Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

This chapter is where things start to pick up quite a bit. Also thanks to Generation Zero for a name you'll see coming up. Well here we go…

aruto had gotten into a bit of a rutionine for the past few weeks, train with guy in the morning, train with Asuma during the day and see Mei at night. He had just a week left in the Leaf, and things were going quite well, he could now complete the leaf cutting exercise, and could infuse kubikiribōchō with some wind chakra making it able to cut through nearly anything, combined with his new refined taijutsu and Asuma's kinjutsu, things were going quite well. He had just woken up and was getting ready to leave, Mei had woken up as well, she had a meeting with Tsunade about Naruto's transfer.
"So, what are you and Asuma going to be doing today?" She asked the blonde.
"Actually, he just finished teaching two wind moves, Great Breakthrough and Slicing AIr Palms, I was actually gonna see if I could find Tsunade when you go to see her and get out some of those wind scrolls my parents left me." Naruto replied, with a hint of pride in his voice.
Mei was happy to hear that, her future husband was getting stronger at a rate no one could believe, "great, always happy to spend a little time with you Naruto-kun."
Naruto smirked, "oh believe me I know, you want us to wait till the wedding, but if you keep doing the things that you did last night, I won't be able to control myself."
Mei laughed, "I didn't hear you complaining."
Naruto laughed in return, "no, I guess you didn't"
They walked out of the apartment and started heading towards the Hokage's office. Mei glanced back at Naruto, "you're making great progress with your wind style, but unfortunately, the Mist isn't much better off when in comes to wind user than Leaf is, and we only have one qualified seal expert, only he would be able to help you with sealing, and a kid your age who's pretty good with wind style who might be able to help you ."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Really, who are they?"
"Our seal experts name is Mizura Shinsuke, he was actually one of the only non bloodline users who was willing to help us. If he hasn't figured out a way to seal of Yugaru from his tailed-beast chakra, I don't think we could have one," said Mei with an inward look.
"You mean like the one Orochimaru used on me?" Naruto asked.
Mei shook her head, "no, Orochimaru is considered to be a butcher when sealing, other than his curse mark which is only any good thanks to using dark chakra."
Naruto nodded, "and the wind user."
"Well, he's not actually a wind user, he just can use wind, he actually about your age. He has a bloodline known as Dragon Flame Release, which due to his wind chakra being mixed in with his fire chakra, makes any fire jutsu he uses incredibly powerful. He learned how to separate them to improve his control, his name is Zawabo Kursuki." Naruto nodded again and Mei thought back to the first time she had met each of them.
Flashback (Mizura)
A 13 year old Mei stood watching the the resistance debate with interest, she may have only been 13, but she was at the level of jonin so she was allowed to sit in on the meetings. "Look, I just don't think we can trust this guy, he might be a spy for Yugaru." One of them said.
"I don't think so, Yugaru still thinks we're just a bunch of unorganized smaller groups, he hasn't shown any sign that he knows we all work together, we've been very careful about that," another spoke up.
"Then how did he know that we were all one group?" Someone asked.
"He's the best sealer in the Mist, maybe he's been using sound recording seals," one suggested.
"Then why wouldn't he tell Yugaru, why does wanna help us? I bet Yaguaru knows and sent him in to spy."
Mei was getting stressed from the loudness of the room, and decided to speak up herself,
"Well, if he was a spy, and he can use recording devices, why Yugaru even bother to send in a spy? He would just arrest us all now. We need all the help we can get, I say we take the risk."
One of the leaders spoke next, "exactly what I was thinking. We could really use a seal expert."
"If you really want to see if you can trust him, why not just ask him why he's willing to help us?" Mei suggested.
They all nodded, it was better than nothing. "Please send Mizura in."
A 15 year old with medium length black hair and hazel eyes walked into the room, "now, Mizura, please tell us why you're willing to help us when no one else without a bloodline will."
Mizura paused and began to speak, "my father was one of the executioners for the bloodline purge before he died. I went to watch him once when I was younger, I watched a woman beg for her sons life, he was only 4 months old...I watched my father stick a scalpel in his neck. I watched his mother collapse down on the ground, she didn't cry, didn't lash out for revenge, she just layed there broken. They killed her next, she didn't fight at all, when I asked him about it, his response was 'she just didn't understand it was for the good of the Mist'...if that was for the good of the Mist, then the Mist needs to change. I can't forget that look on her face, watching the life leave her eyes as she watched her son die, I just need to do something, anything to help."
Mizura was an official member of the resistance within an hour.
Flashback (Zawabo)
A 12 year old Mei was walking through the through the forest on the outskirts of the village when she heard a noise nearby. She looked around until she found the source, a small boy brown haired, fair skinned boy was crying into his arms. Mei sat down next to him and asked him, "are you ok, why are you crying?"
He looked at her with large green eyes, "I'm a monster...sniff...I killed him, I didn't mean to kill him, I swear...sniff,"
"What do you mean?" Mei asked.
"I went to do a fire jutsu my teacher had showed me, it was supposed to make a little stream thing from my mouth, he said to use just a little and I did, but it went nuts and burned really big and...and..." He buried his face in Mei's shoulder and cried.
Mei could easily figure out what happened, he was trying to use Flickering Flame Tongue and he must have had some kind of bloodline that enhanced it before the teacher could figure out what was happening. Mei just let him cry in her shoulder, she didn't mind, the poor boy needed it. He had ended up joining the resistance and learning about his bloodline, which he named Dragon Flame Release, and stayed close with Mei, who he came to view as a big sister.
"We'll we're at the tower, see you later Mei-chan," said Naruto snapping Mei out of her thoughts.
"Oh alright. See you Naruto-kun," she replied and they parted ways.
Naruto walked into Tsunade's office and looked around, he found Tsunade in the Hokages vault reading a scroll and mumbling to herself, "hey Baachan, you care if I grab some of my scrolls from here?"
Tsunade nodded, "yeah fine, just leave everything like you found it."
"Shouldn't you be leaving for that concile meeting with Mei?" Naruto asked.
Tsunade looked up startled, "damn it! I'll see you later."
She hurried from the room and failed to realize she hadn't out the scroll properly on the self and it quickly fell. Naruto shook his head and placed it back on the shelf. He glanced at it and got a little confused, it said ,Uchiha Massacre-S ranked classified.
That didn't make sense, why would there be anything classified about that, what could be secret about that? Naruto shook his head and grabbed the scrolls he needed and left, maybe he would ask Sasuke about it later.
Naruto looked at one of the scrolls he had grabbed, it was his fathers and was labeled 'Wind Style-Cyclone Shuriken', which would make a concentrated shuriken of wind to be thrown that would make a small impact and send waves of slicing wind at the enimie. It looked like it was meant to eventually be combined with the Rasengan. He looked it over again and got to work.
Naruto was walking home, having made a little bit of progress on the Cyclone Shuriken and saw Sasuke walking by so he flagged him down.
"Hey Sasuke," he screamed.
Sasuke looked up, "what?"
"I know it's kinda none of my business, but we would there be a document about the Uchiha massacre that was classified, I saw one in the Hokage's vault today and I'm kinda curious?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke frowned, "I don't actually know. That doesn't make any sense, what secrets could there be about that...I gotta know what's in that scroll."
"I could sneak you into the vault if you want," Naruto suggested.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "you'd do that for me? Why?"
Naruto shrugged, "you're my friend, of course I would, besides, no ones better at sneaking into the Hokage's office than me."
Sasuke nodded, "alright, tonight then."
"Meet me on the roof of the building next to it at about 9:00," Naruto said, and they parted ways...
Naruto got back and informed Mei on the days event's making her laugh, "don't you have any respect for Tsunade at all?"
Naruto laughed in return, "nope, so how did the council meeting go?"
Mei scowled, "that war hawk Danzo tried to discreetly put in a clause that would allow them to raise any kids we might have here. Luckily Tsunade and I stomped that out."
Naruto smiled, "do you ever think about us having kids?"
Mei smiled back, "of course, I've always wanted kids, what about you?''
Naruto thought for a second, "I don't know, I never really had a family so this is all kinda new to me."
Mei nodded, "It's ok, you've got plenty of time to think about, I'm sure you're gonna warm up to the idea, why don't you head out, oh and if you get caught, you never told me about this."
Naruto roared with laughter and headed out to meet Sasuke.
Naruto and Sasuke stood in the Hokages vault with the scroll in hand,Sasuke couldn't believe how easily Naruto had gotten them there, "where did you learn how to sneak in here that easily?"
Naruto laughed, "I practically lived here when I was younger, it's gotten pretty easy for me."
Sasuke smirked and opened the scroll, they began to read...
Sorry about the cliffhanger, but I'll update on Sunday, see you soon and thank you all for reading!

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