Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Chapter 29...I'm running out of clever or relevant things to say here. This one's is gonna be a good old fashion fight! We've got the Six Kages and company Vs Tobi and the Tailed Beasts and Anko and rest of squad Vs Zetsu. Well sit back and enjoy thanks for reading and please review.

obi watched the Six Kages battle the tailed beasts, he wasn't going to lie they were doing quite well. Too well actually. He was going to have to do something soon.
Naruto hit the five tailed horse (I think it a horse, but they never actually say) with a Rasenshuriken to the side of the face, leaving a circular burn mark on his face. Sasuke fired another of Sushendo arrows, pinning down his tail, while Sakura gave him hard hit to the back with her super strength charge Cherry Blossom Blast.
Nearby, Mei was on top of Gamabunta sending massive amount of lava at the six tailed slug causing it to scream rather loudly. Gamabunta gave him a quick slash with his sword which he dodged only to be hit Kisame's Super Water Shark Bomb Jutsu.
Tsunade was busy handly the three tailed turtle, Kakashi called dibs on that one for reasons unknown. Gai had activated the six gate of joy, and the beast a large punch side and Tsunade joined in with a Heavenly Kick of Pain to the base of his neck. Kakashi the turtle's eye with the lightning blade.
Gaara had the seven tailed lotus pinned to the ground with his sand, Temari was was sending massive wave of slice are at him. Kankuro and gotten out Salamander and was firing large explosive blast at him from it's canon.
Onoki and his granddaughter were having a little trouble with the four tailed monkey, but Onoki wasn't going down easily by any stretch of the imagination. He created dozens of stone clones and sent them after the beast while Kurotsuchi attempted to bury him with ash.
A and Bee were doing extremely well against the two tailed cat. A's lighting armor was nearly impenetrable and his speed was nearly unmatched. Not to mention with Bee's tailed beast transformation they were much more than on par with her.
Tobi sighed, "Looks like I'm going to have to intervene after all."
Zetsu had to admit, he was rather impressed, not many people would have been able to track him down. It was quite impressive really, he'd have to careful with these ones. The white half found it quite interesting, "Oh my, a fight. We haven't really been in a fight for several years. But we promise that well make it interesting."
Anko started at man, "We, wait you and the black half are two separate people?"
The black half spoke up, "Oh yes, we're two separate entities. I'm the brain while my partner here is the muscles."
White Zetsu frowned, "Oh come on, I'm a good conversationalist too."
Anko made some hand signs, "That won't help you against us," some snakes came out of her sleeves, "Shadow Snake hands."
Zetsu didn't move, his Mayflower came up and protect him, "Is that the best you've got, if Orochimaru couldn't use that to kill what makes you think you can?"
Anko got a tick mark on her forehead, "You did not just compare me to him!"
Kiba was tired of waited, "Lets go Akamaru!" The jumped on his back and prepared for their signature move, "Fang Over Fang!"
The flying drill hit the Mayflower and drilled through it, but Zetsu was already gone. He popped out of the ground and raised his hands. "I think it's time a show you what makes us so special."
Zetsu released wood from his hands that charged at the team, Rituji wouldn't believe this, "Wait, isn't that the power of your First Hokage? How the hell can he use that?" She fired some hair senbon from her hair to try and divert the attack, with little success.
Zetsu smiled, "What can we say, we're just special."
Shino looked at him launched some beetles at him, "That's not much of a response."
Zetsu just shot some wood missiles at the them, "Oh, we don't want to tell you just yet, that would ruin the fun too soon."
Hinata studied his chakra network, "Guys, he doesn't have a normal chakra system. I think...I don't think he's human."
Zetsu frowned, "Aw, you spoiled it. We wanted to be the ones to tell them."
Anko looked shocked, "Wait, then what the fuck are you!?"
Zetsu smirked with pride, "An artificial human made from the cells of the First Hokage. The black half of here is the very will of Madara-sama. Together we make up one of the most powerful people in the ninja world."
Anko was terrified, what the hell had they gotten themselves into?
The Six Kages couldn't believe the rate at which the battle switched. Tobi's power was like nothing any of them had ever seen. Trying to hit him seemed impossible because every hit just went through him. Even worse they couldn't fight him and the tailed beast at the same time. He jumped into the air, "Massive Fire Ball Jutsu!"
Kisame jumped up to meet it, "Super Water Shark Bomb Jutsu."
They landed on the ground with Kisame panting and Tobi laughing, "Honestly, do you really think you can take on six tailed beasts and me, even with this many people?"
Naruto jumped back, "Mei-chan, could Mizura seal these guys like he did the first time."
Mei shook her head, "No, he says that it takes time to make each seal, much more time than we have."
Naruto growled, "This isn't even close to over you prick!"
Tobi teleported over and punched him in the face, "Oh but it is. You need to beat the tailed beast so that you can focus on me, but to beat the tailed beast you'd need to be able to focus on them which I won't let you. It's hopeless."
Naruto was running out of idea, he started mumbling to himself, "Maybe if we just knew who this guy was, maybe we'd have some idea of how to fight him." Then something occurred to him, "Kurama, you said his chakra was familiar. I need you to focus on it long and hard to see if you can remember who this is."
Kurama started to try, but quickly stopped, "Sorry kit, my sense are off as it is. I could have swore right there that I...sensed a...complete pair of his Sharingan. Son of bitch, I know who it is! Damn it, how did I miss that?"
Naruto was excited, "Well who is it?"
Kurama yelled back to him, "I need you to identify him to the others. Scream his name out, try to get his attention. This name won't mean anything to you, but a need you to scream out…"
Naruto listened carefully, then turned to face the man, "Obito Uchiha, take that damn mask off and show yourself!"
The man stopped in his tracks and turned to face the boy, Kakashi was extremely confused, "Naruto, what the hell are you talking about?"
Obito laughed and removed his mask, revealing his half crushed face, "Strange, your student realized it before you did. It's been awhile, eh Kakashi-baka."
Kakashi couldn't believe his eyes, ""
Obito looked his old mask and tossed it aside, "Do remember Kakashi, that day on Kannabi bridge? Do you remember when she died?"
Kakashi balled his fist, "So that's what it is, that's what made you snap."
Obito looked at his old teammate with tired eyes, "I was an Uchiha, the most powerful clan in the world. Yet the best I could manage was dead last in my class. Can you image the scrutiny I faces, I was beaten on the streets of my compound. But Rin...Rin was always there. She was always smiling. My perfect angel, the one person who never said cruel world to me. Until Sensei came along, I even came to look at you as friend. Yet in one motion that all came crashing down. I watched you kill her, but your Chidori that my eye helped you complete right through her chest. That was the day I realized the truth, that this world is crushed to be in pain forever. Well no longer, I will bring peace to this world, I will stop this mindless fighting forever. No one will stop me."
Kakashi was shaking, "She died for the village Obito, I know it hurt but that's the reality of it. If she hadn't impaled herself on my Chidori the whole village would have paid for it."
Obito sighed, "Yes, this endless cycle of sacrificing one's self to stop another pain is truly horrible. In my perfect world there would be no need for it."
Naruto started to piece it all together, "Wait, this guy was your teammate, he was my dads students." He then realized something else, "You killed your own sensei!"
Obito shook his head, "No the Kyuubi killed him, and you were foolish enough to forgive him."
Naruto ground his teeth, but then he got an idea, "Kurama, how fast could we get to the Leaf and back?"
Kurama was a little shocked, but thought for a second, "Well, about two hours if we used the Yellow Flash."
Naruto wasn't sure what he meant, "But we haven't perfect using that yet."
Kurama could see he was confused, "Yes, but we don't need to be precise with it, we just need to be fast. That much we can pull off."
Naruto looked at his friends, "I've got something I think can end this, but I need you guys to hold down the fort for 2 hours, can you do that?"
Kakshi final shook himself out of it and nodded, "Yeah, whatever you need to get, get it done."
Naruto turned around, "Alright, I'll be back as soon as can."
Anko and the others weren't having much better luck with Zetsu who proved extremely strong. Anko got hit by another wood shot in the leg, "Ow, you little bastard!"
Zetsu went into the ground again and began to speak with his other half, "I'm leaving these one to you, I need to go make sure leader-sama is ok. You finish these guys and then come meet me."
White Zetsu nodded, "Alright, you go have your fun while I have mine."
They separate leaving White Zetsu smirking, "Time to finish these guys, I hope the bug boy doesn't taste too funny."

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