Chapter 5: Leaving

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"Is everyone ready?" Erza asked as she dragged a large cart full of luggage behind her.

Wendy's eyes popped out of her head. "Do we really need all of that?!"

"You never know when it will come in handy." Erza smirked.

Lucy scanned the train station and looked for Happy. "Where is that cat?" She muttered.

"Who cares? He can catch up to us." Gray said, shirtless.

"Put your shirt back on!" Lucy cried.

Happy flew over to them. "Sorry I'm late!"

"Where were you?" Wendy asked.

"I was getting something from me and Natsu's house." He replied.

"What'd you get?" Lucy asked. Happy just grinned. "Come on, tell me you stupid cat!" Happy stuck his tongue out and landed next to Carla.

"All right, is everyone ready to board the train?" Erza said. Everyone nodded. "Let's go."

"I'm kind of excited for this!" Wendy told Carla.

"You shouldn't be so excited. We could be walking into a trap!" Carla reprimanded.

"I'm just worried about Natsu." Erza sighed. "He's reckless."

"I hope he's okay." Lucy said, nervously. 

"Guys, he can take care of himself. He's Natsu." Gray rolled his eyes.

A train whistle was blown. "All aboard!"

Erza grabbed her luggage. "Let's go."

They boarded the train and sat down.

"I think it's time you tell us the plan to find Natsu, Erza." Lucy said. She summoned Plue and held him on her lap.

Erza nodded. "Right. We will ride this train all the way to Hargeon. Then, we will take a boat to the Western Mountains. After that, we will climb the mountain and search for the cave. Simple."

Wendy's face turned green at the thought of moving vehicles. "That's a lot of transportation..."

"It may sound simple, but there's nothing simple about climbing a mountain!" Gray complained.

 Erza whacked him on the head. "Stop complaining."

"Yow!" Gray rubbed his head.

"Do we have the resources to climb this mountain?" Carla asked.

Erza snorted. "Of course! Didn't you see my cart of luggage?"

Carla made a face and looked around the train. "Where's Happy?"

Lucy turned to her right. "He was right here..."

"Luuuuucyyyyy." A low voice whispered in her ear. 

"Eek! What was that?" She turned behind her to see a flash of blue. "Very funny, cat. Try that again and I'll cook all of your fish and eat them in front of you." She threatened.

Happy's eyes widen. "I'm sorry Lucyyyy. Don't take my fish!"

She grinned as she patted his head. "I won't. For now."

The train whistle blew again and the train started moving. Wendy clutched her stomach as her face turned green again.

"Oh no..." She groaned.

Erza's face was grim as she held Wendy. "I'm sorry to do this to you, Wendy." Wham! Erza slammed her fist into Wendy's small stomach.

"Huh?" Everyone gasped and sweat dropped.

Wendy groaned and passed out. Erza patted the poor girl's head.

"Erza! Why'd ya do that!" Gray cried. "It's one thing if you do it to Natsu, but to Wendy!"

"At least she's not uncomfortable." Erza retorted.

"She will be when she wakes up to a pounding stomach." Gray grumbled.

"What was that?" Erza's face darkened.

"Nothing!" Gray squeaked.

"Hehehe you're such a scaredy cat!" Happy teased Gray.

"You wanna go, cat?!" Gray cracked his knuckles.

"Seriously guys." Lucy groaned. "We have more important things to worry about. Like Natsu."

"Oh yeah..." Gray frowned.

"I wonder what he's doing right now..." Lucy murmured.

-1 mile from the Western Mountains-

"Where are we going?" Natsu asked the cloaked man for the billionth time. The man gritted his teeth.

"I told you, we're going to a cave where your father left you something." He grumbled.

"Sorry! I forgot. Again." Natsu said, sheepishly. "When are we going to climb the mountains?"

"Soon. It's just a little farther on foot and then we'll be at the mountains." The man pointed to the huge mountains in front of them.

Natsu made a face. "That's a long way up."

"Makes it harder for people to find us..." The cloaked man grinned.

Natsu heard him and got suspicious, but played it cool. "What did you say?"

"I said yes, it's a long way up." 

"Great..." Natsu made a face.

"But it will be worth it." The man promised. "Once you see what Igneel left you, you'll be shocked."

Natsu sighed. "Fine. So how much longer?" 


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