Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11, alright. Thank all of you guys for your great reviews, and sorry if the fight secne in the last chapter wasn't very good, I'm not great at writing those. Also a major tip of the hat to Jose19 for figuring out something you'll see in this chapter, nice job you psychic son of a bitch, you're ahead of me :D

fter the little event with Raiga, Naruto's name became a big deal in the village, he even made it into some of the villages bingo books. Some people saw him using the Kyuubi's chakra and while they didn't know what it was, they knew it was powerful. It earned him the nickname 'The Red Mist, because of the color of chakra coming off him when he used it. Tsunade was able to keep it out of the Leaf's bingo book for a while because they were allies. However that was before he made jonin when he was 16, and even if they were allies the Leaf still had to mark all A ranked jonin for safety purposes. He was going to Leaf for his next visit in just two days and his friends were already going to want to see to congratulate for making jonin, and they were defiantly going to question him on the red chakra too.
Naruto sighed, "I guess I finally have to tell them don't I?"
Mei smiled gently and kissed her husband, "It's gonna be just fine, you know they're still gonna love you just like they did before. Everyone in the Mist loves you and all of them know, I'm sure your friends of all people won't care."
Mei always had a way of relaxing Naruto even in the scariest situations, "thanks sweetie, guess I'll talk to them before I have to go see Danzo."
Mei scowled at the name, "why does that old war hawk wanna see you, he already tired to sneak in that clause so that he could take our kids, what's he up to now?"
Naruto shrugged, "I don't know, but it'll be fine, Tsunade made sure he can't take them and I trust her."
Mei nodded "I know but I can't help but worry. Speaking of kids, the councils pushing us to start a family. Apparently they want me to have kids before I lose my fertility."
Naruto went wide eyed, "but you're 19, we've got plenty of years for that."
Mei laughed, "which is exactly what I told them, don't worry Naruto, the only one who's gonna decided when we have kids is us."
Naruto sighed and shook his head, he really hated politics.
Naruto woke up two mornings later and sighed, today was the big day he was going to have to tell all of his friends the truth about the Kyuubi. He had some breakfast, talked with Mei for a little bit, and headed out. He saw Mizura training with Kiba, Mizura was a lightning elemental, and laughed. Naruto would have to Kiba Inuzuka about the Kiba blades when he got to the Leaf, he was sure everyone would get a kick out of that.
Naruto got to gates of the Leaf and took a deep breath, he could already tell it was gonna be a long day. He took no more than one step in the Leaf when he saw a green blur rushing towards him.
"Yosh, Naruto I swore to be the first to congratulate you and by the power of youth I have done it. Well done in becoming a jonin my friend," Lee screamed.
Naruto winced at the boys ear piercing volume, "thanks Lee, but there's no need to yell."
"Lee we told you to slow down," Sakura said, her and the rest of Naruto's friend had been running behind Lee, "hey Naruto, nice job making jonin."
"I'd expect nothing less from my student," said Kakashi.
Naruto smirked, "all you taught me was tree walking."
Kakashi scratched the back his head and laughed, "we'll yeah, that and teamwork."
Kiba spoke up next, "you're even in the bingo book, that's awesome man."
Naruto laughed, "yeah I guess. Oh yeah, you know that guy I fought, Raiga? The name of his blades was Kiba."
Kiba smirked, "just a name for stuff that's awesome I guess."
"Or a name for stuff that's useless without its partner," Ino muttered with a giggle.
"Hey!" Kiba yelled.
"Naruto, I noticed some interesting things in your bingo book entry that I couldn't quite find an explanation for, care to explain," Shino said, making everyone jump, they didn't even realize he'd arrived.
"Dammit gaki, buy a bell a put it around your neck or something," Anko yelled at him.
"I don't think Naruto needs to explain anything to us," said a nervous Hinata.
Naruto shook his head, "no, I need to explain this. Lets go get some lunch, I'll explain it there."
They all nodded and headed out, very curious.
They couldn't believe everything they'd just heard, the Kyuubi being alive and sealed in Naruto, his horrible childhood, all if it.
Sakura had tears in her eyes, "Sakura what's wrong?" Naruto asked.
Sakura began to sob, "everything I did to you when I was younger, all the times I hit you and called you stupid, refused to play with you, and it wasn't even your fault. You weren't stupid or a bad kid, you just never had anyone to teach you. I'm so sorry, I'm a horrible person."
She had buried her head in her hands and cried. Naruto put his hand on her shoulder, "it's okay, you didn't know, none of you did."
Shikamaru shook his head, "still, we were pretty bad to you."
Naruto smiled, "I turned out ok, everything's good now. The past is in the past."
Kakashi eye smiled, "we're glad you feel that way Naruto."
Naruto paid for his meal and got up, "we'll I gotta go meet Danzo, I'll see you guys later." He left, leaving the others to question the way they had treated him when they were younger.
Naruto arrived at Danzo office and knock on the door, which open with Danzo standing in the door, "Naruto-san, please come in."
Naruto nodded and entered the room, it wasn't a very fancy place, kinda boring really. Danzo motioned to a chair and Naruto sat down, "Not to be rude, but what's this about? It's not like we know each other or something so why'd you call me in here?"
Danzo sat down, his face was emotionless as ever, "We have an issue that needs to be discussed, about the Kyuubi."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "What about it?"
Danzo opened a bottle of sake he had on the table and poured himself a drink, "You see, back when a young girl know as Kushina Uzumaki, possibly a relative of yours I was never really able to find much out about her, first came her she contained the Kyuubi. She was given for us to protect under the condition that when she died we got to keep the Kyuubi, so it more or less became the property of the Leaf to do with as we please. When you were married to Mei Terumi that did not change, we need to discuss what will happen to the Kyuubi in the event of your death."
Naruto was skeptical, "So why isn't the rest of the council here, why only you?"
Danzo took a sip of his drink, "the rest of the council is under the impression that the Kyuubi belongs to whoever it is inside of, I am not. I was hoping that you would be willing to cooperate with me when this issue comes to the council."
Naruto shook his head, "and why on earth would I do that."
Danzo smirked, "why to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands of course. Naruto-kun, may I call you that?" Naruto shrugged but nodded, "when you were first born and the Kyuubi was sealed inside of you, I wanted to have you trained to use it's power, to keep out of the village and out of harms way. However the Third did not see eye to eye with me on this and refused. Naruto-kun, you've gotten very strong, but with the Akatsuki after you the likelihood is you won't live very long, I'm willing to bet the Mist council is trying to force to start a family. You must know why that is, it's because they want you to have kids before you die so they have someone to seal the Kyuubi into. Do you honestly believe a woman like Mei could really love you, you're being used as a pawn Naruto-kun, can't you see tha…"
He was cut off when Naruto punched him in the face, "FUCK YOU! How dare you say that you worthless piece of shit, Mei loves me and I love her so shut the hell up! I should kill you right now you son of bitch! You can go fuck yourself!"
Danzo laughed, "You're perfect, you're not like the other ninja, you don't fall for my simpler tricks. Most ninja put on the headband and become our property, that's the way it works. The only way to win in this world is to manipulate the weak. The villagers, the Third, your teachers, all of them kept you weak so that they could use you. Not me, I'm willing to help you, I won't live forever Naruto, but if we work together I can live longer and I can see to it that you become strong enough to survive the Akatsuki and take over ROOT when I'm gone. I'm the one who suggested that you marry Mei, that's right you got that hot piece of ass because of me. I was trying to find a way to get her bloodlines, I figured I could have you marry her and then once one of your kids inherits the Kyuubi I'd just make them come back here and we'd have a new bloodline. But you aren't that foolish are you, you knew just what I was trying to do. If you help me with the council, you can fuck Mei for a few more years and once you have kids bring them to be raised here and help make the Leaf stronger, your home stronger. In this world either you're the weapon or the wielder, which one are you?"
Naruto was shaking, "you're one sick bastard you know that. Because you brought Mei into my life I'll let you live, but if you ever make me an offer like that again I will kill you. Me, my kids, those other ninja, they aren't weapons, they're living breathing things. Hell that's why the tailed beasts hate us, we've never viewed them as anything but weapons or monsters, never just living breathing things with emotions. You're sick and I'll never be like you, I'm gonna bring peace to the ninja world, and people like you aren't gonna stop me."
Naruto walked out of the room and slammed the door, nearly breaking it.
Naruto went to bed that night and began to fall into a strange dream, he seemed to be in a sewer, he looked around and saw metal bars in front of him, he realized where he was a sighed, this couldn't be good.
"Gaki, we need to have a talk," The Kyuubi roared.
"Fine, I'm guessing well just skip the pleasantries since we know each other's names. Wait is Kyuubi your name?" Naruto asked.
Kyuubi looked surprised, "No, my name is Kurama. You're actually the first person to ask, how sad is that. Not important, this is about what you said earlier today, about the tailed-beasts, you said we hate you because you only see us as weapons or monsters, not people. You're pretty much dead on, so I've thought about it, and since you seem to understand what we want, I'm willing to make you a deal."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "what's that?"
"You want to bring peace to the world, and I want a guarantee that if you do, you will free me and my brothers and sisters and let live as they please, in exchange I will give you access to my power and teach you how to use it and agree that none of use will turn on you once we're free." Said the Kurama.
Naruto smiled, "wow, talk about one hell of an offer. I'm definitely in, just how strong is this gonna make me?"
Kurama shook his head, "It's not instant power, I'm going to teach you to use in properly, and even then I'm going to give it to you slowly to keep your mind and body for going insane. Also I'm still not giving you all of my power because I still don't fully trust you, if and when I do, then you can have full access."
Naruto nodded, "sounds good, anything else?"
Kurama shook his head again, "no, you may leave, just wake up and I'll see you again eventually."
Naruto was about to ask him how he would wake up when he jolt upright in his bed, cold sweat on his forehead. He layed back down laughed, Mei was not gonna believe this.

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