Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Chapter 24, man this moving along fast. I think next time I'm gonna give myself more than one or two days before updates. I'm still having trouble figuring out what story to do next after I finish this one. Please tell me what type of stories you'd like in the reviews...hint hint please review. Anyway, on with the Five Kage summit arc, thanks for getting me over 11,000 views and please review.

ei nearly beat Naruto half to death when he returned, it was kinda hard to miss just how dangerous the fight had been, but she was happy that Pain was gone. She was shocked however to find out the legendary Madara Uchiha was still alive and planning to put in an endless dream.
Mei didn't like the sound of that at all, "We're going to have to bring this up at the Five Kage Summit. We need all the help we can get if we're going after him."
Naruto was quite confused at what she was talking about, "the what?"
The babies started to cry and Mei picked up Asuma and Naruto picked up Mito, "The five Kages have decided that sense only three of the jinjurikis remain, you, Gaara, and the Raikages brother, we need to get together and decided what to do."
Naruto rocked Mito softly, "Alright, you sure this wasn't just some ploy by Baachan to see the kids again?"
Mei laughed at the little joke, "She might be willing to do that, but no. From what you've told me this isn't going be easy. We all need to work together if we're going to win this."
Naruto walked into the kitchen and got some breastmilk from the fridge and put it in some warm water, "Good point, I watched all of the his fights Nagato, oh sorry that's Pain's real name, witnessed. The man was never hit once, the attack literally went through him, and he had some kind of teleportation jutsu that rivaled my dad's."
Mei walked into the kitchen as well, "would you warm one of those up for me please. As strong as he may be, I think with the power of the five Kage and two fully powered jinjurikis we can stop him."
Naruto put the milk into bottles and handed one to Mei, "Yeah, but we have to figure out how to hit him first."
Mei put the bottle in Asuma's mouth, "Details, details. What about that Zetsu guy, what did Pain, oh right Nagato, know about him?"
Naruto gave Mito her bottle too, "Not much actually, the only thing he knew for sure is that he could faze in and out of objects and that he could make solid clones that can take more than one hit."
Mei sighed, "That's great, another unknown variable."
Naruto kissed his wife on the cheek, "Don't worry, between all of us they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell."
Sasuke looked around Madara's base, the man clearly didn't have any real emotional attachments. When he looked in all the other Akatsuki member's rooms he found that most of them kept at least some symbol of their past besides their headband.
He had looked around the deceased members rooms first, not like they could object. In Sasori's he found a small picture of him with his parents as a child before they had died, he even kept the first puppet his parents had helped him make.
Deidara had sculptures that he had made while in the Rock, according to Zetsu he alway used to say, "A true artist knows his past and draws from it. These may not be my best work, but they've made me who I am."
Kakuzu kept had the scrolls that we're made by his sensei from the Waterfall. His sensei was apparently the only person who didn't abandoned him when he was defeated by the First Hokage. He had actually made the vast majority of the Waterfall's original water jutsus. Kakuzu took them when he left, in his opinion they didn't deserve anything made by his sensei, it was too good for them.
Hidan, as you might expect, kept things that were slightly more disturbing. He actually preserved the eye's of the last leader of the Land of Hot Water, saying that he didn't need them as he was blind. Admittedly his wasn't as sentimental as the others, more like creepy.
Sasuke had to fight back tears when he found that his brother had kept the bow that they always used to practice with. All those years and all those lies and he still couldn't let go of it.
Kisame didn't really care if Sasuke looked around his room, he said he was barely ever in it anyway. What he found surprised him, it was a picture of him as boy holding a newborn child, on the back it said, 'My little guppy, Huyri'. It was relatively clear he still cared for his sister.
Zetsu's room was more like a closet it was so small, and actually encouraged him to go in there. Well his white half did anyway, the black half growled slightly but didn't object. He couldn't make sense of what he found in there though. It was a bunch picture of just the white half of Zetsu, a person that looked like Zetsu but with a spiral face, and a one eyed and one armed boy Sasuke couldn't recognize. Was that Madara, no Madara had both arms it couldn't and a Mangekyo Sharingan, it couldn't be him. Also, where was the black half of Zetsu When he asked Zetsu about it he just said that it was his little secret, and that he wasn't gonna tell anybody.
Madara's room however had nothing of sentimental value, it was completely bare. When he asked to go in there Madara didn't seem to care at all, he just said that Sasuke wouldn't find anything. He was right too, it was like he was trying to kill all of his emotions.
Sasuke was back in his room thinking on all the things he had found. It seemed like no one in the Akatsuki, except for Hidan, had started out as a bad person. They were all people who went through so much pain, saw so much death, that they had lost faith in the world. Madara had found them at their darkest and convinced them his way was the best, that this world was cursed in an endless cycle of hatred in death. All of them thought this perfect dream world was really the best option.
Madara entered the room and looked at Sasuke, "Prepare yourself, Danzo has insisted on going with Tsunade to the Five Kage Summit. You're going to have your chance to get revenge on him just as you asked."
Sasuke nodded, he and Tsunade had discussed this in one of his notes. Danzo would never let the Leaf truly participate on any talks of peace. He would do whatever he could to try and take this as a way for the Leaf to gain power. Every decision Danzo had ever made had ended in death, he would do more damage against Madara than good. He had ordered the pointless death of so many people, it was time for his insanity to finally be put to an end, and Sasuke would be the man to do it.
Naruto had bundled Mito and Asuma as tightly as he could, the Land of Iron was a cold place after. They were an hour away, it wouldn't be much longer now. "I'm still not sure we should have brought the kids."
Mei stopped for a second to see where they were, "Naruto-kun, the safest place for them is here with us. With everything that's going on, I don't want to the Akatsuki or any of our other enemies going after them. Besides, Tsunade wants to see them again."
Naruto pulled Asuma off the carrier on his back and rocked him, "I know they just look cold. The Mist is way warmer than this, look at Asuma's little red nose."
Mei shook her head, "It's better than them being kidnapped."
Naruto laughed and put Asuma back on his back, "Good point Mei-chan."
Mei giggled, "Yeah, I have my moments. So how do want to tell the rest of them about Madara."
Naruto scratched his chin, that was a good question, "Just tell them I guess, they all knew who he was, it's not that strange that he could still be alive with all the crazy things he did."
Mei was thinking the same thing, "Sounds good, lets get moving. I don't want anything to wrong with this."
Naruto nodded, this was damn important. The fate of the ninja world might hang in the balance.
Tsunade, Kakashi, and Danzo were making her way to the Land of Iron for the Five Kage summit, they were currently crossing a bridge. Danzo was in the middle of trying to convince Tsunade that they needed to try and make sure they can get as many benefits as possible for when the war was over. "Lady Tsunade, I insisted on coming to this for a reason. Once this war is done everyone will be in a mad scramble to pick up the pieces and gain power, and we need to gain as many of those pieces as possible."
Tsunade groaned at having to continue this conversation, "The whole point of this war is top the Akatsuki and try to find some kind of piece from all of this. We let you come because of your experience with Onoki, don't think that means for even a second the council trusts you again."
That wasn't true though, they had more than enough evidence against the man to try him for treason, but he was still well liked in certain civilian factions so they couldn't outright execute him. Luckily they could have Sasuke finished the old bastard off before he could find a way to make this war even worse. Danzo was insane, the man claimed to do what he did for the Leaf, but he had caused more wars than he ended. This war was going to be hard enough as it is, he got involved it would be impossible to get anything done.
Danzo wasn't backing down, "How do fools like you get into the Hokage's office when I never could. Honestly, if the Daimyo had just taken my advice all those years ago and chosen your teammate over that fool Namikaze…"
Tsunade scowled and cut him off, "We'd all be dead, Orochimaru was insane just like you are."
A new voice entered the conversation, "And he'll die by the same hands Orochimaru did."
Dazno looked around the bridge and saw young Sasuke, "Well, if it isn't the traitor. You must be fool if you're going to take on three Kage level ninjas."
Tsunade and Kakashi walked away from him, "One Kage level ninja actually, he's not a traitor he's our spy. Danzo Shimura, by order of the council of the hidden Leaf and myself you are hereby charged with treason, prepare to day."
Danzo looked down, "I see, so the three of you kill me and have your false traitor take the fall for it so there's no tension in the village."
Tsunade nodded, "I don't like doing things like this, but we're on the brink of peace here and I'm not going to let you ruin that."
Danzo pulled some weights of his arm and unwrapped it, reviling 10 eyes in a strange wood like arm, "I think it's time I show you just why your teammate would have been a good choice for Hokage. He gave me a power few can comprehend, the Izanagi. It allows the user to alter reality for a short time. The Uchiha didn't use it, as it could only be used every ten years, and the eye becomes useless during that time, sometimes forever depending on the extent it's used, but seeing as I'm about to die I think that's a chance I'll have to take."
The other three got ready for a fight, it wasn't going to be easy, but against the three of them Danzo didn't stand a chance.

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