Chapter 19: Destroying His Magic

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"Wendy!" Everyone ran over to her.

Erza picked up the petite mage. "Wendy, please wake up!"

"Wendy!" Carla cried as she shook Wendy's arm.

"Don't touch her!" A gruff voice commanded. Everyone turned to see Makarov standing behind them. He knelt down and listened to Wendy's heartbeat. "It's faint, but she used a great deal of her magic removing Zeref's. She'll be okay, she just needs to rest."

"Yes," Mavis agreed. "Right now we need to focus on destroying Zeref's magic." 

"He's not dead, right?" Lucy asked.

Mavis shook her head and looked at him fondly. "No, he almost died though. He had so much magic that it almost killed him when it was removed. He'll be fine, he just needs time to recover." She raised her arms and black magic flowed out of her hands. She created a large orb and threw it at Zeref's. On impact, it fizzled into nothing. "What?" She gasped. 

"First Master, why didn't your magic work?" Makarov asked with a furrowed brow.

"I'm not sure..." She said, dazed. She thought for a minute. "Okay, new plan. I'm going to need all of you to lend me your power."

"What? Why?" Natsu made a face.

Lucy swatted him. "Because she's the first master and we have to follow her orders!"

Mavis faced the sphere of black magic. "Okay, everyone, lend me your magic!" She raised her hands and everyone's magic flowed into hers creating a yellow sphere. The group groaned as their magic was drained. Finally, Mavis got all of it. "DESTRUCTION!" She yelled.

The black magic was captured in the yellow sphere. The yellow sphere filled with light. Suddenly, it blew up, destroying the magic.

"WHOA!" Everyone was in shock.

"Is that a new spell?" Makarov asked.

"Yes, I just came up with it." Mavis smiled proudly.

"That was amazing!" Natsu yelled. 

"You're incredible, First Master!" Juvia exclaimed.

Mavis blushed. "You guys are too kind."

"So what happens to Zeref now?" Gray asked.

"Well, he no longer has magic, so he's not really a threat. I think we should give him a second chance and let him live."

"But he's Zeref!" Lucy said.

"Yes, he used to be a very kind and sweet person, but had to change because of the curse. Now, it's gone, so he can learn to love again."

"Where would he go?" Makarov asked gruffly.

"He could join the guild!" Mavis grinned.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

"First Master, with all due respect, I don't think he'd be welcomed." Makarov said in shock.

"Yeah, he ruined our lives!" Natsu gritted his teeth.

"I know that!" Mavis shushed them. "But we're a guild that forgives others and gives them second chances! That's all he will get. If he changes, that's great! If not, we'll find an alternative option. Understand?"

"Yes First Master..." Everyone nodded meekly.

"Now, I think it's time we get out of here." She said cheerfully. She lifted her arms and the door swung open. "Let's go!"

Lucy picked up Wendy. Natsu and Gray unhappily picked up Zeref. The entire guild was standing by the basement entrance, waiting for them.

"What happened?" Mirajane asked curiously.

"First Master destroyed his magic." Natsu replied.

"Wow!" Lisanna exclaimed.

"So he's just a regular human?" Levy asked.

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, and he's being given a second chance. And he might join the guild."

"What?!" Gajeel growled. Everyone yelled at the decision.

"I know some of your might not be happy with it, but the First Master ordered it." Makarov said heavily.

"But Master, he's Zeref! He's killed a ton of our loved ones!" Cana angrily slammed her fist on the table.

"Yeah, what if he tries to kill us?" Romeo looked concerned.

"We'll take him down like A REAL MAN!" Elfman exclaimed.

"All of you, be quiet!" Makarov demanded. "The decision is final."

Suddenly, Zeref started to stir. "H-Hello?"

Mavis jumped to his side. "Yay, you're up!"

"Mavis?" Zeref looked around in confusion. "Where am I?" He shivered. "And why do I feel so strange?"

"Your magic's gone." Natsu stated stoically.

"What do you mean, gone?" Zeref asked fearfully.

"Destroyed. Never to be seen again." Natsu watched the black wizard carefully.

Zeref smiled slightly. "My curse is gone?"

"Yes." Mavis nodded.

"But I don't have any magic?"

"That would be the case." Makarov said.

"I'm sorry, but we had to." Mavis looked Zeref in the eye.

"I don't care!" Zeref cried happily. "I'm free! Nothing has to die anymore!"

Everyone looked at the crying wizard in shock. "HUH?!"

Mavis took his hands. "You can start a new life! With all of us!"

He hugged her. "With you..."

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