Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Chapter 30, time to find out what Naruto went to get and if Anko's team can defeat Zetsu. Hard to believe I'm this far already…I have too much free time. Well, now the wrestling season's over I do anyway. It's getting close to being over, so enjoy it while you can. Thanks for reading and please review.

aruto had more or less put his body on autopilot so that he could have a conversation with his nine tailed friend. "Alright, so how did you know who this Obito guy is?"
Kurama sighed, "He was one of the few humans actually held in some kind of regard. I was impressed by his ability to continue despite the way everything turned out. Poor kid came over to your fathers a lot house to stay the night. He often couldn't go home because his parents didn't exactly like him. The thing about him be attacked on the streets of Uchiha compound wasn't a lie. No matter what happened he just kept smiling and saying it would all turn out ok, he still had his Sensei and Rin. Your mother adored him, tried to be like family to him. Kid was a lot like you to be honest."
The similarities scared Naruto slightly, "Yeah…a lot like me. Was I really that close too? You know to going insane like that?"
Kurama was scared to answer, "The night Mizuki told you the truth, I'm not going to lie, you were quite close. If Iruka hadn't been there you would have snapped when Mizuki tried to kill. You most likely would have killed him and did whatever I told you."
Naruto couldn't believe it, "Wow, I can't believe. If someone hadn't been there for me I would have been just like him."
Kurama nodded "If Iruka and your teammates had died like Rin and your father had, you'd be just as crazy as he is."
Naruto was thinking about it hard, "He was good guy, if Madara had just let him day as a hero none of this would have happened."
Kurama shrugged, although Naruto couldn't see it in his head, "Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
Naruto shook his head, "That's good, where did you get that from."
Kurama scrathed his chin, "I think its from an old movie."
Naruto just kept moving, "This really isn't the time to be quoting old movies. How close are we?"
Kurama thought for a second, "20 minutes, we're making great time. We should get back a half an hour ahead of schedule. So what are we going there for anyway?"
Naruto's answer was rather cryptic, "We're going to get someone who I think will be able to settle all this."
White Zetsu couldn't believe this, what the hell was going on here. It had started very much in his favor. However, soon after Black Zetsu left they started to get a system going. Tenten had laid mines everywhere, make phasing into the ground extremely dangerous, while Choji and Rituji were taking out his clones left and right. Even if he did find a location without mines, Hinata and Neji were close enough to see him even when he phased into, and Shino kept him from entering trees with his beetles. Anko and Kiba had him on the ropes with their relentless attacks.
White Zetsu was getting aggravated, "You think this will change anything? We've still got my black half and Leader-sama. Not to mention we had six tailed beasts. Stopping me won't change a thing."
Anko smirked, "Will see if you're still saying that when the armies stop dealing with your clones and start kicking the shit out of those tailed beasts. Oh wait, you won't be around to say anything."
Soon he found himself pinned down by several snakes Anko had summoned and hidden before the battle. Kiba smirked and moved in for the kill, "Time for the final blow," He and Akamaru begin spinning in opposite directions, then turned around so they would meet and White Zetsu's location, "Absolute Fang Over Fang!"
It hit destroying every fiber of what was White Zetsu. The clones around them slowly began to disintegrate around them. Anko put her hands on her hips in triumph, "Hell yeah, take that you freaky little plant thing. Nobody fights the me and my friends and comes out alive!"
Hinata came up and poked her on the shoulder, "Um, Anko-sensei, shouldn't we get moving."
Anko grinned, "Yes we should, lets go find those tailed beasts. From kicking one ass to another."
Everyone else looked at her in deadpan, but went to go find the their Kages. They still weren't sure what he was talking about with the tailed beasts, but they didn't really have time to think about it. All they had time to do was go and finish this war.
Naruto reached the hidden Leaf and found the Hero's graveyard. He kept moving until he found the grave he was looking for. "Sorry to wake you, but I need some help."
Kurama was slightly shocked at his containers plan, "Are you sure about this, this isn't like you?"
Naruto had his clones get to work, "Don't have a lot of other options."
Kurama agreed, but wasn't so sure about his, "Do you really think this will work though?"
Naruto shrugged, "You got a better idea?"
Kurama muttered, " not really."
Naruto's clones were busy digging, "Then shut up and let me do this."
Kurama sighed in defeat, "Fair enough, just make it quick!"
The Kages and company weren't exactly doing well against the tailed beasts and Obito. Granted they were holding out, but not for much longer. Tsunade was forced to use her ultimate healing jutsu to keep herself alive and wasn't really fighting at this point, just healing the others. Mei had summoned Gamaken to help out as well, her and the two toads were doing relatively well against the six tailed slug. Mei had done a lot of damage by channeling her bloodline into Gamabunta and making his massive water justus scolding hot. Also, thanks to Gamaken distracting him and Mei hitting with as much lava as she could manage, they had cut off three of it's tails. Onoki was probably having the most trouble of the Kages, as his jutsu wasn't designed to handle something like a tailed beast, and he was busy worrying about his granddaughter as well. Still, they had managed to do a little damage to the four tailed monkey. Guy had teamed up with Sakura and Sasuke to handle the five tailed horse, and were doing decently. Sasuke's Susanoo arrows were a godsend for setting up Guy and Sakura to use their strength to beat the crap out of him. A and Bee were doing the best of the group. Gaara was bring the seven tailed lotcus down to ground level, which was a massive help to Kankuro and Temari. Thanks to Bee's tailed beast transformation and A's lightning armor, they had actually defeated the two tailed cat and moved on to the three tailed turtle. Kakashi was doing his best to keep his old teammate at bay. He discovered that their jutsu's were linked thanks to them sharing a set of eyes. With the Kutsui he was able to use some ninjutsu to hit him, but even that was a slow process. It wasn't going fantastically, but it at least Naruto was due very soon.
Obito sent another wave of attacks at his old friend, "Come now Kakashi-baka, you must realize the reality of this world, the pain that comes from living in it. After all you've felt a lot of pain yourself, doesn't bother you that you're teaching Naruto to use the power that killed our sensei?"
Kakashi scowled, "You killed our sensei, not Naruto. I'm not going to lie, there was part of me that hated Naruto when he was first born. I actually planned on killing him when I was order to guard him when he was younger. I was going to get close to him, then kill him, simple. But when I got to know him I saw it, sensei's eyes, Kushina's heart, even the will of put it simply I was discussed with myself. Sensei died for him, and I'd gladly do the same!
"Wow Kakashi-sensei, didn't know I meant that much to me, I guess I can let you trying to kill me slide then," Naruto said with a smirk.
Kakashi was ecstatic the he was back, "Alright, what did you get?"
He what appeared to be body on his back to Sasuke, "I need you to reanimate it, and hurry!"
Obito wasn't sure who that was they were reviving, but he was sure he didn't like it, he raised his hand, "Almighty Pull!"
Naruto, Gaara, Killer Bee, and Kakashi were in the area where they were pulled close to Obito along with the six other tailed beasts. Naruto managed to get ahold of Sasuke with one of his chakra limbs and pulled him and the body with them. Obito made some hand seals and they were surround by some kind of circular wall of red chakra. Naruto put his hand on it, it was scalding hot to the touch. Obito made a few more hand seals and summoned the Gedo statue.
Obito walked forward, "I was waiting for the boy to return so that we could finish this, it's time kill all of you and extract the tailed beasts. The worlds pain ends here."
Naruto looked at his old friend, "Sasuke, you almost done there?"
Sasuke nodded, "Yeah, who the hell is this anyway?"
Naruto got into battle stance, "Don't worry about it. Just get it done."
Kakashi put his hand up to stop Naruto, "Leave Obito to me, so far I'm the only who can manage to hit him."
Obito chuckled, "It won't matter, once I get these three extracted it's all over."
Sasuke yelled to them, "I'm done lets do this. So who is this already?"
"Obito, is that you? What's going on, how are you alive, how am I alive."
Kakashi and Obito couldn't believe what they were seeing, "RIN!"
I know, I'm an asshole. Don't worry I'll update tomorrow, and as to why he brought Rin back, well you'll see.

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