Chapter 9 -- Cousins

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What's the best way in starting off a day? For woman my age I'd say a coffee would be a nice way to give your self some life.

What's there not to love about your caffeinated mug as it is perfectly brewed for your morning routine? Yes? No?

or maybe you could begin the day through piercing the silent on your bedroom by your shrilling but possibly annoying alarm clock on your nightstand.

Either way, mine was quite unexpected today. I never dreamt about waking up in the morning through your best friend's shriek nor did I imagine how she found you in the unholy hours of the day on the most unlikely intimate position on the couch with someone you banged last night

"Meg?" Nina called out but I couldn't possibly tell who's with her because only the street lights from the outside illuminated her shadow

I stretched my arms a little bit finding my self oriented of what was clearly going on. I glanced at my right and realize Patrick was still sleeping soundly beside me, his arms were all wrapped around my waist as his chest rises and fall whenever he breathes


It was my turn to be surprise. How could Nina be acquainted with Patrick anyway? Maybe I could try asking a little bit later

I turn my direction at her who had this horrified look on her face. I began to rub my eyes and started combing my hair through my fingers "Oh hey Nina!" then I yawned

"Who's Patrick?!" Someone uttered beside her. Wait—it sounded so masculine! This can't be happening.. please don't tell me

And then it was doomsday!

"Omg!!" I went back to my senses as I saw Iñigo, Nina's current boyfriend who was standing right before me.

I gasped and immediately took the blanket all for myself. All I was thinking about is to cover whatever there is left on me. Okay, I'm acting like a god-forsaken virgin but hey! If your best friend's boyfriend saw you naked as you were born well, you can't blame me for being all paranoid

Most part of the blanket was wrapped around with Patrick so I had no choice but to kick his butt off the couch so I could grab it all for my self. I'll just think of some compensation.. maybe later

I didn't know where did I get all those horse-power kicking style that could compete against Ateneo's taekwondo team. Maybe that's what you call adrenaline rush, it does crazy things on a person's agility

Patrick fell off the carpet while his butt exposes itself to Nina's naked eyes. I don't if I should've laughed it off just thinking about it but it was funny

And the last thing I heard before rushing to my room was Nina's highly-pitch shriek that would definitely wake the neighborhood

Way to wake up on the early Friday morning! I for one will never forget that.


Rushing back into the bedroom after one quick shower, I searched frantically for a clean pair of pants to wear. It was one of my faults that I hated to do laundry; now I was paying for it.

Settling on a mostly clean pair of black pants, I then pulled a pale blue button-down tank top on over my cream colored bra, careful to button it up to the collar to appear as modest and work appropriate as possible.

I went back at the living room. Nina was no where in sight but her boyfriend Iñigo sat beside Patrick on the two opposite recliners; quite frankly they seem they're having a deep conversation. Usapang lalake kumbaga

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