Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28, time for a war! Is That sounded a little too cheery in my head. This is the start of the Fourth Great Shinobi war, so it might be a little boring because I'll be mostly just setting things up for the big battles. Don't worry I'll still try to be entertaining, I've got a few little things I can pull. Thanks for reading and please review.

he five great armies had assembled, Leaf, Sand, Mist, Cloud, and Rock. The stage had been set for the most important battle the world had ever seen. Just over 5000 shinobi had armed themselves against the last remaining members of the Akatsuki.
The Six kages had each chosen one or two to go into battle with them. Naruto, who obviously couldn't choose his wife, chose his old teammates. Team seven was once again reunited, Sasuke and Sakura would fight by his side in battle one last time. Sasuke's innocence had been been publicly announced, and supplying enough most people were glad to have him back. No one was really made about Danzo, and they praised him for killing Orochimaru and Itachi. Sasuke had begged Tsunade to clear his brothers name, but see explained to him that even with him dead it was too big of a risk. Sasuke didn't like it but accepted it.
Mei had chosen Kisame and Mizura. Kisame was incredibly strong and Mizura's sealing abilities might come in handy. Originally Zawabo wanted to go, but Huyri said that there was no way in hell that if she couldn't fight he could. She was angry Kisame was fighting as it was.
Tsunade had chosen Kakashi and Guy, her two most powerful jonin. Kakashi knew more ninjutsu than any person on the planet, and he could analyze jutsu like no one she'd ever seen. Not to mention his relentless training with his Sharingan now allowed him to use it for a much longer period of time then back when he first fought Zabuza. Guy was simply the best taijutsu specialist that had ever lived, something Tsunade hoped would come in handy.
Gaara had of course chosen his two siblings, Kankuro and Temari. Kankuro had surpassed even Sasori and Lady Chiyo in puppetry, and Temari was powerful wind user and deadly long range fighter. That, combined with Gaara's perfect defense made them an incredible team.
A had only decide to take Bee, as he felt anyone else would just get in the way of the two. Between A's lighting armor and Bee's tailed beast transformation, they still weren't to be underestimated. They weren't known as the great AB combo for nothing.
Finally, Onoki was taking his granddaughter Kurotsuchi to fight with him. He had tried to talk her out of this, but when Kurotsuchi set her mind to something there was no stopping her. He would allow her to come, but he would also be watching her carefully. He wasn't going to lie, she was a damn ninja.
Each of the five nations had chosen a leader for their sections of the armies, although the only two Naruto recognized were Shikamaru for the Leaf and Ao for the Mist. They were to lead the army while a special squad tracked down and finished off Zetsu.
That team consisted of the leader, Anko. The trackers, Kiba, Hinata, Neji, and Shino. And last but not least, the heavy hitters, Choji, Tenten, Rituji, and Ino. THey would reach and kill Zetsu, then, once the Zetsu army finished, they would come and help the Kages.
The war set to begin in just a few hours when they attacked the Akatsuki base. The fate of the ninja, and the world in general, rested on the fate of what happened today.
The first of the units started moving, they headed to the west to force the first round of Zetsu clones near a close by lake so that water users could finish them. The Six Kages waited for the signal and got moving.
Naruto took point, "Alright everybody, it all comes down to this. Either we win here or we don't win at all."
Sasuke shook his head, "Thanks for the brilliant speech captain obvious."
Naruto got a small smile on his face, "Good to have you back teme."
Sasuke smiled back, "Good to be back dobe."
A was getting irritated, "Enough with the reunion, we've got things to do here!"
Naruto went up to his wife, "You ready sweetie?"
Mei gave her husband a peck on the cheek, "Oh yeah, you just worry about coming out of this alive."
Naruto nodded and turned to the others, "Everybody else ready?"
Onoki floated to the point he was at Naruto's high, "Please, I've got more fight left in these old bones then you ever head."
Tsunade chuckled at the old man's confidence, "Yeah, if you can avoid popping them out of place."
Everyone laughed while Onoki grumpled, A spoke up "These guys think they can go after my brother? It's time to show these sons a bitches just who they're messing with."
Tsunade cracked her knuckle, "And trying to bring back the one person who was a strong as my grandfather, that's something we can't let just go unchecked."
Mei smirked, "If they think they're gonna kill you and put my kids in some endless dream, they've got another thing coming."
Naruto was loving their enthusiasm, "Alright then, in the words of Kurama, let's fuck shit up!"
Anko was busy on the other end of the battlefield listening to Shino, "Anko-sensei, the my insects are sensing the largest concentration of Zetsu's chakra 5 miles North of here."
Kiba disagreed, "Then he sent the most clones there, Akamaru says the oldest scent is 4 miles west of here."
Anko groaned, "Hyuugas, what do you say."
Hinata had her Byakugan activated, "Kiba-kun was right, the largest amount of clones is about 5 miles from here, sorry Shino"
Neji shook his head, "You're right, however 4 miles west of here there isn't any sign of Zetsu."
Anko thought for a second, "Well, he phases in and out of the ground, could that be it?"
Neji scratched his chin, "Maybe, the only thing is that if we're wrong we lose valuable time."
Anko groaned again, "Come on, how is one guy this hard to track down?"
Kiba scratched behind Akamaru's ear, "Akamaru's never wrong guys, you know that."
Shino sent one of his insects, "My bugs travel faster than we do, they can find that area and report back to us with the info in just 15 minutes."
Anko sighed, "Alright, It's not much but it's what we've got. Get that little creepy crawly moving."
Shino sent out his beetle and they stood there patiently, something that wasn't easy in the middle of a war.
The Six Kage had been moving for 30 an hour straight, finally Kisame told them, "We've got a big chakra signature coming up."
Naruto took a deep breath, "Alright, this isn't gonna be easy but we will kick this guys ass!"
Onoki couldn't help but laugh, "You're a wild one kid, I'm with you all the way."
Killer Bee decided it was time for some inspiration, "Tobi may be powerful, but his expression will be sourful! We gonna kill this prick, his ass we will kick! Lets do this yo!"
A smacked his brother, "Stop rapping!"
Before anyone could respond, they reached a large empty plain, Tobi standing in the middle with a white mast instead of his usually orange, "So you've arrived, excellent. My plan can finally come full circle."
Sasuke scoffed, "Really, you think you can take on all of us. You're good, put no ones that good."
Naruto looked more carefully at him noticing his eye, "You stole Nagato's Rinnegan."
Tobi almost ignored the boy, "I'm giving you all the chance to surrender now, to let you bring peace to this world. Let this pain end."
Naruto growled, "Is that what you told Konan when you killed her and stole Nagato's Rinnegan?"
Tobi shook his head, "You really want to harp on that don't you? Why?"
Naruto screamed at him, "My friends mean everything to me, so I get pretty pissed off when you start killing and stealing from them!"
Tobi looked off into space, "And what would you do if your friends were gone, if you lost everything? How would you react if your whole world came crashing down upon you, you're family and friends dying before your eye's? Would you still be as strong?"
Naruto looked down, "I don't know what I'd do, I don't know what you've been through...but that doesn't mean that I can just let go on with this insanity!"
Tobi began to make some hand seals, "Fair enough, but I'm afraid you and your friends don't stand a chance," he slammed his hands on the ground, "Summoning Jutsu!"
The dust cleared and six people appeared in the field, it was the six previous jinjurikis. A looked at them and ground his teeth, "And just what do you intend to do with them?"
Tobi motioned them to come forward and them did, "They're my six paths. I'm going to use these tailed beasts to crush you all like bugs."
Naruto wasn't having any of this, "You bastard! It isn't enough that you killed them had take their bodies for your personal puppets too?"
Tobi shrugged, "They aren't using them."
Naruto activated his Jinjuriki cloak, "And soon you won't be using yours!"
Shino's bug finally returned to him, "There's definitely some powerful chakra coming from that location."
Anko was ready to jump for joy, "Then what the hell are we waiting for? Lets go and get this freaky little plant guy."
Hinata nodded, "Yes, we need to stop him as soon as possible so that we can help Naruto and the others.
Anko scratched the back of her head, "Oh yeah, that too."
Kiba jumped up, "Alright, but what are we gonna do, we still have no idea what all this guy can do?"
Shino nodded, "Yes, it will be rather dangours to fight him with no knowledge of his fighting style."
Anko shrugged it off, "We've got one of the most varied teams I've ever seen. We may not know how to fight him but our team has more than enough styles to handle it.'
Neji agreed, "Well said Anko-sensei. Shall we get moving?"
Anko pumped her fist in the air, "Hell yeah!"
Kiba looked to Akamaru, "Alright Akamaru, you heard them. Lead the way."
Akamaru barked happily and started to head to Zetsu's location. The war was off to a dangerous start, a lot was still uncertain. No one knew for sure what happen and who would live, but it was gonna be hard no matter what way it went.

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