Chapter 7

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After the meeting, Stephanie had gotten April admitted, a room and a gown. After helping her settle, Stephanie had left the two alone to think about everything. April looks down at her wrist where a hospital bracelet sat and then at her stomach covered by the hospital gown. "I never thought I'd be a patient at the hospital I work at." Jackson weakly smiles. "I didn't either. But as Derek told me, surprises happen. He also told me to embrace them, but I just can't embrace this one." April sighs sadly and gently takes Jackson's hands into hers. "Jackson, you know that this procedure is the best route for us. For the baby's survival rate, it's the best option we've got." "But we can't make another you, baby," he says softly as he looks away from his wife. "We can try again, we can have another baby, but I won't find another you." "Jackson," April says with tear stricken cheeks. "Look at me." Jackson looked down as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Look at me." April sat up and gently put her hands on his cheeks, gently turning his face to look at her. "This is all in God's hands, remember? He's testing us. We don't get to know why Jackson, but we have to trust Him! You have got to trust that whatever we decide to do is what God wants and no matter what happens in surgery, it is what God has wanted all along! Okay?" "April, I-" "Promise me," her sweet voice begs. "Promise me that no matter what happens, you will believe that it's for a reason and it's what God wants. And write off the unanswered questions." Jackson looks at April and quickly shoves his lips against hers, kissing her passionately. April wraps her arms around Jackson's neck as she kisses back, flashing back to the boards, the bathroom, the time they were almost pregnant. When she couldn't get enough of him. And they had come so far. They keep kissing for a while before Jackson slowly pulls away. "We can do Robbins' procedure." he says softly. April weakly smiles and throws herself int Jackson's arms. "For the record, I hope God doesn't take me. I'm not ready to leave you."

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