Chapter 9

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After April's bed disappeared behind the doors, Jackson took off running. He felt like he wasn't even in control of his body. It was just.. Running. He ran down the hallway, down the stairs and he was shocked when he found himself in the hospital chapel. Jackson takes deep breath, almost unsure of what he was doing there to begin with. Just as he was about to walk back up to her empty room, he heard his sweet wife's voice: "Promise me." Jackson slowly turns back around to look at the cross against the stained glass window. He then slowly began to walk up to the front of the chapel, sitting in the front church pew. His eyes slowly looked up to the cross before him. "God," he says softly. "I um, I have no idea how to do this and I don't even know if you know me or anything like that but um, please help April right now. She believes strongly in you and I just have a hard time with the concept. But, for her, and me, please take good care of her and our child. She means so much to me, she's my wife and I just love her so much and our child so please take care of both of them. And protect them and return them safely back to the room. Please God, April is.. She's just amazing. It didn't take me long to realize that I loved her, but it took me a while to get her and I'm thankful for her, I am. She's the most amazing woman. But please don't take her away from me and leave me with the unanswered question of why. She's my everything. My wife, my best friend, my lover and she is carrying our baby. Please just.. Help them."

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