Chapter 4

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Stephanie walks through the trauma wing, hoping to not run into April or Jackson. She couldn't stand to see them. She didn't even know how she was going to tell them yet. And she didn't want to. But, if Arizona wouldn't operate, Herman couldn't according to Arizona, then was there any hope for this baby at all? Stephanie bit her lip and walked through the wing, heading towards the elevator. "Edwards." Stephanie cringed at April's voice. She had to come up, didn't she? She turns around to face her as April wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you Stephanie." She widens her eyes. "Um, what did I do?" "Well," April says against her shoulder. "I was angry at you earlier for telling me that our little Buddha baby was a boy, but I'm actually glad that you did. It's giving me a chance to prepare for our little boy to come into our lives and get ready for him. Just, thank you." Stephanie take a deep breath and pulls away. "No, April I can't accept your apology." April tilts her head to the side. "Stephanie, what's going on?" Stephanie takes her hand. "Come with me." She then takes April to the elevator, up to the pediatric ward and up to Arizona. "Robbins, we need to talk." Arizona sighs and turns around to face her new guests, fear and pain all across her face. "Edwards I can't. I can't do this." "You have to!" April widens her eyes and her hands automatically go to her stomach. "W-What's going on?" "Page Avery," Stephanie says. "Now." Arizona shakes her head. "Edwards-" "Now!" Stephanie cries. "This has to be done right now!" April's heart races. "Arizona-" "Fine!" Arizona grabs her pager, pages Jackson and looks to April. "Okay April, let's go to a maternity room, there's some things we need to discuss some things.

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