Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Chapter 17, time for the big meeting between Naruto and Sasuke. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, you guy's are the reason I like to update so frequently. I hope you guys like it, thanks for reading and please review.

he traveling was rather boring, no one really talked to one another. They all had something on there mind, Naruto on what he was supposed to say to Sasuke, Sakura on making sure she didn't blow Sasuke's cover, Yamato on seeing the man who put him through, and Sai on why these two were going through great lengths for their friend. None of them even realized just how silent they were being, all they could think about was the mission. They were getting close to the bridge they were supposed to meet Sasori's spy on, not really knowing what to expect. This was a person who managed to trick Orochimaru, the king of all traitors, it had to be someone special. When they reached the bridge Naruto raised his hand up for them to wait, he wanted to see the spy before the spy saw them.
The spy walked on to the bridge and no one could believe it, Naruto jumped out, "Kabuto, I never thought in a million years you'd be betraying Orochimaru. I'm starting to wonder if anyone can trust you. Do you even know who the hell you're working for anymore."
Kabuto smirked, "I work for myself, I believe in sticking with the winning team. As for Sasori I was actually double crossing him as well. I was sent here to lead him into a trap to kill him, he's no longer of any use to us. Although I would guess he's dead, given that you're here instead of him."
Naruto scowled, "I'm guessing this trap is going to be sprung on us now isn't it?"
Kabuto chuckled, "Smart kid, if you're really smart you'll turn back now while I'm feeling generous."
Naruto looked Kabuto in eye and smiled, "this was trap set for Sasori, not us. We killed Sasori and his partner. I think we can handle whatever you've got planned for us."
Kabuto laughed, "if that's what you want then fine. I'm going to enjoy dissecting you, I've never gotten to look inside a jinjuriki before."
Sakura stepped forward, "You guys go on ahead, I'll handle him."
Naruto shook his head, "no way, you can't expect me to leave you alone with this guy he's at least and elite jonin, besides we don't even know where to go.'
Sakura nodded, "true, but he's a medic-nin like me, I know how he fights. I may be chunin but I'm a jonin level fighter. I can handle this until you guys get Sasuke, Naruto I know the Kyuubi can lead you to Sasuke."
Naruto hesitate, "you sure, Kurama says he's pretty far away?"
Sakura didn't answer, she just got into fighting position. Naruto motioned for the others to keep moving, he knew Sakura could at least hold her own in a fight and they needed to find Sasuke.
"How much farther Kurama?" Naruto asked, they had been moving for about 10 minutes.
"About 15 miles, it should take you about 8 minutes at top speed," Kurama replied.
Naruto yelled to the others, "let's pick it up, we can't leave Sakura alone with Kabuto for too long and we're not far from Sasuke."
It wasn't long before they reached a clearing and Kurama told them to stop, "what is it?"
"They're directly below us, there must be an entrance near by," Kurama told them.
"Kurama say's they're right under us, anyone have an idea where the sentence is or are we bursting in?" Naruto asked them.
Yamato spoke up, "I can use my wood style to dig under the ground and bust in ceiling."
"Do it," said Naruto.
Yamato place his hands on the ground and it began to shake, before they knew it the ground crumpled and they did there best to land gracefully. They looked around and saw massive stone snake, "I think we're in the right place."
"Kukuku, I would say so. How have you been little fox, I haven't seen you since the day Kabuto and I fought against you and my teammates. I must say I'm a little confused how you got here, unless I'm mistaken Kabuto was supposed to killing Sasori today. So how on earth did that lead to you getting into my lair?" asked the dirty snake Orochimaru, who was now standing on top of the stone snake.
Naruto looked up at him and scowled, "We killed Sasori and found out he was meeting Kabuto today, Sakura's keeping him busy while we find Sasuke."
Orochimaru threw his head back in laughter, "you think that little joke of medic can handle Kabuto, or that the three of you can even compare to me and Sasuke. Truly you are fools."
Just as he finished the very boy they were looking for walked into the room, "So the dobe's here? You can handle the other two but leave him to me."
Orochimaru smiled, "as you wish, it will be nice to catch up with Tenzo. Oh wait, you go by Yamato now don't you, well it doesn't matter what your name is, only that I get to kill you."
Sasuke looked at Naruto and activated his Sharingan, placing his friend in genjutsu. It was finally time to talk to his old friend again.
Sakura was giving Kabuto everything she had and it looked like it wasn't enough. She had never seen a medic this powerful, except for Tsunade of course. She was panting heavily which caused Kabuto to laugh, "you should have listened to your friend, you're no where near my level."
Sakura scowled, "you're right, I'm not as strong as you are, but that doesn't matter. I can handle you for a little while longer."
Kabuto laughed again, "you think they can defeat Lord Orochimaru? You're wrong, he's one of the most powerful shinobi in the world. They don't stand a chance."
Sakura smiled, "maybe, but they don't need to beat him, they just need to hold him off until Naruto get's to Sasuke, and Naruto never fails. Not once since I've met him, or did you forget about him shoving a Rasengan in your stomach after just a week of training?"
Kabuto's eyes darkened, "Oh I remember, and he might never fail but you do. I can't wait to see how he reacts to finding out his little crush from all those years ago dead, I think I'll even send him your head in a box, won't that just be priceless."
Sakura balled her fists and charged at him, she wasn't going to need to be saved this time.
Naruto and Sasuke stood inside what looked like a sewer, a large cage behind them, "why did you bring us here?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke shrugged, "I wanted to meet the furball I've been hearing so much about from Orochimaru."
The eyes of Kurama came into view, "Oh you did not just call me a furball?!"
Naruto raised his hand to stop him, "Not the time Kurama."
Kurama growled, "Damn Uchihas, you guys never have any respect for me."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "So I'm not the first Uchiha you met?"
Kurama laughed, "Please, I had to deal with Madara Uchiha taking control of my body, hell that's how this whole mess got started."
Naruto looked confused, "Wait, Madara was the one who made you attack the Leaf, you never told me that."
Kurama shrugged, "Never came up, he made me fight the First Hokage, and I think he made me fight your father."
"You think?" Naruto asked.
Kurama nodded, "I think it was him, but I'm not sure. I remember Madara's chakra and it didn't quite match up, but it did feel familiar I had definitely met the person before. If I had to guess it's just because he must have been very old at the time and his was likely experimenting on himself to stay older and it changed his chakra, but I can't be sure. It could have been someone else."
Naruto shook his head, "whatever, it doesn't matter right now, what's important is me talking to Sasuke, we've gotta catch up and I gotta tell him what Baachan said.," he turned to his friend, "how have you been?"
Sasuke gave a small smile, "not bad actually, it was nice to be away from everyone to clear my head for a while, how about you?"
Naruto smiled back, "good, Mei's six month's pregnant, I'm gonna be a dad."
Sasuke laughed, "you as a dad, never pictured that what did Tsunade want?"
Naruto repeated everything he and Tsunade had talked about two days ago, "so….what do you want to do?"
Sasuke didn't need to think about it, "I'm gonna stay and kill the bastard, and after that...I need to see Itachi."
Naruto sighed, "don't tell me you're still obsessed with killing him?"
"No I don't, I just need to see him," said Sasuke, "Orochimaru spies said that he's dying and I need to see him before he does. I finally get it, I understand why he did it. It wasn't just about saving me, he needed to escaped, to get out of there. His entire life was planned out for him before he was even born, unlike me. When I became a spy I nearly got to a point where I didn't know who I was. That's what must have hurt him the most when he lived in the Leaf, he didn't know who he was. He was always told who he was, he never got to decided. He wanted me to have a choice, and he knew that could never happen if he stayed after killing them. I would just be another one of the Uchiha traitors. That's why we become shinobi, so that we can protect people so that they can decided who they are, so that they don't become pawns of the rest of the world. It still doesn't all make sense to me, but I think I'm starting to understand him."
Naruto thought about it for a second and nodded, "I think I know what you're saying, alright I'll tell Baachan."
Sasuke smiled, "it was good to see you," then he released the genjutsu.
Sai and Yamato were having a lot of trouble with Orochimaru, they could barely even dent the guy. They knew they could never beat him, not at this rate. That's when the heard Naruto yelling, "let's get out of here, you two can't take Orochimaru and even if I beat Sasuke I'll never be able to deal with him without you guys."
They nodded, Yamato made a large wood wall and they made their escape. Orochimaru stood there smiling, completely unaware of what had really happened.
Sakura was on her last leg, she couldn't take anymore. Kabuto charged at her again, ready to kill, when he was suddenly attack by a dozen shadow clones. He dealt with them to find Naruto grabbing Sakura and running off into the trees, much to his disappointment.
Sakura whispered in Naruto's ear, "so he chose to stay and kill the snake?" Naruto nodded, "alright, I guess I still need you to save me huh?"
Naruto laughed, "you did great Sakura-chan, really great."
They got back to the Leaf and reported to Tsunade, she declared the mission a success, much to Yamato's and Sai's confusion, but she just waved them off and told them to go home.
"Oh and Sakura, before you go, I've been thinking. You've done a great job and you held your own against Kabuto, an extremely powerful ninja. You kept control of your emotions like a true ninja, so I've decided it's finally time. Congratulations, Jonin Haruno." She told her student.
Sakura went wide eyed, "thank you Lady Tsunade, I'll do you proud."
Tsunade smiled, "I know you will, and Naruto I'm guessing you're going straight home."
Naruto nodded, "I'll see you later guys, congratulations Sakura-chan." He left the room to gather his things, he had a lot to fill his wife in on.

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