Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Chapter 21, sorry about the cliffhanger but it felt necessary. You guy's ready for epic conclusion. Hope you paid attention last chapter, because it comes into play here. Thanks for all your reviews and enjoy. Oh yeah, and please review!

aruto sat inside the hospital room, holding the hand of his unconscious wife. His kids were in were being handle by Tsunade and Sakura, they still weren't sure if they would make it but they said Mei would definitely survive. Naruto felt awful, how would he tell Mei when she woke up that their kids might die.
Mei's eyes began to flutter open, it looked like Naruto wouldn't have time to figure that out, "'re ok...where are...the kids."
Naruto was barely able to choke out the words, "They're being taken care of by Baachan, they're...they're not sure if they're gonna live."
Mei gasped, "What!"
Naruto started to cry again, "Mei I'm sorry, I,"
Mei held him to her, "don't apologize just hold me!"
Naruto nodded and hugged his wife, it was going to be long night for the two of them.
Tsunade was working like mad to try and help the babies, but it wasn't going great. There lungs weren't well enough developed to breath properly, and it wasn't easy to keep them expanding.
Tsunade had been work for 5 straight hours, she finally collapsed, she had no more chakra, Sakura was drained too. She waited for the flat line...but it never game. She looked up to see a red cloak around the children, it was keeping them breathing. Tsunade didn't ask questions, just went with it, "get us some soldier pills, I don't know how long this will last, but I can be back up to full strength in an hour. Sakura in about an hour and a half. We've got to use this people, lets get going."
Mei and Naruto had sat in the room for an hour, neither saying a word. Finally Sakura burst in the room, "We did it! We got the lungs expanding properly, they're gonna be just fine!"
Mei shirked in joy and kissed her husband, "Oh thank God they're ok!"
Naruto kissed her back, "I'm so sorry I put you through this, I'm so glad they're ok."
Mei just kept kissing him, "It's not your fault, you told me not to go."
Naruto stopped and shook his head, "No, Mizuki was after me, not you. I couldn't even protect you, but not anymore. I'm going to get stronger. I've got two babies and a beautiful wife, I'm not going to risk losing that again."
Mei smiled, "It's still not your fault, but that doesn't matter. We need to go see our children."
Naruto picked her up bridal style, "Well lets go then."
Sakura stopped him, "Oh no, we have someone bringing them here now, Mei needs her rest. Now for the bad news, Mei there was too much damage to your body from delivering the babies so suddenly like that. To put it simply...we had to sterilize you to save your life."
Mei gasped again, "I'm sorry sweetie, I know you wanted a big family…"
Naruto stopped her with a kiss, "We've got two healthy, perfect little babies, I'm the luckiest man alive."
Tsunade walked in holding two bundles, "Gotta say my grandkids are extremely cute."
Naruto smiled and took one, Tsunade handed the other to Mei. The boy had Naruto's hair style but Mei's red hair, the girl had Mei's hair style, but Naruto's color. Mei giggled, "They got the right style but the hair colors switched."
Naruto smiled at his son, "they're beautiful."
Tsunade watched the new parents adoring the new babies, "Mito for the girl, and Asuma for the boy, we've already got the birth certificates going."
Asuma was making small noises in Naruto's arms, "thank you, for everything you've done for us."
Tsunade nodded, "you're welcome, but it wasn't just me. There was some kind of miracule in there. A red cloak kept there lungs moving long enough to recharge."
'Red Cloak' Naruto thought, then he remembered when his chakra was seeping into Mei's body, "Kurama, he gabe some chakra to you so he could save the kids."
Mei was shocked, Mito however was gurgling in his arms, "Naruto-kun, we have to find some way to thank him."
Kurama started talking in his "I didn't do it for you, I just didn't want a mopey container."
Naruto smiled, "We'll find a way to thank him, don't worry."
Kurama sighed in his head, "Whatever, I guess it's good for me, but I still didn't do for you."
Naruto responded to him in his head, "keep telling yourself that."
Jiraiya was panting heavily, one of his arms missing. This wasn't good, he entered a fight he couldn't win. His old student Nagato, now know as Pain, was bearing down on him. He had done well at first, but sage mode had run out leaving him defenseless. Pain claimed that he was not one person but six separate entities. Jiraya couldn't couldn't attack one without a six knowing. He was out of chakra and ideas, it didn't look good for the old toad sage.
"It's over Jiraiya-sensei, your idea of peace has failed. Now it must make way for mine," Pain yelled from above him.
Jiraiya scowled, "I would have thought you'd know by now, I never give up. A student gets his ninja way from his master, but it appears you didn't learn enough from me."
Pain didn't show any emotion, "And your new student did?"
Jiraiya smiled, "you can't beat Naruto, no one can. He's going to bring peace to the ninja world because of one simple fact, he never fails once he puts his mind to something, he doesn't let himself fail. I believe he is the student of the prophecy."
Pain shook his head, "As naive and long winded as ever Jiraya-sensei, but now it is time for your judgement."
Six patches descended on Jiraiya, he charged one last attack in his hand, "Massive Rasengan!"
When the dust cleared only one path was destroyed, and Jiraya was sinking into the sea.
A small green toad jumped out, "Ma, grab what you can so we can bring it to the Leaf, Jiraya-boy left me a message for that Naruto kid."
Naruto's friends fell in love with Mito and Asuma. Sakura got to hold Mito since she was there first and Tsunade cuddle with Asuma. It was relatively clear she like being a Grandma, "You're gonna see me in the Leaf all the time, and I'm gonna spoil you guys, yes I am. I'll get candy and teach you to play cards," she went on in her baby talk."
Hinata and Kiba were up next, and Kiba was surprisingly gentle with them, he noticed the looks he was getting, "What, I handle the Inuzuka puppies all the time. I can be gentle when I want to be."
Hinata giggled, Mito was in her arms, "You look like you'd make a good father Kiba-kun."
Kiba jumped, "Wait what?!"
Temari was staying with Shikamaru and dragged him to the hospital, she held Asuma and looking at his red hair she said, "You know with that Naruto's hair style and Mei's color, he almost looks a little like Gaara."
Shikamaru nodded, "a little yeah, you know it's troublesome, but they're kinda cute."
Temari smiled, she might get to have kids even with this lazy ass husband.
Kakashi stopped by and saw the kids, he tried to hold Asuma but clearly wasn't very good with children, Anko however was having a ball with Mito, "Hey cutie, look at old cyclopes over there, can't even hold your brother right. He's a silly old pervert ain't he."
Rituji and Shino were glad to hear Mei was okay, and had fun holding the kids. Naruto noticed Rituji kept sneaking glances at Shino and blushing. He leaned over to Naruto, "your advice was quite good. It worked out very well."
Slowly but surely everything calmed down and Naruto decided it was time to go visit his nine-tailed friend. He entered his mindscape and went to find the grumpy old fox.
Naruto found himself in a familiar sewer with familiar iron bars nearby, "hey Kurama, I came to thank you for everything you did for my family."
Huge red eyes open behind the bars, "No need to thank me, like I said I can't have you all mopey."
Naruto shook his head, "come on, you still won't admit we're friends?"
Kurama snorted, "yeah, that'll be the day."
Naruto smirked, "I don't care what you say, you care about me. You could have just let my family die and use it to motivate me to let you out for revenge, but you didn't. You could have told me what you did and expected something in return, but you didn't. I found out on my own and you keep telling me you don't need to be thanked. You care about me and my family."
Kurama sighed, "I'll admit, I do feel an emotional attachment to you. You're the first container I've actually liked. Besides, if I got out I would just be sealed by the Akatsuki eventually, my best choice is here with you, someone I actually trust with my power."
Naruto looked up, "you trust me," Kurama nodded, "well that least I can do is return the favor."
Naruto put and hand on his stomach, and Kurama went wide eyed, was actually gonna do it, was he actually gonna unseal him?
Naruto was about to finish when a hand grabbed his, "whoa now, not so hasty son. We don't want to do that too soon."
Naruto looked at the man in front of him in shock, "Dad…"
Minato smiled, "Hey son, good to see you. How's it going?"
Naruto laughed, "17 years and all you've got is, how's it going?"
Minato scratched the back of his head, "I was never good with words, but that not important, what's important is, you're trusting the Kyuubi to soon."
Kurama growled from his cage, "I have an name and I know you know it, you sealed my away in your soon, at least call me by my name."
Minato nodded, "fair enough," he turned to Naruto, "I'm not saying don't trust him, I'm just nervous you're doing it too soon. I place myself in the seal so that I would appear if you ever tried to remove it, to help you if it was ever needed."
A woman joined the group, "Minato, Naruto, but how? I'm not supposed to appear unless Naruto tries to take complete control of the Kyuubi's chakra?"
Kurama was getting irritated "Kurama, my name is Kurama, and I know you know Kushina. I was sealed in you for 23 years, so call me by my name dammit! And he didn't try to take control, I was giving him control. We're partners and...friends."
Minato couldn't believe it, "you did actually got the Kyuubi to work with you."
Kushina shook her head, "Son, you surpassed me in a big way."
Naruto laughed, "what can I say, I'm awesome."
They spent the next hour telling each other stories from their lives until Minato finally said, "we're going to fade soon Naruto, any last questions?"
Naruto nodded, "yeah, why is everyone, including you, so willing to die for me? Why am I so special?"
Minato ruffled his son's hair, "Because they see what you can do, the know there's something special about you. They're dying because they believe in you, just like I do."
Naruto chuckled slightly, "wow, alright then no more moping or saying it's my fault, they're not gonna die for no reason, I'll get strong enough to protect everyone. I'm gonna make sure no one else has to die for me."
Minato was about to responded, but he began to fade away, Kushina got some last word to her son, "I love you sweetie, you can do this. You're going to be the greatest ninja the worlds ever known."
They faded away and Naruto turned to Kurama and grabbed the seal on his cage, "you ready?" The fox nodded, "then let's do this."
He pulled of the seal and immediately felt his body go crazy, he screamed, not out of pain, to be honest he didn't know why he was screaming. His eyes shot open and he looked around to see he was still in the hospital with his wife sleeping and his children in their cribs.
"Did it work?" he asked himself.
"Yeah, it worked," a voice in his head reasponed.
He leaned back and laughed, what a hell of day.

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