Chapter 5

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April lays on the bed nervously as she holds her stomach, looking up at the ceiling. Arizona and Stephanie were having a discussion outside while they were waiting for Jackson and they had left April all alone. Her hands never left her stomach. "Don't worry sweet baby boy," she says softly as tears came to her eyes. "You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay. God will take care of us, it's all in His hands." The door opened quickly as Jackson hurried in. "What's going on?" He asks as Stephanie and Arizona lead him into the room. His eyes darted over to April as she stretched her arms out to him, tears running down her cheeks. "Hey," he says softly. "It's alright." He walks over to the bed and sits down, gently wrapping his arms around his wife as she lays her head against his shoulder. April grips onto his shirt and barely looks to Stephanie and Arizona. Arizona shakes her head. "I knew it was the wrong time Edwards." Stephanie sighs and crosses her arms. "You know that you have to do this now." "What is going on?" Jackson asks sternly. Arizona looks at Stephanie as the resident walks over to the board and slips the sonogram into it, turning on the light. "Jackson, April," Arizona begins. "Your baby has not moved in three weeks." April gasps and holds on to Jackson tighter. "I know it's difficult to hear, but there is a way to fix it." Jackson looks down at April as she looks back to Arizona. "How? We'll try anything to save our baby." "If it's safe for you too." Jackson says as he gently rubs his hand around her back and puts his hand on her stomach. Arizona sighs, obviously struggling to seem confident and April could tell. "The way to fix it is how we treated Dr. Herman's patient a couple of days ago." April quickly puts her hand to her mouth and breaks down, turning into Jackson's arms. Jackson holds her and looks up at Arizona and Stephanie. "What happened to Dr. Herman's patient?" he asks in fear. April looks up at him slowly, tears now streaming down her face. "She died Jackson. The mother died!"

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