Chapter 18: The Separation Enchantment

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"Morning, Luce!" Natsu greeted. Lucy rubbed her eyes and looked around. She wasn't on the couch anymore.

"Did I sleep walk or something?" She asked, concerned.

"Nope! I woke up cause my stomach was growling and noticed you were on the couch. So naturally, I carried you back to your bed." 

"So you slept on the couch?" Lucy looked at him with a confused expression.

"Hehhehehehe!" Happy giggled. "He slept on the bed too!"

"WHAT?!" Lucy started to kick Natsu, but he grabbed her foot. "AHH!" She shrieked as she flipped upside down.

"Sorry, Lucy, but the bed was so comfy, besides I stayed on my side." He grinned. 

"Invasion of privacy much?!" She growled.

"Let's go!" Erza commanded as she threw the door open. Wendy and Juvia stood behind her timidly.

"AHHH!" Natsu dropped Lucy, who fell on her face.

"Thanks Natsu..." She grumbled.

"What were you two doing?" Gray asked suspiciously.

"I was trying to kick Natsu for invading my privacy!" Lucy glared at the pink-haired boy before turning her attention to Gray. "And why are you in your underwear in my room?!"

"When did that happen?!" Gray yelled.

"Ice pervert!" Natsu punched him.

"What did you say pinky?!"

Lucy separated the two. "Stop it. We need to go." She quickly got dressed in her bathroom and left. She caught up to Wendy. "Are you ready?" 

"I'm kinda scared, but I feel ready. Erza made me eat and sleep a lot. I think I gained 5 lbs!" She chuckled nervously.

"That's Erza for you!" Happy mumbled, eating a fish.

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Carla scolded.

"You'll do great!" Juvia said reassuringly.

"Thanks. I hope it doesn't hurt him too much. I couldn't bear putting someone in pain." Wendy frowned.

"Even if he deserves it?" Lucy's face darkened.

Wendy timidly shrugged. "I don't like hurting people."

"Unlike those two." Lucy pointed at the two boys fighting behind her.

"You stupid pyro!"

"You dumb icicle!"

"I wish they wouldn't fight so much." Juvia sighed.

Erza cracked her knuckles. "They better stop before I punish them."

Suddenly, Virgo appeared. "Did I hear punishment?"

"Stop scaring me like that!" Lucy demanded as she closed Virgo's gate.

"All of you stop!" Wendy yelled. Everyone froze at her sudden outburst. "I have to focus on this enchantment and you guys are way too loud!"

"Sorry..." Gray and Natsu mumbled.

Erza pushed the guild doors open. "Let us get started."

"Master's waiting for you in the basement." Mirajane said.

Erza nodded as she led the group downstairs. Zeref was chained to a table with seal stone. Makarov and Mavis were standing at the sides of the table.

"You ready, Wendy?" Makarov asked the small dragon slayer.

"I think so..." She whispered. She went up to the table and looked at Zeref nervously. His dark eyes bore into hers, emotions flashing through them. "I can't! His eyes are filled with so much pain!" She covered her eyes.

Erza snatched Natsu's scarf and tied it around Zeref's eyes. "There, now you can't see them."

"Why my scarf?!" Natsu yelled angrily.

Erza slapped him. "Be quiet!"

"I'll need complete silence to do this." Wendy instructed. "And all of you must back up."

Everyone obeyed. Wendy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked at Makarov. He nodded at her. Wendy began the separation enchantment. At first, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then, Zeref started screaming. 

Everyone watched Wendy intently as tears ran down her face. She started crying at the pain in Zeref's voice. Carla teared up at the sound of her best friend sobbing. Happy held her hand as he trembled in fear.

"PLEASE STOP!" Zeref yelled as he tried to break free from the chains. His screams worsened as his magic started to separate from his body.

Lucy covered her ears with her hands, unable to listen to his demonic screams. Gray looked down at the floor, unable to watch the man suffer. Juvia took his hand. Natsu grimly watched Zeref as he screamed and shook in agony.

"IT HURTS! STOP! STOP!" Wendy started sobbing as she continued her enchantment. Master shook his head sadly. Mavis looked tearfully at Zeref, her heart hurt seeing him in his current state. 

Wendy's hands trembled as more magic separated from his body. Only a little longer...she thought. I can do this...

Eventually, Zeref's wails grew quieter and quieter. Mavis and Makarov watched Wendy intently as her head drooped. Zeref's black magic was contained in a large sphere above him. Zeref became silent as the last of his magic was stripped from him.

"Mavis..." He muttered before closing his eyes. Mavis perked up and watched the black wizard, a sad smile falling across her face.

Suddenly, Wendy stepped back. "It's...done..." She gasped before collapsing.

"Wendy!" Everyone ran over to her. 

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