Chapter 1

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It's really tough, getting used to the norm, especially when you have to mostly stay home nowadays.

Thanks Mrs. Rona. 

As for Jisung on the other hand, he has been trying to get used to it. He is that person who would mostly likely be out and about with his friends.

Unlike us introverts over here, we are doing fine. Honestly, what my routine at home is usually playing games, editing videos, and update my what I'm doing now! Ahaha! 

I'm funny.

AnyHuawei, Jisung is basically bored. He basically binged 90% of Netflix's library by now, binged every BL anime and dramas, as well. 

So what's this boy gotta do? Well, his life will change today. Sounds corny, I know but get with fanfic.

So after Jisung FINALLY finished binge watching 2Gether the series, which was lowkey, overyhyped. He went to his laptop and opened up Zoom because he was about to have a video chat session with a few with his friends.

I am pretty sure you know who they are.

Well, if you're a new reader and haven't read my last written fanfic 'Yes, Sir.' Chile where you been? Well if you don't know them. Let me introduce them to you lovely readers.

We got the HyunIn couple, consisting of Hyunjin & Jeongin. The fanfic 'Yes, Sir.' was basically focused on them. I don't really need to go into detail with them, go read that story *winkeu (Shameless self promo, I know.)

We have another couple whom you probably don't know, Chan & Felix. Their technically not a couple yet, during this timeline. Because I haven't planned out how their story will go, don't judge me.  Also this timeline takes place after Chan became friends with Felix, which wasn't talked about in 'Yes, Sir.'

Something I can say about one of them though, Chan is a camboy. Ahem. But that's soon to be discussed and not in this fanfic. We shall now carry on with the story.

So Jisung entered the room consisting of these four other boys, and he was greeted by loud noises.

"Jisung is here!!!!" Chan yelled for joy.

"Eyyy!" Felix said, who sounded a little drunk.

"Wait, are you guys already drinking? The Zoom call just started." Jisung said slightly annoyed by the weirdness of his friends.

"Well I didn't drink." Jeongin said cluelessly.

"Yeah, cause you are baby." Hyunjin sounded tipsy as he complimented the boy but it made the younger blush.

"I'm just tipsy mate." Chan said, taking another shot of *insert alcohol here because I don't drink*

"Right... Anyways do you guys still wanna play 'Cards Against Humanity'?" Jisung asked, you can tell he was dying for entertainment. 

Honestly same, totally relate to it. Doing TikTok's could get pretty boring, not gonna lie.

"Yeah, hold on. Let everyone sober up  first. I'm gonna go get coffee, BRB." Chan waved before he stood up, leaving the view of the webcam and went to make some coffee."

Ten minutes later.

While the boys were trying to wake up, someone suddenly entered the room of the Zoom call. It was a random boy that Jisung has never seen before.

Everyone was paused, and looked at the unknown person's screen. The stranger suddenly realized what was going on.

"Oh. Sorry, I must have clicked on the wrong Zoom link." The random stranger said politely.

"MINHO? IS THAT YOU?!" Hyunjin was in shocked. He also hasn't recovered from his hangover. 

"Hyunjin? Huh?"

Everyone was confused. Who is this man and how does he know Hyunjin?

Jisung was thinking, who is this handsome person that suddenly entered his life. He is such a hopeless romantic, am I right?

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