Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14, time for a fight, and I promis it'll be better than the fight with Riaga. Thanks for reading, and please review, I really need that feedback. I'm getting worried the story's getting bad because I don't have as many people favoriting. Anyway, enough of my blabbering, lets get this started.

aruto was panting heavily, this guy was tough. Naruto couldn't rest for even second, if he did he'd find one Deidara's explosive bugs waiting for him or an explosive bird flying in his direction.
"What's a matter, can't handle the genius of my art?" Deidara mocked.
"No, just trying to keep the ugly crap from touching me, by the way you shouldn't stop to talk to your opponent," Naruto shot back.
Deidara was about to ask him what he meant but found himself avoiding a demon wind shuriken, "ha, is that the best you can do?"
Naruto smirked, "no, but this is."
The shuriken turned into a clone and kicked Deidara in the face, "an old trick of mine, not bad huh," Naruto laughed.
Deidara reached into his clay pouch, "you are so dead!"
Huyri had never fought a puppet master before and after watching lady Chiyo and Sasori go at it she was glad she hadn't. She had been trying to hit him with her Shark Bombs, with it resulting in him slicing it with his tail thing every time.
"You alright lady Chiyo? You're looking a little tired," she asked.
"We're just getting started little girl, you'd better keep up, I can't have you slowing me down, not against Sasori," Chiyo replied.
Huyri laughed, "I knew I liked you, I've got an idea, would be able to keep his front occupied so I can use something special on his back?"
Chiyo nodded, "of course."
Sasori was on the other end of the clearing preparing for an attack, "I don't know what you're talking about over there, but I promise you it won't work."
Chiyo didn't replied and sent her puppets after Sasori. He wasn't expecting the attack and it he narrowly blocked it. Unfortunately for him he didn't notice the water forming under his puppet until it was too late.
"Water Style: Rising Water Shark Jaws Jutsu," Huyri yelled, as the head of shark rose up and crushed the puppet master.
They both waited for the dust to clear. When it did they saw a young boy who looked to be about 16 standing there. "Well played grandmother, very well played indeed."
Chiyo looked shocked, "it looks like you haven't aged a day since you left the Sand."
Sasori smirked, "just keep fighting grandmother, if you live long enough you may come to understand how I've stayed so young."
The group other other ninja were traveling as fast as they possibly could to meet the others with Kakashi's summons leading the way. If Kakashi had to guess he'd say they were about 5 hours out, he really didn't like to think about leaving them hung to dry for that long.
"Do you really think they can handle those two," Sakura asked, fear very apparent in her voice.
Kakashi gave her his classic eye smile, "you should have more faith in Naruto, he's a good ninja. If anyone can hold those guys off its him."
Sakura smiled and sped up, she didn't intend to let Naruto get all the glory.
For the last 3 hours Naruto had been avoiding Deidara's various explosives, send a clone at him at every chance he got. Naruto knew Deidara's only had so much clay, and Naruto had more than enough chakra to outlast him.
Naruto sent a clone with a Rasengan at him, which Deidara barely dodged. He reached in his pouch and could feel he was running low on clay. He knew was out of options, it was time to bust out the big guns, "you've done pretty good kid, you've earned the honor of seeing one of my signature pieces," he said as he put some clay in his hands,"The C4 Dragon!" A massive burst of smoke erupted and Deidara was standing on top of a massive white dragon.
Naruto scowled and started going through hand seals, "you think you're the only one who can summon something big," he slammed his hands on the ground.
Another burst of smoke erupted, "dammit gaki, why the hell did you summon me?" Gamabunta yelled.
"Sorry, but I've got a friend in danger and clay dragon to worry about," Naruto replied.
Gamabunta sighed, "fine, it's been a while so I won't squish ya, but I want some if the Mist's special sake for this."
Naruto nodded, "you'll get it, now lets do this!"
Chiyo couldn't believe the sight before her eyes, the Third Kazekage, turned into a mere puppet to be used by her grandson, "you killed the Third Kazekage just so you could turn him into some puppet, why?"
Sasori laughed, "this isn't just some puppet, it's very special. It's what I like to call a human puppet, it has all the abilities of the user when they were alive, including the Third's bloodline."
Chiyo went wide eyed, "Huyri, be careful. The Third Kazekage had an incredible power known as Iron Sand. It allowed him to control microscopic shards of iron and take large amounts of them and turn them into virtually any wepone. knowing Sasori every shard is poisoned too, so avoid being hit, although with the Third that may prove too difficult for either of us."
Huyri gasped, just how strong was this guy. He actually managed to kill a Kage and take his body for his own personal use. Sasori just kept laughing, "it's been so nice catching up Grandmother, but I'm afraid that know that I've brought out my favorite puppet you don't stand a chance."
Chiyo got her puppets ready, this was going to be the most difficult fight of her life.
Temari was moving at an inhuman pace, they were less than 30 minutes from the Akatsuki and she needed to save her little brother. She couldn't believe the others had held out this long but she thanked God that they did. She was so close, so close to having her baby brother back, she wasn't going to give up now.
Naruto clung as close as he could to Gamabunta's head, watching things unfold before him. The clay dragon was powerful, but it was no match for the boss toad. It was falling quickly and Dedeira could see it. He made a clay clone and jumped of the dragon, grabbing Gaara and planning to make a run for the hideout.
Naruto however was not easily fooled, "oh no you don't." he yelled and drew Kubikiribōchō. He channeled wind chakra into it and made a large slash, a blast of wind flew out of the blade hit Dedeira in the back.
Naruto landed in front of Dedeira and he scowled, "dammit, that really hurt you prick."
Naruto scowled, "you tried to kill my friend so forgive me if I don't feel sorry for you."
Gamabunta made one final slash at the dragon promptly slicing it in half, destroying the beast, "that's all for me gaki, I'll see you soon to get that sake." He yelled, poofing away.
Naruto looked at Dedeira and activated Kurama's chakra, "I'm done playing games, give me Gaara or I'll kill you right now."
Dedeira laughed lightly, realizing who the kid was, "so you're the nine-tail's huh, no wonder you have so much chakra."
Naruto shook his head, "I'm just the container. Look I'm done talking, give me Gaara now!"
Dedeira put the boy down and reached in his pouch, "I've still got a little fight left in me you damn fox, I ain't giving up that easy."
Naruto made 4 clones, one jumped into the tree's, "well then you've left me no choice, time to us my new jutsu to finish this fight once and for all." The other two clones began to make some kind of sphere in his hand.
Dedeira scoffed, "and you think I'm just gonna stand here, it's gonna take a lot more than one clone to hold me down so I hope you didn't send one into the tree's just for that."
Naruto smiled "I didn't, I sent it to find my friend so he could pin you down."
Dedeira raised an eyebrow, "what are you...wait why the hell can't I move?!"
"Shadow possession success," Shikamaru said from the trees, smiling at his foes confusion.
Naruto's clones finished and Naruto charged at Dedeira, "you lose, Wind Style: Rasenshuriken," he yelled slamming his hand into the other blondes gut.
There was a massive explosion of chakra and when the dust clear the only thing that remained was a large crater with Naruto standing inside, "nice jutsu, what is that an S-rank?"
Naruto nodded, "yeah something I've been working on. Good thing you showed up, I was having some trouble."
Shikamaru shrugged, "I have a feeling you would have beat him even if I wasn't here. That guys was strong, what are you like Kage level now?"
Naruto scratched the back of his head, "low Kage level I guess. Come on, let's get Gaara to Sakura, he need some help."
Shikamaru nodded and helped the blonde pick him up so they could get moving, it had been a damn good fight, Shikamaru was kinda sad he missed it.
Sasori, for the first time in years, was genuinely afraid. He was surrounded by jonin on all sides, this wasn't good. That was a bad situation even for him, he wasn't sure he could get out of this one. This Mizura person was a major problem, he was conducting electricity through his iron sand, he had nearly fired the Kazekage puppet twice. Sasori used his shot the iron sand at Mizura, manipulating it to cover as much ground as possible.
Mizura flipped and slid to avoid the iron sand from all angles, "I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that," he told him shooting more lighting at the iron sand. Sasori wasn't able to avoid it this time. It hit his puppet causing it crack and twist, eventually shattering.
Sasori was extremely irritated, "that was my favorite puppet, you'll pay for that." He pulled off his cloak to reveal he was whole body was made of wood, with a white piece in his chest. He released over a 100 puppets from his back, "My grandmother may have taken down entire fortress, but with this attack I took down an entire nations."
Mizura took a look at his body at examined it, "I recognize the seal on the white part of his chest, it contains his consciousness, destroy that and it's over."
Sasori scowled, "you die first you in damn pest."
"Sorry, but actually you die first," Kakashi said, appearing out of nowhere and shoving a Chidori in his chest. He had held back when the rest surround him so he could surprise Sasori.
"Damn you...the Akatsuki will win in the fools are only delaying the inevitable," Sasori said and collapsed.
Just as Sasori fell Naruto and Shikamaru jumped in, "looks like you guys are done too. Nice job," said Shikamaru.
Sakura took look at Gaara, "we'd better get back to Suna, he's condition is stable for now, but to really fix him we'll need all of my medical supplies."
They all nodded and headed off. Two members of the Akatsuki were dead, as for as they were concerned, it had been a good day. A man in something that looked like a venus fly trap watched from the distance, and mumbled, "Leader-same is not going to like this."

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