Chapter 3: Where's Natsu?

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The next morning.

Lucy woke with a smile on her face. She stretched and got out of bed. "Why am I so excited for this job?" She wondered. She shrugged and got ready. Soon enough, she was heading towards the guild hall. 

When she entered, it was quiet. "Eh?" Lucy was surprised that Fairy Tail could be so silent. Suddenly, Happy flew towards her, crying. She immediately started to worry.

"Lucy!" Happy cried into her chest. She patted the cat's head.

"What's the matter, Happy?" She asked.

"It's Natsu! He's gone!" Happy sobbed.

"What do you mean gone?" Lucy froze.

"When I got up this morning...he wasn't there...and I...looked everywhere for him...and I can't find him!"

"Did he say anything about leaving?" 


Lucy turned to Erza, Gray, and Wendy. "Have any of you seen him?"

They all shook their heads. "You should ask Master." Erza suggested. Lucy nodded and headed upstairs into his office.

She knocked on the door. "Master?"

"Come in." She entered. "What can I help you with, Lucy?"

"Have you seen Natsu? Happy said he has disappeared, and no one has seen him."

Master frowned. "I'm sorry, but I don't know where he is. It's not like him to disappear."

Lucy sighed. "Thanks anyway, Master."

"Anytime child."

Lucy looked out the window. 'Where are you Natsu?' She thought. She went back to Happy. "Let's check my place. Maybe he decided to hide out there."

"Want us to come, Lucy?" Wendy asked.

Lucy shook her head. "Thanks though. Can you guys check around town?"

"Of course." Erza ran out the guild with Wendy and Carla hot on her heels. 

Gray stopped and put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "He'll turn up, don't worry." Lucy smiled at him as he left the guild hall. 

"Ready?" She asked Happy. He nodded. They went off to her apartment.

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