Chapter 14

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April laid unconscious in her bed, looking rather pale with their newborn son in a bassinet beside her. "She's pale since she lost a lot of blood," Owen informs. "But, she should regain her full color soon." "And," Jo inserts quietly. "After his surgery, we took your son to the NICU. He was originally going to stay overnight, but he recovered quickly and Alex said he could come in here to be with his Mom." Jackson smiles at the doctors with tears in his eyes and a small smile on his lips. "Thank you all so, very much for taking care of April and our son. It means so much to me." Derek smiles. "You're welcome. Now, go see your son, April will still be out for a little while." Jackson nods and walks over to his wife's side. After kissing her lips gently, he goes over to the bed where his son lays, sleeping like a rock. Jackson and April's name was written on the band around his wrist and little blue socks covered his small feet. He noticed that his son had his nose and April's red hair. Jackson smiles and gently strokes his son's hand. "You are a miracle, aren't you little guy?" "Go on," Arizona encourages softly. "You can hold him. He needs some human contact, especially from his father." Jackson smiles and ever so gently picks up his son, adjusting him comfortably in his arms. The baby boy whines a little bit and then gently settles in close to Jackson. The whole room is quiet as Jackson sits down in a chair between both beds and stares at his son. It was absolutely unreal. This was his son. His baby with April. This wasn't just another hospital baby. This was his.

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