go through hand signs, one used Great Breakthrough, another Slicing Aie Palms, Cyclone Shuriken was done by one of them. and two of them helped Naruto perform a Rasengan, while another used a wind enhanced Kubikiribōchō to slice through several logs . The council was stunned at the pure display of power, this kid was definitely chunin material, hell he might have been jonin material, "Impressive, we understand you can summon the legendary boss toad, may we see it?"
Naruto shook his head, "hell no, if I called him for something like this, he'd kill me."
The council nodded, "fine, we're satisfied with your display and rank, you are dismissed."
Mei walk over with a large smile on her face, "very impressive, you'll be a jonin in no time if you keep this up."
Naruto shot her another foxy grin, "well I need to be strong if I'm marrying the Mizukage."
Mei leaned over and gave him a small peck on the lips, "I suppose you do, Mizura is on a mission, but he should be back later today, go and find Zawabo for now, he's at a training ground just east of here."
Naruto nodded, "alright see you later."
Naruto went east until he found a burned training ground, he felt safe to assume Zawabo was here. He found him practicing a fire jutsu on one of the trees, he looked about 14, he stopped when he saw Naruto coming, "hey there, can I help you with something?" he asked cheerfully.
Naruto smiled at him, "I'm Naruto, and I was wondering if I could get some help with my wind jutsu, I know you're not much better than me with it, but it's still nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of."
Zawabo looked up in realization, "Oh, you're Mei's soon to be husband, it's nice to finally meet you, I'm Zawabo, but I guess you already knew that. I'd be happy to help you in any way I can, Mei's a close friend of mine."
Naruto nodded, "yeah Mei mentioned that, which reminds me, will you be in the wedding as one of the groomsmen, she made some of my friends bridesmaids, it only makes sense to make some of hers groomsmen?"
Zawabo smiled brightly, "of course, it'd be my pleasure. Who all else is gonna be in the wedding?"
Naruto thought for a second, "you wouldn't know any of my friends, the only ones you would know is Rituji and Huyri."
Zawabo went wide eyed, "Huyri's gonna be in the wedding! Sweet, maybe I'll get to walk down with her…"
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "do you have crush on her?"
Zawabo blushed, "so what if I do, you aren't one of those assholes who make fun of her for her skin are you?"
Naruto raised his hands in defense, "No, no, I just thought maybe you could ask her to be your date for the wedding."
Zawabo looked at the ground, "nah, I don't think she likes me like that."
"Have you ever asked her out?" Naruto asked.
"," Zawabo responded.
"Then how do you know, maybe she likes you back." Naruto suggested.
Zawabo thought about it for a second, "I don't know, maybe. Why don't we just move on to jutsu."
Naruto pulled out one of his scrolls and they got to work.
Naruto and Zawabo had made a decent amount of progress on his jutsus, Zawabo really knew about the theoretical part of wind style. Naruto had just gotten word that Mizura had returned, and he went to go and find him.
Naruto saw him leaving the Mizukage's building and went up to talk to him, "hey Mizura."
Mizura looked up, "yes, may I help you."
Naruto went to shake his hand, "Hi, I'm Naruto, I'm guessing Mei told you about me, I was wondering if you could help me in learning about sealing."
Mizura smiled, "Naruto, yes, Mei did tell me about you. I would be happy to teach you about sealing, it'll be nice to have another sealer in the Mist other than myself."
Naruto was a little off put by how stoic and calm yet pleasant the man seemed, kinda like a happy Neji which didn't seem wrong, but decided not to worry about and just go with the flow, "great, I was reading something about gravity seals, and I was thinking that those would be perfect, I saw a friend of mine use something like them and the results were fantastic."
Mizura nodded, "yes, they are quite useful for building one speed, strength and stamina, and once they are removed your body becomes even faster, but please do not tell anyone that I can do this for you, and I would advise not to advertise your sealing skills either, once people learn you know how to seal they'll never leave you alone in asking for favor involving it."
Naruto understood what he meant, and they started to go into the art of sealing, Naruto decide to ask Mizura quickly, "Oh and before I forget, I know it would mean a lot to Mei if you were in the wedding, she invited two of my friends to be bridesmaids so I thought I would invite you to be a groomsmen."
Mizura nodded with a smile, "Of course, it would be my honor."
Naruto got home and fell back onto the giant mattress in the master bedroom. It had really been a long day, much longer than he would have liked, he had a feeling the next few weeks were going to be like this. Mei looked at Naruto and shook her head, "Looks like both of us had a busy day, did you track down Mizura and Zawabo?"
"Yeah, we got a start on what we would be working on, we should have the gravity seal ready by the day after tomorrow, and I've got a good start on a couple new wind jutsus," he told her, "oh and I asked Mizura and Zawabo to be my other two groomsmen, I hope that's ok."
Mei smiled brightly, "No, that's great, you really did that. Thank you, this is really important to me."
Naruto just nodded, "yeah, I know. I'm sorry I'm if I seem out of it, I'm just really tired."
"Alright, I'm pretty tired myself. I'm gonna go get changed, see you in just a sec," Mei responded.
It didn't take long for Naruto to fall asleep, it really had been a long day.
The next three weeks past incredibly quickly, the gravity seal's were helping out with Naruto's physical strength. He learned two new wind jutsu, Drill Wind Fist and Great Air Repulsion. The progress he was making was extremely impressive. He had made a lot of new friends in the Mist, once the village got to know Naruto, they really came to like him.
Mei continued with classic political bullcrap, although after Naruto's display, they stopped really being concerned with him. The two of them had grown very close over the past few weeks, they still hadn't said I love you, but considering they had only been together two months, they were doing quite well.
The wedding was just a week away, and every one in the Mist was very excited, things like this didn't happen often, and was gonna be one hell of a party.
Naruto woke up and walk to look out the window, was now only two days away from the wedding, something he still couldn't believe. He saw Mei had woke up too, and walk up to her, "how are you feeling?"
Mei smiled, "good, you?"
Naruto rubbed the back of his head, "a little nervous but excited."
Mei leaned up and kissed him, "I know, so am I."
Naruto looked at her and smirked, "My friend will be arriving today, I can't wait to see them again," Naruto told her and walked out the door to go meet them, it was kinda nice to know people had come just to see him.
All of Naruto's friends arrived at the gate, smiles on their face's, this was gonna be a fun weekend, they could tell. Naruto ran up to meet them, "hey guys, what up?"
They all smiled and as he ran up, it was really good to see him again, "Naruto, how've you been, I hope the Mist has been treating you well," Tsunade told him.
"Of course Baachan, I am marrying Mizukage for pete sake. Come on, I know good restaurant where we can catch up." Naruto responded.
They all nodded and followed him, he got to hear all of Naruto's new stories about his new life in the Mist. Naruto had good time hearing about Sakura's new training, Ino's planning of the flowers, Kiba helping with the Inuzuka dogs, everything. Naruto loved being with his friends again, and Mei came and joined them shortly, and things got even more fun once Huyri and Rituji came and hung out with Anko. The night was great, and it made Naruto even more excited for the wedding.
Get ready for a wedding next chapter, I'll update soon and thanks for reading.

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